when I grow up ...教案

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when I grow up ...教案

when I grow up ...教案 0 推荐 When I grow up … Ⅰ.Teaching objective [教学目标]: Language functions [语法功能]: 介绍职业及长大后的工作 Language structures [语法结构]: When I grow up, I want to be a (an) …(职业). I will … 当我长大的时候,我要成为一名…… 我将要…… When he grows up ,he wants to be a (an) …(职业). He will … 当他长大的时候,他要成为一名…… 他将要…… When she grows up ,she wants to be a (an) …(职业). She will … 当她长大的时候,她要成为一名…… 她将要…… When we grow up, we want to be …(职业). We will …… 当我们长大的时候,我们要成为…… 我们将要…… When they grow up, they want to be …(职业). They will … 当他们长大的时候,他们要成为…… 他们将要…… New words [新单词]: when 当……的时候 grow 生长 grow up 成长 will 将要 Skills [技能]: Listening [听]: when、 grow、 grow up、will When sb. grows up, sb. wants to be a (an) … Sb. will … Speaking [说]: when、 grow、 grow up、will When sb. grows up, sb. wants to be a (an) … Sb. will … Reading [读]: when、 grow、 grow up、will When sb. grows up, sb. wants to be a (an) … Sb. will …   Ⅱ.Teaching key points [教学重点]: New words : when、 grow、 grow up、will The sentences : When I grow up, I want to be a (an) … I will … When we grow up, we want to be … We will … When they grow up, they want to be … They will … When he grows up, he wants to be a (an) … He will … When she grows up, she wants to be a (an) … She will … Ⅲ.Teaching difficult points [教学难点]: The difference when the subject in single form or in plural form, how the sentence will be . Ⅳ.Teaching aids [教具]: 1) The radio 2) The pictures 3) The film slides 4) The video Ⅴ.Teaching procedure[教学过程]: When I grow up… Show the video and go over the words of the jobs. T: What does he/she do? (Ask some students to answer.) S: He/ She is a doctor (farmer, policeman, teacher, nurse, soldier, bookseller, Office worker, shop worker, driver). T: What do you/ they do? (Ask some students to answer.) S: I/ We/ They are doctors( farmers , policemen, teachers, nurses, soldiers, booksellers, office workers, shop workers, drivers). Show the video again, and lead out the new expressions. T: When I grow up, I want to be a scientist. T: Now lets learn the new words together. Please look at the blackboard. (Write the word on the blackboard, ask the students to read it out. Then act the letter out in front of the word. And teach them how to say the new word ? Then the whole class spell it, and then write it down on the exercise-books.) hen when (Write the word down on the blackboard, ask the students to read it . Then act the letter out in front of the word. And teach them how to read the new word . Then the whole class spell it, and then write it down on the exercise-books.) row grow (Learn to say the new phrase grow up? then write it down.) grow up -------grow up ------ grow up ------ grow up (Lead out the expressions then I grow up? Read it together. Then write it down.) When I grow up (三)Show the pictures and ask the students to make the sentences after the model. Model: When I grow up, I want to be a doctor. (四) Free talk.   When I grow up, I want to be a (an) …. Ask and answer the questions. T: When you grow up, what will you be? S: I want to be a (an)? (Learn to say the new word will, first write down the word ill, read it . Then act the letter out in front of the word, then learn to say the new word. Read it together. Then write it down.) ill will The teacher put out the sentences. When I grow up, I want to be a ...? I will ?/P> (Write down the sentences.) (七)Play the radio, ask the students to look at their books and listen to the radio. Then read it together. (八)Ask and answer. The teacher ask a student ,led the student to answer, and then help the other students to answer in another way. And ask them to pay attention to the grammar. T: When you grow up, what will you be? S1: When I grow up, I want to be a doctor. I will go to a big hospital. SS: When he/she grows up, he/she wants to be a doctor. He/ She will go to the big hospital. T: When you grow up, what will you be? SS2: When we grow up, we will be teachers. We will go to a school. SS: When they grow up, they will be teachers. (九)Show the film slides , and ask the students to do some exercise of the WB.   (十)Brief summary. Go over the words and expressions. Go over the sentences. (十一)Homework: Write the new words twice. Write the sentences twice. Read the new unit. Ⅵ.Writing on the blackboard.  

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