英语学科百花奖教案 文林小学 刘甜甜

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英语学科百花奖教案 文林小学 刘甜甜

  Lesson 7 《What’s He Wearing?》 Let’s have fun 1 目标分析 : A.  语言知识: ·语境: 以比利在商店走失为内容,练习描述人物的外表。 ·功能: 谈论人物的衣着,能与人交流。 用“What’s he wearing?”进行询问人物衣着,用“He’s wearing…”进行回答,用一般疑问句表达某人是否穿着某件衣服并回答。能就此话题与人交流。 ·语法: 能够掌握衣服的单复数概念,pants,boots是复数。 特殊疑问句What’s he wearing?及回答He’s wearing…. 一般疑问句Does he wear…? ·词汇:wear, boots, glasses及wear变现在分词后wearing的正确读音 ·语音: boots, glasses字母组合的发音 连读“Take  it easy.” 升降调“He’s wearing a red jacket,  blue pants,  and yellow boots.” B. 语言技能: ·在寻找某人的语境中具备听懂他人介绍衣物名称的技能。 ·在安慰某人时运用相应的语言技能。 ·在阅读有关穿着的小短文时,读懂短文大意的技能。 ·在进行关于穿着描述文时,具备使用本课涉及到的词汇和句式的技能。 C.  情感态度: 在询问某人穿着何种衣物的语境中,培养学生乐于用英语交流的意识,以及乐于助人的优秀品质。 D.  学习策略 培养学生合作的精神,共同完成学习任务用英语进行表达和交流的意识。 学情分析: 五年级的学生已经很多表达衣物的名词,并能对衣着进行评价。本课教学,延伸衣物类的学习要求学生运用已知衣物类颜色类名词的名词,通过句型,进行关于衣着的问答。 重、难点定位: 重点: ·语境理解   在询问某人衣着时使用What’s he wearing?及其回答He’s wearing … ·语句时态 一般时: Does he wear glasses? 现在进行时: What’s he wearing?及其回答He’s wearing… ·词汇 wear,boots,glasses 难点: ·词汇 boots, glasses复数概念 ,wearing,glasses发音 ·句型:穿着的问答 教学方法及手段:   为了帮助学生理解语意,我采用了录音结合图片的方法解决这一重点,突破难点;同时借助听说法与录音配合帮助学生掌握语音;借助单词卡片解决重点单词拼写及提示字母发音规则;通过使用多媒体课件呈现语境;借助教具与课件,引导学生对人物衣着进行介绍或问答。   教学过程: 一、 热身导入:(创设语境,理解话题) 1、  greetings: T: Hello, my name’s Emma. Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you, too. T---S1: Hello. What’ you name? S1: I’m__________. T---S1: Your coat is so beautiful. Do you like it? S1: ____________. T---S2: You’re very nice. Do you like your coat? S2:_____________. T-: How about his pants? S:_____________. T: You’re all so pretty. I have many beautiful clothes, too. Do you want to have a look? Which one do you like? Do you like the shirt? How about the pants? S: ____________. 二、 新知呈现: (初听,理解故事梗概) Our friend Sandy and Billy want to buy some new clothes. But something happened, what’s the matter? Let’s listen to the story. S: Sandy can’t find Billy. 三、新知学练 Sandy is so worry. What should the police say? Please listen carefully. S: Take it easy. 练习  Take it easy. Chant ,连读 Sandy is worried about Billy, we’re her friend , can you say something to her? (手势,板书) 课件:(1)The boy is crying. We can say____ (2) It’s a running game now. Can we say “Take it easy.” here? 2、We should take it easy and find Billy for Sandy. Here are 3 pictures. Do you know which one is Billy? What’ he wearing? S:He’s wearing a red jacket, blue pants, and yellow boots.(贴衣服图) 学习What’s he wearing?  用chant :wearing,wearing,what’s he wearing? 学习He’s wearing a red jacket, blue pants, and yellow boots. chant :jacket, jacket, he’s wearing a red jacket   pants, pants , he’s wearing blue pants 学习boots 注意ts的读音   Boots, boots, he’s wearing yellow boots 看课件:Look , who’s wearing boots? S __________ Who’s this? Is he wearing boots? S _________ What’s he wearing? S _____________ 收拾引导 What’s Daxiong wearing? S :____________ And he’s wearing glasses, too. (课件:眼镜)学习glasses 注意es读音 贴图 传glasses, I’m wearing glasses. Does Billy wear glasses? S:No, he doesn’t. 以几个学生为例问大家,Does he/she wear glasses?让S练习回答 I have many mystery friends here. Let’s see who is it? What’s he/ she wearing? S: He’s/She’s wearing _____, ________, and __________. Does he/she wear glasses? Please introduce your friend. T示范一组,让学生练习介绍自己的朋友。 This time, I want a friend, please guess who is it, OK? T 示范一组,让S做几组。 3、Good job! You can find your friend. But we can’t find our friend Billy. What’s he wearing,do you remember? S______. T 出示Billy衣服。组合成人型。Isn’t that Billy? S: Yes. 结合图复习单词,翻出词卡。 四、三听----听音认形(认读、朗读) 1、练习重音,升调降调。Read the dialog ,when you read the word with a red point, clap your hands. 2、分角色朗读,师生,大组,小组。T做 policeman, S为Sandy and Dongdong. 五、阅读----知识点应用(综合理解) (1)根据情境,选择适当的句子,将序号填到空格里。 Police: What’s the matter, boy? Peter: I can’t find my mom. Police: I can help you. ___________. What’s she wearing? Peter: _______________________________. Police: Does she wear glasses? Peter: _______________. Police: Come here, boy. ________________? Peter: Ah, yes. Thanks a lot. Police: _____.     A .Yes, she does. B. She’s wearing a blue shirt, yellow pants, and black boots. C. Take it easy. D. Sure. E. Isn’t that your mom?   (2)The Asian Games is holding in Guangzhou now. Mike and his sister Lisa come to watch the games. But Mike can’t find her sister in the sports field(运动场)。He’s so worried. (担心)He asks the police for help, Lisa is wearing a yellow shirt, a red skirt and blue boots. She wears pink glasses, too. Ten minutes later,(十分钟后) Mike finds his sister. They thank the police and then watch the games happily.(高兴地) 1、  What are Mike and Lisa going to do? A . Come to watch the Asian Games. B. Come to watch the movie. 2、Who is missing? A .Mike B. Lisa 3、Who helps Mike find his sister? A. Police B. Teacher 4、What’s Lisa wearing? A. Lisa is wearing a yellow shirt, a red skirt and blue boots. B. Lisa is wearing a blue shirt, a yellow skirt and red boots. 5、Does Lisa wear glasses? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t.   六、作业设计 1、Listen to the tape, then read the dialog with your friends. 2、Finish “Listen and write” on page 89. 3、帮助Smith寻找她的孩子。Smith夫人和她的儿子Ken在公园玩的时候走散了,请你帮她写一个寻人启事,说明他穿的什么衣服等外貌特点。 Missing We’re finding Mrs. Smith’s son. He’s has been missing since November 1.He’s a boy. He’s six. He’s wearing _____,  _____, and ______. If you see him ,please call the number 13345009281. 七、板书设计: Lesson 7 《What’s He Wearing?》 Take it easy. What’s he wearing? He’s wearing a red jacket, blue pants, and yellow boots. Does he wear glasses?

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