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Unit 2 Where Is the Science Museum? 单元教学目标 1. 能力目标 (1)能够简单描述城市、城镇或社区内公共设施的大致位置如:Where is the cinema? It’s next to the hospital.等。 (2)能够询问路线并简单回答,如:where is the post office? It’s east of the cinema. Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It’s on the left. (3)能够了解地图的基本标识,并能用东、南、西、北简单表示行政区的划分。 (4)能够听懂、会唱歌曲 Where Are You Going? 2. 知识目标 (1) 能够听、说、读、写A、B部分let’s learn中的四会单词和let’s talk 中的四会句子。 (2) 能够掌握A\B部分Let’s learn和Let’s talk中的四会单词和句子。 (3) 能够听、说、认读Let’s learn,Let’s talk,Let’s read等部分的白体单词和句子。 (4) 了解story time, Good to know, Task time等部分的内容。 (5) 能够了解pronunciation中音标的音与形,并能正确读出例词。 3. 情感、策略、文化等有关目标 (1)  情感态度:培养学生团结友爱、乐于助人的良好品质,使学生愿意在小组活动中积极与他人合作,互相帮助,共同完成学习任务。 (2)  学习策略:引导学生在学习过程中注重合作学习。 (3)  文化目标:简单了解国外地图的主要标识。 The first period Aims and demands 1. Listen,talk,read and write the words: Hospital/cinema/post office/bookstore. 2. Listen,talk and read the phrase and the sentences: Where is the library? It’s near the post office. 3. Sing the chant. 4. Sing the song. The difficulties   Grasp the words: hospital, cinema, post office, bookstore Importances   Write the words: hospital, cinema, post office, bookstore Tools   Wall pictures, tape,a bear toy Teaching steps: Step 1. Warm-up (1) Sing the song: They Are in the Zoo (2) Show the pictures. T:Where is the trash bin? S1: It’s near the table. ……. Step 2. Preview   Play the game: The bear is in front of me. Step 3. presentation   Let’s learn (1) Guessing (2) Play the game   Let’s chant. Where is the post office? Next to the hospital.   Read:Go straight ahead. Next.   Sing the chant after the tape.   Lets’ start   Read and match   Pair work Step4. consolidation and extension   Do the activity book.   Play: I’m a painter.   Write and recite the important words. Step5. Summing up and homework Say the chant to the parents after school.             The Second Period Aims and demands (1) Listen, talk and read:Where is the cinema/post office…? It’s next to the hospital/cinema… is it far from here? No, it’s not far. (2) Write: Where is the cinema,please? It’s next to the hospital. (3) Check the answer after the tape. (4) Read the pronunciation. (5) Sing the song. Key points   Where is the cinema/post office…? It’s next to the hospital/cinema… Is it far from here? No, it’s not far. Where is the cinema? It’s next to   the hospital. Difficulties   Write the key sentences and read the pronunciation. Tools   Tape,pictures,a policeman hat and a headgear of Liu Yun Teaching steps: Step 1. Warm-up (1)  Play ‘Let’s chant’ (2)  Check the homework. Step 2. Review   Let’s try Step 3. Presentation   Let’s talk (1) Game: imitate a cat (2) Ask and answer in pairs. (3) Game: Bandy the sentences in lowly. (4) Interlock practice. (5) Play the tape. (6) Act out the conversant on. Pronunciation Let’s sing Step4. consolidation and extension   (1)’Good partner’game   (2) do the activity book   (3)write the key sentences. Where is the cinema, please? It’s next to the hospital.   (4)Sing the song .   (5) Write a chant by themselves. Step5. Summing up and homework The ways to ask the ways: 1. Where is the cinema, please? It’s next to the hospital. 2. Is there a cinema near here? Yes, there is. The Third Period Aims and demands   Understand the dialogues of Lets’ read.   Understand the design on the map. Key point   Listen, talk and read the dialogues. Difficulties   Understand the key point Tools   Tape, pictures and headgears. Teaching steps: Step 1. Warm-up   Sing the song. Step 2. Preview   How do you go to school? I usually go to school by bike. Where is   your home? It’s near… Step 3. Presentation.   Let’s read (1) Draw a picture on the Bb. School is over, I want to buy a pair of shoes after school. What are you going to do after school? (2) Draw a map of a street, ask and answer: Where is the …? Is it far from here? It’s next to the… (3) T: This is a bus stop. We can take the No.34bus ,I am at the school . I want to buy a pair of shoes. How can I get to the shoe store? S: You can go by the bus. Then get off at the shoe store. (4) Read the text and ask: What is Mike going to do? What is she going to buy? Where is she going? Where is the shoe store? (5) Play the tape. Good to know Step4 consolidation and extension   Do the exercises of the activity book.   Listen to the tape and read the text. Step5. Summing up and homework What are you going to do after school? I want to buy a pair of shoes. Get off at the cinema. Walk straight for three minutes. On the left/ on the right The Fourth Period Aims and demands(1) Listen, talk and read : south, east, west,north (2)listen, read and write: turn left, turn right,go straight. (3)Listen, talk and read: How can I go to the museum? Go straight for five minutes. Then turn left. (4) Understand the story. Key points   Turn left, turn right, go straight Difficulties   The pronunciation of straight Tools   Cards, pictures and tape Teaching steps: Step 1. warm-up   A game. Step2. Preview (1) Game: S1:I can see a hospital. S2:I can see a hospital and a cinema. (2) The Ss ask in pairs: Where is the…? It’s… Is it far from here? No, it isn’t. (3) Check the writing . Step 3. Pronunciation   Let’s learn   This is my left and this is my right hand. A is on the left. B is on the right. Where is A?   Do the actions.   Simon says.   Teach: west, south,north, east.   Listen and match.   Show a card: I want to get to the museum. Where is the museum? How   can I get to the museum?   Play the tape.   Step4 consolidation and extension (1)  Let’s play. (2)  The Ss write a chant like this: left hand, left hand, show me your left hand. Right foot, right foot, stamp your right foot. (3)  Story time. (4)  Do the exercises. (5)  Write the phrases. Step5. Summing up and homework The third way to ask the ways: How can I get to the museum? Go straight for five minutes. Turn left turn right go straight The Fifth Period Aims and demand (1) use the sentences: It’s east of the cinema. Turn left at the cinema. (2) Grasp: Turn left at the cinema. Then go straight. It’s on the left. (3) Listen to the tape and check the right answer  Key point   Grasp : Turn left at the cinema. Then go straight. It’s on the left. Difficult points   Grasp : Turn left at the cinema. Then go straight. It’s on the left. Tools.   Tape, pictures and headgears Teaching steps: Step 1. warm-up   A game. Step 2. review (1)  Let’s try. (2)  Play again and the Ss read after it. (3)  Check the right route. Step 3. Presentation.   Let’s talk. (1) picture: I want to go to the post office. Where is the post office? The Ss answer: It’s east/south…of… (2) ‘love my country’ (3) Practicing : I want to go to the hospital. Where is it? it’s … How can I get there? (4) Read after the tape. (5) Make a dialogue. (6) Write the sentences. Let’s check. Listen to the tape and check the answer. Step4 consolidation and extension (1)  Group work. (2)  write the sentences. (3)  Read the text to their parents. Step5. Summing up and homework Where is the post office? It’s east of the cinema. Take the No.12 bus.=Go by the No.12 bus. The Six Period Aims and demands   Do ‘Let’s read   Listen ‘FASK TIME’   Describe the route. Key point   Listen, talk and read the sentences.



PEP5 Unit2 第三课时教学反思04-28







