新课标高一必修2 Unit 3 Computer—教案2

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人教版新课标高一必修2 Unit 3 Computer—教案2

人教版新课标高一必修2 Unit 3 Computer—教案2   Unit 3 Computer鈥斀贪2 TITLE=人教版新课标高一必修2 Unit 3     Reading part: Who am I? Teaching aims 1.Knowledge aims (1)Get the students to learn the useful and expressions in this part. (2)Let students to learn about history and basic knowledge of computers. 1. Ability aims Develop students reading abilities and let them learn different reading skills. 3.Emotion aim: Arouse students great interest in learning computers and let them learn to use the computers in their daily lives. Teaching difficult and important points 1.Let the students learn more about history and basic knowledge of computers. 2.Get the students to learn different reading skills. Teaching methods 1. Task-based teachingand learning 2.Cooperative learning 3.Discussion   Teaching procedures and ways              Step1.Warming up Task1: How much do you know about computers? (Make a survey) 1. What does IT mean? Information technology 2. How to speak 科学技术 in English? Science and technology 3. What does PC mean? Personal computer  4. How to speak 人工智能 in English? Artificial intelligence   5. What does PDA mean?  Personal digital assistant 6.How to speak 笔记本电脑 in English? Notebook computer/ laptop  7. What does W.W.W mean? World wide web 8. What can computers be used to do in our daily life? …… Task2: What is it?  Give some sentences to describe different kinds of calculating objects and some pictures to help the students to guess what it is? ① An old calculating machine used in China until now. An abacus ② It is a new calculating machine which can solve a large number of mathematical problems. A calculator ③ It is built to solve some mathematical problems. But it is too big. A huge computer ④ It is a computer which can solve all kinds of problems and is used widely now . APC / desktop ⑤ It is a kind of computer which can be taken conveniently(方便). A laptop / notebook computer   Step2.pre-reading Can you put these inventions in an order according to the time when they appeared? ( )Analytical machine(分析机) ( ) Laptop ( ) Calculating machine (计算机器) ( ) Robot/android ( ) PC ( ) Universal machine(通用机器)   Step3. Reading (1)Skimming Task1. Find out the topic sentences of each paragraph (P19.Ex2) Task2 .Summarize the general idea of this passage. (2)Scanning Task1. True or False In 1642 I began as a calculating machine and could solve any mathematical problem. (F: solve any calculating problem) My real father was Charles Babbage, who wrote a book and build me in 1936.(F: Alan Turning) After I got my new transistors in the 1960s, I became smaller but cleverer and quicker.(T) I was brought into peoples homes in the 1970s.(T) Since my birth I have been built to take the place of human race.(F: build to serve human race)     (3)Careful- reading Task 1: Look at the timeline below. Fill in the blanks with information from the reading text. Time The development of the computers 1642   1822 The Analytical Machine was made by Charles Babbage.     1940s     The first family of computers was connected to each other. 1970s   now     1642: The computer began as a calculating machine 1822: The Analytical Machine was made by Charles Babbage. 1936: The computer grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower. 1940s: The computers had grown as large as a room. 1960s: The first family of computers was connected to each other. 1970s: Computers were used in offices and homes Now: Computers connect people all over the world together. Step4. Conclusion of the text How did computers develop?  A calculating machine →_____________→ _________________→_________________→________________→_____________→ ________________→________________→_ many new applications  

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