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四、阅读与表达 旅游类 在中考课标要求范围内的话题中,与旅游及交通有关的话题总是备受青睐,而且该话题在历年中考题中所占的分值也较大,如对纽约、巴黎等大城市的介绍,或者对某个知名景点的介绍,甚至是普通人的一次郊游经历等,都是中考英语的常见题材。考查形式也比较多变,最普通的题型是单项选择,当然,题型和各地中考题的命题结构和考试说明紧密挂钩,比如常州地区,还会出现下列这种任务阅读题。那么结合2009年和2010年的旅游类话题, 上海要建迪士尼乐园无疑是一个值得关注的热点。 这类题型的答题要求也比较的规范和讲究。答题时,同学们一定要看清楚题目,如各题句子的开头形式等一定要注意。同时,要注意必要的词性、句型间的转换,如adj. 转换成adv.; n.转换成v.; “主动语态”转换成“被动语态”等同语句间的转换。 Walt Disney Corporation announced that it had gotten the go-ahead(放行信号) from Chinese central government to build a theme park in Shanghai. Disney has already operations(营运) in Hong Kong, where its fifth resort was built in 2005, but that location has not been so successful. Media reports have placed the cost of the park at around 3.6 billion dollars. The new Shanghai park would be the sixth one of Disneys. It will inevitably(必然地) affect the Hong Kong park, though the impact(冲击) will be limited as the two parks will draw visitors from different areas. Visitors from southern China will still find Hong Kong more convenient while Shanghai will attract visitors from northern and eastern China, said Paul Tang, chief economist of Bank of East Asia. Shanghai is close to a number of other major cities within easy driving distance, including Nanjing, Suzhou and Hangzhou. Disney also doesnt view the two parks as competitors. From our point of view? The Hong Kong and Shanghai parks are not competitors, theyre complementary(互补的), the spokeswoman said. She really believes Chinese market is big enough to support multiple parks. 1.根据短文内容完成句子。 (1)Media reports have placed the ___________ of the park. (2)The New Shanghai Park would be the _____________ one of Disney’s. (3) Hong Kong ___________ in 2005. (4)The Hong Kong and Shanghai Parks are __________. (5) ______________________ can be the best title for this passage. 五、词汇  1.词意2.词性3.词形4词辨 5.词境   1. He is showing some______(参观者)from Japan around our school. 2. His aunt can_____(说) French as well as English. ) 3.April, do you think Jack can___(赢) you at swimming 5. The man is_______〔写〕something about WTO. 6. How___( 好) the F4 Pop Group sing!  / How_____ (好听)the F4 songs sound! 7. —Where’s my bird?  —It’s just____(飞 ) away. 8. Not only Chinese but also ______ (日本人) like dumplings very much. 9. Sleep is _____________(必要的) to health. 11. I am pleased that he gladly _______________(接受)our invitation. 12. I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more ________________(舒服地). 13. The patient kept________________(咳嗽) all night. 14. During the Spring Festival, a heavy ______________(暴风雪) hit many areas across southern China. 15. Many people gathered at Oriental Pearl Tower to _______________(庆祝) the 100-day countdown(倒计时)to 2010 Expo Shanghai on the evening of January 1st. 16. She has been a very_______________(勇敢的)little girl. 17. The book should be returned no_____________(迟) than next Friday. 18. Traditional Beijing opera will be ____________(增加) to the music courses in 200 schools in China. 附: A.易错、易考词  necessary/modern/through/library/February/Wednesday/excercise/different/difficult/medicine/visitor/foreigner/minutes/months/mouths/passed/past/weather/whether/tired/tried/caught/bought/quite/quiet/waiting/writing/village/fifth /ninth/ twelfth/comrade /easily/ B. 复数1. thief wife shelf leaf knife wolf half life. 2. Chinese  Japanese  sheep  deer  fish 3. zoo  bamboo  photo  piano  radio/hero  Negro  potato  tomato hero   4. first  second  third  eighth  ninth  fifth  twelfth twentieth  fortieth  ninetieth  C.谓语前主格,动介后宾格,名前用形容,无名则用名. 1. Is this your dictionary? No, ____is over there.  2. The _____month of a year is September. ( nine )  3. What present shall I give Grandma for her  ______birthday? ( ninety) 4. Look! how____ the old man is living!  ( happy) 5. Of all the students, Lucy talks ____but does most.( little) 6. We’ll never forget the ___________ (please) trip to the 2010 Expo Shanghai. 7. Father told me to cut the cake into_____. ( half) 六.动词填空 动词时态是难关, 时间句式要先看,主语确定谓语数, 动词变化不可忘,短文会话观全局,单句无时判一般. 一时二主三动. 在六道动词填空中,可能会有两道“被动语态”题,一般情况,过去进行时、过去完成时也是必考题哦。同学们可一定要检查哦! 1. Why _____you____( leave ) home so early this morning? 2. (1) The Jiangs______(talk ) about the 2010 Expo Shanghai when I came in. (2)— I came to your home yesterday afternoon, but nobody was in. (语境)  — Oh, we _____ (do) some shopping in the supermarket. 3. If you _____ (not know) a new word, you should look it up in the dictionary. 4. — Have you seen the film?   — Not yet. I_____( see ) it as soon as I ____ (be) free. 6.  What a wind! It_____ (rain ) cats and dogs. 5. — Where is Mum?  — She______( cook ) in the kitchen. 7. — Dont you know what the book is about? — No, I_____(not read ) it. 8. _____your little cat____(catch) mice? -----No, she doesn’t.    9. The big day you are always looking forward to _________ (come) tomorrow. 10. — What do you think of the film you saw last night? — Oh. I _________ (no see) better than that one. 11. As we know rice mostly ________ (produce) in South China. I hear rice ________ (grow) quite well this year. 12. The police _________ (sit) at table when I came to tell them what _________(happen) at Mr. Brown’s yesterday. 13. The older people you we pay much attention to _________ (look) after well in their hometown. 14. The fallen walls ___________ (leave) after the deadly earthquake happened. 15. It is known that tigers ___________ (not) eat people unless they _________ (attack). 七、完成翻译句子(略) 八、书面表达(共1题,计20分) 写作要点 1、字要写端正,写清楚。因此,在往答题卷上写作文之前,一定要打草稿,然后检查无误后再进行誊写,避免过多的涂改影响美观。 2、  中考作文的字数通常要求90词左右。因此,建议将自己作文的字数控制在85至100词左右。但切忌在文章后标明写了多少字。 3、  要写自己有把握的句子,不要写不能正确运用的句子。若碰到自己不会的句子,换一种意思相近的句子。话题中涉及的要点,一个都不能少。 4、  不要写过长的句子,以每行一句为最佳长度。 5、  同一短语在文章中的表述不要超过三遍。例如:“对......满意”我们可用“be pleased with”“be happy with”“be satisfied with”这三种方式来表达。 6、  多用8B、9A、和9B中语法上介绍的句子。例如: a) 感叹句 b)  形容词和副词的比较级及最高级 c) 条件(if)、原因(because/because of/as a result of)、时间(when/as soon as/by the time/until/before/after/while…)、目的(in order to)和结果状语从句(so that/as a result)等等。 d)  ‘It is’ + adjective + ‘that’ clause; ‘It is’ + adjective + ‘for…’ + ‘to’-infinitive. ‘It is’ + adjective + ‘of…’ + ‘to’-infinitive; …enough to…等等 (5) prefer…to…; would rather… than…; have a good/bad effect on; devote…to…; put one’s effort into…; pay more attention to…等等 7、整篇文章的框架要清晰,最好分为三段: (1)第一段开门见山提出观点。As we know/ as everyone knows, It’s well-known that… (2)第二段摆明理由。若两点,可在开头用上“on the one hand, on the other hand ”或“for one thing, for another thing ”。若多点,可在开头用上“Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly…Finally ”。 考生应学会使用and , so, then , at the same time , on one hand , on the other hand , besides , what’s more, moreover, therefore, in that case , I’m afraid, I think等表示过渡及连接的词汇,这样就可以有效地增强文章的可读性,增加文章的感情色彩。 (3)最后一段进行总结或提出希望。可用以下短语:in a




考研英语写作 考前冲刺三要素04-27






