Unit 2 What’s the matter?教案

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Unit 2 What’s the matter?教案

一、教学重点     句型:How are you? You look so happy / sad. I’m going on a big trip. I failed the math test. I’m sorry to hear that.   二、教学难点:   运用所学陈述产生某种心情的原因。   三、课前准备:   资源中心的相关素材。   a big trip, a hard trip, failed the math test, failed the English test, failed the Chinese test.   Let’s try,Let’s talk部分的录音。   几张不及格的各科试卷。   四、教学过程:   Warm up  ( 热身)   活动一: Sing and chant   教学参考时间:3-4分钟   教师播放Let’s sing和Let’s chant部分歌曲歌谣,学生表演说唱。   活动二  Greeting   教学参考时间:4分钟   教师做出很开心的表情问学生:Look at me! How do I feel? 学生说:You look happy.教师马上说:Yes, because you did a good job. 教师再做出不开心的表情问学生:Look at me now. How do I feel? 学生回答:You are sad. 教师说:Yes, because I have a toothache. 并提示学生说:I am sorry to hear that.   请学生做出各种表情让大家猜:Look at me, how do I feel? 有人回答后教师启发学生说一说产生这种心情的原因“Because ….”。   Presentation(呈现新知)   活动三  Learn the dialogue   教学参考时间:20分钟   教师说:Liu Yun is excited, because she is going on a big trip. But Sarah is sad, because she failed the math test.   出示词组:a big trip 教师说:Do you remember the robot, the straw man, the dog, the monkey and the rabbit? They are on a hard trip. 呈现:a big trip和a hard trip引导学生理解意思。   拿出一张数学不及格的试卷呈现给学生,说:Oh, Sarah failed the math test.出示词组:failed the math test,引导学生说出意思并跟读,再出示一些英语、语文等科目不及格的试卷,引导学生说出:failed the English test, failed the Chinese test,教师适时出示卡片,全体认读。   教师播放Let’s talk部分对话录音,学生跟读。   师生就对话内容进行问答:   T:Who looks happy? Why?   S:Liu Yun looks happy. She is going on a big trip.   T:Who looks sad? Why?   S:Sarah looks sad. She failed the math test.    活动四 Listen and number   教学参考时间:3-4分钟   教师呈现Let’s try部分的四幅图:How do they feel? 请学生用一个词描述他们的心情:sad, tired, happy, bored。   教师播放录音,学生看图标序号。   再次播放录音,学生跟读,教师略作讲解。   活动五 Exercises   教学参考时间:5-6分钟    看图片,完成填空   学生独立完成,教师巡视指导。    活动六 Summary   教学参考时间:3分钟   呈现Let’s talk部分对话,学生齐读。   提供以下语言材料,学生读一读,连线。 A B Liu Yun is excited, Sarah looks sad,   because she failed the math test. because she is going on a big trip.     七、板书设计 Unit Two  What’s the matter, Mike? (5) Liu Yun looks so happy.  She is going on a big trip. Sarah looks sad.   She failed the math test.

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