《What Are You Doing?》教案

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《What Are You Doing?》教案

Unit 4 What Are You Doing?(I) 执教:林乃喜 一、教学目标: 1、能听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式:drawing pictures, doing the dishes, cooking dinner, reading a book, answering the phone 。 2、能运用句子“What are you doing? I am doing the dishes/….”。询问别人正在做什么并作答。 3、通过说唱Let`s chant 部分的歌谣巩固复习Let`s learn部分的动词短语和句子。 4、学唱歌曲”What Are You Doing?”。 二、课前准备:   课件、磁带、图片。 三、教学过程 : 1、Warm up. (教学参考时间:4 分钟) 让学生 向听课老师作自我介绍。 S1:My name’s ….  I`m 10/11 years old.  I like pink and blue.  I like to eat fish and hamburgers. S2:My name is ….I am11/12years old.I`m150 cm tall.I like play football. I can swim and I can speak English. S3: My name is ….I am11/12years old.I`m 46 kg.I like sing,I can speak English. 2、A let`s learn.(12分钟) 我们来看看这几位同学都会些什么?(课件出示图片) P1:draw pictures  drawing pictures  She is drawing pictures. P2:do the dishes  doing the dishs  He is doing the dishs. P3:cook dinner  cooking dinner  She is cooking dinner. P4:read a book  reading a book  He is reading a book. P5:answer the phone  answering the phone  He is answering the phone. 播放录音。 教师小结。 3、Let`s play.(7分钟) a.同桌用“What are you doing?”相互提问,并作答。回答不得与前面相同。 b.开火车练习。 4、Let’s chant。(6分钟) a.播放“Let’s chant”。学生用心听。 b.再次播放,鼓励学生跟读。 c.学生看书自己认读。 d.再次播放,鼓励学生跟读。 5、活动:传盒子(6分钟) 做“听音乐传盒子”的游戏,教师把drawing pictures,  doing the dishes,  cooking dinner, answering the phone,  reading a book 等词条折叠后放进一个盒子里。音乐开始,学生按顺序传递盒子。音乐一停,拿到盒子的学生在盒子中抽取一张词条,教师引导其他学生提问:What are you doing? 抽到词条的学生根据词条上的短语边做动作边回答:I am …. 教师播放的音乐是本课时歌曲What Are You Doing?。 6、Let`s sing.(5分钟) 7、exercise.(2分钟)  完成44页let`s start部分。 五、板书设计 Unit 4 What Are You Doing?(I) I can swim I can speak English What are you doing? I am …ing.

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