牛津高中英语模块六word power 教案

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牛津高中英语模块六word power 教案

Step 1: Lead-in (2分钟)  Review:   What is Ma Jie’s problem?  Have you think of some ways to help him? When you give advice ,what guidelines should you remember? What to do and why? [设计说明] 本环节既能复习上一课时的部分内容,同时又很快转入本课时的第一节,即理解skill building 3的内容。   Step 2 Skill building 3 (5分钟)   Guidelines What to do Why avoid judging   use positive, helpful language do not say, Its wrong for you to people want help but not judgment of their previous behavior. give examples   mention a similar situation where your advice works people will know how to use your advice. be specific   give the advice that can help people to solve their own problem. people can be helped to solve their problems.   [操作说明] 使用多媒体课件分项呈现各表格内容。   Step 3: Writing an article Task 1  (5分钟) Ask students to discuss and list what they should write in the article first. Use the guidelines to find some information  (for reference) ·Ma Jies problems ·the possible solutions Ma Jie has thought of and the reasons why they didnt work · the advice you gave to Ma Jie ·the advice his parents, teachers and coach gave him and why it works · your opinion about the best way to solve  problems that students have [设计说明] 本环节帮助学生应用前几个步骤所学的内容,为学生的写作构建整体的框架,提供必要的写作要点。   Task 2 writing (group work) (12分钟) Have the students work in groups of four to write the article. Each member of group writes one part . After each member has finished his or her part, the group puts the four parts together to form the article and present it to the whole class. [设计说明] 本环节进入实质的写作程序,个人独立写作和小组合作相结合,既能促使学生独立思考,又能发挥集体的智慧。   Step 4  Writing (Individual work) (20分钟)  Have the students read the following letter, and try to write a reply to give her some advice.   Dear Sir or Madam:, I feel no one cares about me. My father and mother are always busy with working, so I often stay at home by myself. I feel very lonely. As my parents work so much, I hve to clean the house and do all the shopping by myself. I am only a little happier at school when I stay with my classmates and friends. I feel bored all the time and I feel sorry for myself. What should I do? I look forward to your advice .                                                           Yours                                                              Rose [设计说明] 此部分的写作训练要求学生独立给朋友写一封建议信。这样把语言知识的巩固、阅读和写作技能的培养以及学习策略的运用有机地结合起来,能够培养学生综合语言运用能力的发展。

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