11.26 Ihave a penpal.教研课教案

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11.26 Ihave a penpal.教研课教案

Grade 6 (上) Unit 4 I have a penpal. By: Cheng Xiaojing 一、教学目标:  1、知识与能力目标   (1)阅读本单元A部分中的两封电子邮件,了解文中人物的职业及爱好,并能依据两封邮件的内容创编简单的对话。   (2)能回答教材中所列的针对邮件内容的问题。   (3)了解电子邮件的基本格式。 2、情感目标:培养乐于与人交往的性格。二、教学重点 1、教学重点:理解两封电子邮件的内容。 2、教学难点:  (1)理解、认读词语:pen pal ,twins something ,must be ,TV reporter ,email  (2)理解、认读以下句子:My twin sister Ann likes…   We look the same ,but we don’t like the same things.   Tell me something about you.   Australia must be fun!三、课前准备 1、教师准备录音机、磁带,学生准备课堂练习本。 2、PPT课件四、教学过程 Step 1.Preparation 1.Free talk T: Hello!What’s your name? S: My name is … T: Nice to meet you ! S: Nice to meet you, too! T: I live in…Tell me something about you. Where do you live? S:I live in …板书: I live in …Tell me something about you.并领读   Tell me something about you.What’s your hobby? S: I like …〔设计意图〕   利用Free talk给学生提供语言交际的机会,复习相关句型,引入并板书新句子,为下面学习电子邮件的格式作铺垫。 2. Letˊs chant What’s your hobby ?  What’s your hobby? Diving diving I like diving What’s your hobby ?  What’s your hobby? Riding a  bike, riding a bike.  I like riding a bike. What’s his hobby ?  What’s his hobby? Collecting stamps collecting stamps He likes collecting stamps What’s her hobby ?  What’s her hobby? Making kites  making kites She likes making kites.  〔设计意图〕 运用歌谣这种活泼的形式,既复习了相关旧知,又活跃了课堂气氛。 Step2 Pre-reading 教师呈现自己笔友的照片及来信,并拿着照片作如下介绍: This is Chris. She is an American girl.She is a university student now.She is tall and pretty. She likes swimming,travelling and playing baseball. This is the letter she wrote to me .She is my pen pal. I am her pen pal.  教师引导学生猜测 pen pal 的意思,最后点出:pen pal means pen friend 初步学习 pen pal 的意思。〔设计意图〕 通过介绍自己笔友的特点及爱好,引入交友的学习情景,为之后的阅读活动创造学习情景,同时排除新词汇  这个障碍,为阅读活动打好基础。 Step 3 While-reading 1.第一遍阅读。学生快速阅读第一封邮件,并回答问题:Who are they?  要求回答时能说出依据。教师先让学生观察第一封邮件中的图片人物。 T: Look at the girls in the picture. They look the same. They are twin sisters.What are their names? Letˊs read the first e-mail. Read quickly and find the key words.然后通过描述这两个女孩的共同特征,引出twin sisters  和 They look the same  ,理解twin 和They look the same  的意思;之后,呈现另外两对双胞胎的照片,引导学生说出:They are twin sisters\brothers. They look the same〔设计意图〕 对于较长的文本,学生阅读时有一定难度。为此,可以将两封邮件分两部分进行阅读,先处理Alice  给Liu Yun  的邮件内容。阅读前教师描述人物图片,学生通过快速阅读找出简单信息,即这两个人物的名字。第一遍阅读教会学生找关键词和关键句,培养学生抓关键信息的技能。 2.第二遍阅读。仔细阅读第一封邮件,并回答以下问题:Whatˊs Aliceˊs hobby? Whatˊs Annˊs hobby?  教师提醒学生仔细阅读,并勾划出答案。学生做完后,同伴交流答案及答题依据。最后,教师核对答案。   由上述两个问题的答案Alice likes swimming,diving and riding a bike. Ann likes drawing pictures and making kites. 引出新句子They don’t like the same things .并让学生猜测这句话的意思。〔设计意图〕 此环节的阅读活动旨在让学生仔细阅读,获取主要信息——Alice 和Ann  的爱好。阅读时让学生圈画重要信息,而后同桌互助检查答案,培养学生根据上下文猜测词义的能力。 3.PPT课件中,在邮件开头空白处点击出现To  和 From 及相应网址,并介绍网址以及邮件开头和结尾的写法。教师用课件将Alice 写的邮件发出去,并对学生说:Liu yun has got the e-mail. This is the e-mail from LiuYun to Aloce. 然后呈现第二封邮件。学生快速阅读第二封邮件,然后回答问题:Where does Liu Yun live?〔设计意图〕 学生运用阅读第一封邮件时学到的技巧阅读第二封邮件。教师给出一个简单问题,旨在引导学生练习跳读,快速发现关键信息。 4、学生再次仔细阅读第二封邮件,然后回答问题:What’s Liu Yun's hobby? What’s her mother's hobby? What’s her father's hobby?教师提醒学生阅读时勾画出答案。学生做完的后,小组交流,并说一说是怎么找到答案的。最后,教师核对答案。〔设计意图〕 学生练习仔细阅读,并且通过与同伴交流确定答案。此环节旨在训练学生抓关键信息的技能,同时培养学生的合作学习能力。 5 通读这两封邮件,完成如下短文填空练习。 Alice lives in _____.Her pen pal is ______.Liu Yun lives in ______.Liu Yun s mother is a _______.She likes swimming .Her dad is a ______ reporter.He likes listening to music .Liu likes ________and ________. 学生完成填空后先在小组中交流答案,然后全班核对答案。〔设计意图〕   把两封邮件内容有机结合起来,再处理一些细节内容,进一步强化学生对内容的整体理解。文中需填的singer 和TV reporter 内容较简单,也为第五单元学习表示职业的词汇作好了铺垫。 Step 4 Post-reading 1 .Listen and repeat   学生听课文录音并跟读课文。 2.Reading comprtition 全班学生分成两部分,比赛朗读课文。〔设计意图〕 此环节的朗读课文活动旨在让学生掌握正确的语音、语调、培养学生语感,加深对课文的理解。 1. Learn to write an e-mail. T: We have read two e-mails. And we can write an e-mail like this. 教师边讲解边板书如下电子邮件的格式  To:ann@penpal.com From:Rena@163.com Dear Ann, I live in … I like … Tell me something about you. What’s your hobby?   Your pen pal ,Rena〔设计意图〕   板书邮件格式,让学生加深印象,为后面的写作提供格式支撑和主要语言支撑。   T:Liu Yun is Alice s Pen pal. I want Ann to be my pen pal .So I wrote an e-mail to Ann. You can find a pen pal and write an e-mail to him or her. 教师用课件展示自己写的邮件,然后要求学生找班内同学做笔友,在练习本上仿照范文给对方写一封电子邮件,并送给他/她,然后座位邻近的同学一起分享收到的邮件。教师提供如下范文: DearAnn, I am happy to have a pen pal .I live in Tangzhuang. I like reading books,climbing mountains and taking pictures. I like spring best. I can cook meals and wash clothes at home. I have a brother .He is a univetsity student. He is tall and strong. He likes playing computer games . Tell me something about you.   You pen pal, Rena学生作品一: Ddear Wendy, I am happy  to have a new pen pal .I live in Linyi. I like drawing pictures and riding my bike. But I don’t like going shopping. I like winter because I like snow. My mother likes going shopping, and my father likes playing sports.   Your new friend,Mary学生作品二: Dear Yue Xiaoyu, I am happy to have a new pen pal .I live in Luozhuang . I like reading books ,drawing pictures and collecting stamps . I like fall best. I can wash clothes and clean my room. I don’t have a sister or brother . I love my home .Tell me something about you . You pen pal, Zhang Menjiao学生作品三: Dear Li Xinlei, I am happy to have a new pen pal .I live in Luozhuang . I like playing ping-pong, playing computer games and watching TV. I can wash my clothes .I have a sister .She is a baby. Tell me  something about you .   You pen pal, Li Xiangrui 〔设计意图〕   写是语言输出的一种形式,可以达到让学生学以致用的目的,给学生学习成就感。写完后与同学交换阅读,学生的作品又可以作为拓展性阅读的材料。 Step 5. Assignment   1.完成活动手册P35的Read and answer.   2.Pen pals are important. Find a new pen pal and write an e-mail to him/her.〔设计意图〕   让学生课后灵活运用所学语言,实现知识的迁移,并培养学生乐于与人效的性格。五、课后反思   本节课是六年级的阅读课。六年级学生经过三年的英语学习,已经有了一定的词汇及语言基础,因此这一阶段的阅读课重在培养学生的阅读能力。教师在“授之以鱼”的同时必须注重“授之以渔”,教给学生阅读的方法,使之养成良好的阅读习惯。笔者在课堂上注重了以下几种技巧的训练:   1.猜词解句   学生根据图片和老师对人物的描述猜测twin sisters的意思;根据上下文Alice likes swimming ,diving ,and riding a bike .Ann likes drawing pictures and making kites .推测 They don’t like the same things .的意思。   2.快速阅读   在学生第一

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