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5A Module 3 Unit 3 Follow the signs!教学说明 (Extending lesson: Follow the signs at the airport.)   一、学生情况分析 该班学生对英语学科有着浓厚的兴趣,能积极主动参与课堂活动。总体基础较好,整体水平较高。由于我校的特殊性,我们的教材除了牛津教材外,还有一本朗文教材。学生在听说读写方面的能力都略胜一筹。 该班学生是我从一年级一手带上来的。师生之间默契度很高。孩子们喜欢表演,擅长表演。很多学生在语音语调方面很不错。 学生们对signs话题以及相关的知识点在以往的学习中已经比较清楚。对于从句也有了一定的了解,并能简单运用。大部分孩子都有出国经历,对国外文化以及中西方文化差异也有相应的了解。   二、教材分析与教学目标分析 本单元的主题是Follow the signs,这一主题在以往的学习中已有涉及,学生能熟练运用:The sign says/means/… Don’t…, 另外,劝导阻止别人的时候也能用You can’t… because…简单描述原因。 在本单元中,语法重点为Don’t… It’s dangerous. You can’t… Why not?等句型,已经在前几教时中基本解决。本课除了要求学生将这些内容在情景中进一步复习巩固和运用外,还引入了shouldn’t, prohibited,以及介绍机场里一些重要的标示。 学生们对公共场合里的大部分signs的意思已经很熟悉。本节课在机场里展开,将signs进行初步分类。并对容易误解的sign进行介绍,让学生清晰。 本节课里最重要的是进行文化渗透。虽然很多学生都有出国的经历,但其实对机场里一些signs还是有疑惑的。本节课围绕机场里需要遵守的规定以及一些指示信息的sign展开,进行文化的渗透。 三、教学策略分析 本课的设计始终贯彻了“以学生发展为本”的原则: 1、活动形式多样 在教学过程中,我设计了多种组织形式展开活动,有个人、两人、小组和全班性的。学习形式也是各有不同,有个人、两人对话、小组合作、全班问答、集体回答等。选择学生时,既有抽学生答、开火车操练,小组集体问答等。有教师指导性的,也有需学生独立或合作完成的操练。 2、教学分层推进 在各个环节的设计中,我根据学生已有知识结构对重点、难点逐步推进。如,本节课的教学目标是介绍在机场里的signs。我将机场里的signs初步分成关于rules和information的标志。在介绍rules的标志时又分成学生熟悉的以及会产生误解的。 3、课时容量加大 本节课的容量较大,除了教师必要的指令、指导的语言之外,尽可能的创造条件让学生得到语言训练、才能展示的机会。从内容上看,新授了shouldn’t, prohibited的用法。并让学生在真实的机场安检的情境中将前两课时的语言融合运用。 在介绍候机厅里的标志时,除了帮助学生理解Smoke-free的真正含义,还介绍了Prayer room.拓展学生的知识面以及进行文化的渗透。 最后通过写信的方式,让学生将整节课的内容进行反馈。并在结尾和我们即将要去的秋游结合,升华主题。 4、联系生活紧密 从教学情境的设置、学习材料的组织方面看,我选用了学生比较熟悉、与学生实际生活紧密联系的材料,构建了激发学生积极表达的情境。(因为我们的学生大都有出国游学的经历)。如,本课的引入部分,我选用了学生游学的照片,唤起他们的回忆。尽管他们对机场并不陌生,但还是有些标示,孩子们平时没有注意或者不理解的。由帮助Mr Huang开始,开始今天的课程。 5、听说读写并驾齐驱 全面提高学生的听说读写能力是小学中高年级的一项重要任务。因此在本节课的教学设计中,我将四种能力的训练分别渗透在不同环节中。在不同的任务中训练四方面的能力。 Oxford English 5A Module 3 Unit 3 Follow the signs (Extending lesson: Follow the signs at the airport.)   School: Fushan Foreigner Language Primary School Subject: English Teacher: Zhu Hong ( Lucy Zhu ) Date: Nov. 8th, 2010 Content Oxford English 5A Module 3 Unit 3 Follow the signs. Extending lesson --- Follow the signs at the airport   Aims Basic aims To have students understand the signs at the airport. Developing aims To understand misapprehensive signs and respect others’ faiths. To know how to follow the signs correctly at the airport. Education aims To deepen the students’ understanding about the signs: even we don’t see signs, we can also follow them. Language focus You shouldn’t take…on the plane…..is/are prohibited. Teaching aids A computer, A projector, handcrafts Procedures Step Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Purpose Pre-task preparation 1. Warming up.     2. Read: Mr Huang needs help. After check-in, how can I get on board with no problem? Enjoy the photos and talk freely: I’ve been to..         To elicit today’s topic.       While-task procedure 1.  Show the picture of Security Check at Sydney Airport. Listen and answer: What shouldn’t we take on the plane?   2.  Talk freely: Where else do we have Security Check ? What signs can we see there? 3.  Show a short video at airport lounge: A man and a woman are quarreling about whether people can smoke in ‘Smoke-free Zone’ or not.   3. Show two small passages about ‘free’.           4. Show signs of information in the airport lounge: What information can we get from these signs?     5. Reading comprehension: Prayer rooms at Sydney Airport.     Ss answer the question.             Act out as the safety inspector and the passenger/visitor.     Watch the video and express their opinions.               Ss read and deduce. Learn the true meaning of the sign ‘Smoke-free Zone’.       Look at the signs and talk about them. The sign with a cup tells/shows us… We can… there.       Read the passage about ‘prayer room’ and pick the key information. To teach Ss new patterns: You shouldn’t take…on the plane. …is/are prohibited.   More practice to consolidate the sentence pattern.     A way to show students’ own thinking about ‘free’.           To help them to learn the new phrase according to the former knowledge.     Help students to express their understandings about signs they know.       Enhance students’ reading abilities and let them know the culture of ‘faith’. Post-task activity                     1. Show an unfinished letter to Mr Huang: Let’s help him.       2. Show some pictures of coming outing. Question: Do we see any signs? Can we spit/litter…?   Write a letter in groups and tell Mr Huang the important signs at Sydney Airport.     Enjoy the pictures and read a poem, feeling: even without signs, we should obey the rules.     Help students to write down their ideas.       Help students feel that: signs around us and in our hearts.   Assignments 1 Make a chart from the entrance to the boarding gate. Draw and write the signs in the proper places. 2Write and draw the other signs that you may see at the airport.         牛津英语5A M3 U3的教学主题是Follow the signs! 整个单元的学习任务和目标是:Talk about the social behaviors according to the signs. 1. Learn to identify signs in different public places. 2. Understand the difference between signs of rules and signs of information. 3. Know why we need signs and how to follow them. 4. Understand the background of signs in certain places, such as airport.     词汇学习运用 句型学习运用 综合运用能力 备注说明 第一课时 Signs in the swimming pool at the swimming pool Rules for______ jump into dangerous sign Don’t ________. It’s ______. Which one means “Don’t jump into the pool”? 让学生根据signs来判断是非对错,同时能掌握Don’t___. It’s____的句型,并能预测不同的行为进行和他人的违规行为造成的后果。   第二课时 Signs in the park like football no bicycles no dogs no ball games after 5p.m. why not No dogs! You can’t _____ Why not?   学生通过情景,如在公园,在游泳池等进一步了解Rules 在其生活的环境中无处不在,并掌握“Don’t”的另外一种句型“You can’t…”,同时为周围的公共场所制作Sign  Board.并且能够用No…的句型来表示sign的意思。 第三课时 Signs at the airport shouldn’t prohibited You shouldn’t take… on the plane. ..is prohibited. It tells us that… 本课是本单元的










