剑桥二级What's the weather like tod

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剑桥二级What's the weather like today?第一课时教案

英华学校小学部英语组备课   年级:六年级    课题:Unit two What’s the weather like today?   主备人:黄 清 修改人: Teaching Contents(教学内容):  剑桥少儿英语二级下册 P7—P8 Teaching aims and demands(目标与要求): ※ Enable the students master the four-skilled words: windy, snowy, sunny, cloudy, rainy, cold, hot, warm, cool, dry, wet and foggy. ※ Master the sentence pattern and use it in real situation: ----What’s the weather like today? ----What’s the weather like in spring? ※ Guide the students to say something they can do and they can’t do in  different weather.. Key and difficult points(教学重难点): KP: The words and the sentences. DP: The words. Teaching preparations(课前准备):  Tape, pictures, courseware and cards Teaching steps(教学步骤): 1. Preparation(准备) ① Let’s do and sing   Walking, walking, walking, walking.   Hop, hop, hop. Running, running, running, running, running, running.   Now let’s stop, up and down.   (歌曲热身,边唱边做动作) ②Let’s do   Clap your hands/stamp your feet/snap your finger/wave your arms   Stand up/sit down/run to the door/go back to your seat…   (热身活动:听指令做动作。速度由慢到快,为引出新课做准备) 2. Presentation(呈现): ①Lead in: (承接上面热身活动提问)   ----I feel hot. How do you feel?   ----(引导学生回答)I feel hot, too.  ----What’s the weather like today?  ----It’s sunny and hot.   ②Look and say   The teacher draws some pictures on the blackboard and guides the students to talk about the weather.   ----What’s the weather like in this picture?   ----It’s rainy/snowy/cloudy/….   (看图说话,引出本课的新单词) 3. Practice(操练): ①Ask and answer   The teacher makes a dialogue with the students. ----What’s the weather like in picture one? ----It’s sunny. ----Do you like sunny days? Why? ----Yes. I like sunny days because I can go hiking. 板 书 内 容   (老师与学生共同完成对话,引导学生自己编对话)  ②Pair work(同桌活动)   Guide the students make up a new dialogue in pairs. The teacher offers some helps to make sure they work well.   (老师巡视,指导学生同桌编对话)  ③Excellent Performance Ask some pairs to act out their work.  ④Discussion.(小组讨论) Guide the students make a discussion in groups: What can you do and what can’t you do in sunny/snowy/rainy/…days? 4. Production(产出) ①Read the words and match with the right pictures. ②Free talk   I like sunny days because I can do many things outside. For example: I can play football, I can go to the park….  (引导学生在上面讨论的基础上进行描述) Exercises in class(课堂练习)   Listen, look, match and talk. Homework(家庭作业): ※用because将两个句子连成一句,意思不变。 1. I like windy days.   We can fly big kites. 2. I like sunny days.   We can swim and ride bikes. 3. I like rainy days.   We can watch TV and eat snacks. 4. I like snowy days.   We can have a snowball fight. 5. I don’t like rainy days.   It’s wet outside. Blackboard Design(板书设计): (见前面) Teacher’s Notes(教学反思):   本节课的内容之前在四年级的时候已有所接触“It’s warm today.”。学生们对简单的天气描述基本掌握。但在外教的引导下,添加了以下单词:wet, dry, foggy。感觉学生在灵活运用方面还是有所欠缺,需要多加强口语训练。而对那些后进生来说,最主要的就是抓实基础知识。  

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