剑桥二级What's the weather like tod

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剑桥二级What's the weather like today?第二课时教案

英华学校小学部英语组备课   年级:六年级    课题:Unit two What’s the weather like today?   主备人:黄 清 修改人: Teaching Contents(教学内容):  剑桥少儿英语二级下册 P9—P11 Teaching aims and demands(目标与要求): ※ Go over the words about the weather and the sentence pattern. ※Make the students know something about the weather. For example: Light blue sky means nice weather. ※ Go over the seven days of the week. ※ Enjoy the rhythm about weather. Key and difficult points(教学重难点): KP: The rhythm and the seven days. DP: The riddle. Teaching preparations(课前准备):  Tape, pictures, courseware and cards Teaching steps(教学步骤): 1. Preparation(准备) ①Free talk(自由交谈)   ----What’s the date today?   ----How many seasons are there in a year?   ----What season is it now?   ----What’s the weather like in spring?   ----Do you like rainy days? Why?   (自由交谈,引出天气的主题,复习旧知) ②Fast Reaction(快速反应) The teacher shows the pictures and the students try to read the words as quickly as possible.   (快速反应,锻炼学生的反应能力,复习关于天气的单词) 2. Presentation(呈现): ①Sentence-making. (造句)   The teacher gives one word and the students try to make some sentences with the word.   wet: It’s wet in spring.   Do you like such wet days?   hot: It’s really hot in Guangdong in summer.   Today is hot. (鼓励学生用所学单词造句)  ②Ask and answer ----Do you like cloudy days? ----What can you do in sunny days? ----What can’t you do in rainy days?   (回答问题,描述适合各种天气的活动以及不适宜的活动) 3. Practice(操练): ①Listen, read and enjoy. Water, water, everywhere. I see you here, I see you there. You’re in the lakes, rivers, pools and seas. But sometimes you come down from the sky, playing with me…. 板 书 内 容  ②Pair work(同桌活动)  Read, guess, match and learn.  A low sunset wind  A high sunset nice weather  Grey sky in the morning  wind  Bright yellow sunset fine weather  Red sunset rain and/or wind  Dark blue sky fine weather  Light blue sky  nice weather   (老师巡视,指导学生同桌讨论并连线)  ③Read and answer(读11页短文,回答以下问题) A. What did Ben and Nick like to do? B. Where did Ben and Nick go yesterday? C. Where are they going today? D. What can you do when you cycle in the country?  ④Discussion.(小组讨论)   A. In a run along the beach, the girl who came two places in front of the last girl finished one place ahead of the girl who comes fifth. How many were running along the beach?  (There were five.)   B. Many people think the sea is blue, but there are four seas in the world which have names of other colours! What are they? (The White Sea 白海  The Yellow Sea 黄海 The Red Sea 红海  The Black Sea 黑海) 4. Production(产出) ①Group Competition(小组比赛)   Make a competition in groups, try to read the rhythm group by group. ②What do you do on your spare time?   (引导学生描述一下自己的课余活动) Exercises in class(课堂练习)  1.  Listen, draw and colour. 2.  Listen and write. Monday Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  Saturday  Sunday Homework(家庭作业):  Listen and read the passage. Blackboard Design(板书设计): (略) Teacher’s Notes(教学反思): 在本课的练习过程中,突然有种感觉:自己的课外知识实在缺乏,不少的内容还是要借助网络资源和一些资料才能解答。这该引起我的重视:作为老师,除了自己的教材,我们还应该多阅读,养成一个良好的读书习惯,加强自己在专业知识和课外知识的涵养,使自己在教育战线上表现更良好,更出色。

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