剑桥Going to different places.第一课时教案

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剑桥Going to different places.第一课时教案

 英华学校小学部英语组备课 年级:六年级  课题:Going to different places.  主备人:黄清 Teaching Contents(教学内容):  剑桥二级下册Unit one Part 1 Teaching aims and demands(目标与要求): ※Learn some words about the different places, for example: forest, jungle, lake, plant, island,  mountain, waterfall…… ※Enable the students read the words correctly. ※Guide the students to talk something about going to different places. Key and difficult points(教学重难点): KP: The words and the patterns DP: Enable the students describe the places in English Teaching preparations(课前准备):  Some pictures on the computer and the tape Teaching steps(教学步骤): 1. Preparation(准备)  ①A guessing game The teacher describe some places in English, the students guess and say. ----You can see many animals in this place. (zoo) ----If you are sick, you should go there to see a doctor. (hospital) (把单词中学生已经接触过的内容以“猜谜”的形式出现,调动学生的积极性,为引出新课出铺垫)  ②Can you read? The teacher writes the new words on the blackboard and encourage the students try to read together.   jungle  island  waterfall  countryside field (出示新单词,鼓励学生自学) 2. Presentation(呈现): ①Listen and repeat   The teacher plays the tape and asks the students to read them out. ②Who can write down the words on the blackboard? 3. Practice(操练):   ①Follow the teacher Ask the students to read the words after teacher, the teacher shows them the phonetic symbols.  (老师出示各个单词的元音,引导学生通过看音标读单词)   ②Pupil Teacher   Ask some students to act like a teacher and guide the others to read the new words. The teacher should pay attention to the sounds. (小老师带读,锻炼学生,但老师要关注单词读音)  ③Listen and repeat   Make the students listen to the tape and repeat the new words.   (要求学生跟录音读,确定语音语调)  ④Sentence Pattern   ----Where are you going now?   ----I’m going to the zoo.   ----Where would you like to go in the holiday then?   ----I’d like to go to the countryside. 4. Production(产出)   Encourage the students talk some about the different places, for example: I’d like to go to see the waterfall. The water falls straight down over a big rock. It’s beautiful. Exercises in class(课堂练习)  ※ Read and write the words.   1. land that is outside cities and towns (countryside)   2. a building in which films are shown (cinema)   3. a forest with lots of plants growing very close together (jungle)   4. water that falls straight down over a big rock (waterfall)   5. a piece of land surrounded by water (island)   6. a large open area with grass and trees (field)   7. a large area of water surrounded by land (lake) Homework(家庭作业):  Read and copy the words in part one. Blackboard Design(板书设计): (略) Teacher’s Notes(教学反思):   本课单词量较大,涉及的一些单词是在PEP教材上出现过的,有的是要求听、说、读、写的四会单词,有的是要求认读的单词,感觉两个班较多的学生对于四会单词记得还算比较牢,但对于那些要求认读的单词,如forest,jungle,field,island等印象并不深刻。这让我想起在日常PEP的授课过程中,我总是习惯性地要求学生攻破四会单词,其他的要求并不是很高,现在想想,这样布置作业的形式并不好,我们应该是分层次作业,对于那些接受能力较差的学生,要求他们掌握好四会单词,中等程度的学生则认读三会单词,而对于那些成绩优秀的学生则应该鼓励他们把三会单词变成四会单词。这样一来,相信同学们对单词的记忆会有所提高。    

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