
时间:2023-08-09 10:38:56 演讲发言 我要投稿
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  There are many memorable things, I have had a particularly memorable things, that is my primary school graduation party. Although it is a party, but we are held during the day, may be called "white".

  "The day before the white", we are ready to do the work, prepared a cake, tea, sound...... There are many wonderful programs. The night before, I can't sleep a night, excitedly waiting for the arrival of"white".

  The second day, I went to school early. To the classroom, I saw the classroom four corners of asound and the walls are connected with lights, window adhesive beautiful balloon......

  When all the students came to the classroom, the teacher in charge announced the graduation party officially began. Some students take the curtains closed, lights are open, as in the balloon is more beautiful in the classroom, sound floated out of the soft songs. I drink a cup of milk tea, quietlywatching the students performances. Have a classmate in front of the blackboard, with white lightappeared in the students who, like in a concert. The classmates performance is very wonderful,suddenly the lights, "bang" sound. I don't know what was happening at the time, until you feel a littlepaper shredder body, I know just the students put pieces of fireworks.

  "White" slowly is close to the end, the students sang Li Shutong's "farewell" "pavilion, the trail edgegrass, sky......" The song. Later, everyone is very sad, because some of the students in junior high school when they are not together, also after all, this is the last day in his alma mater.

  Primary school I is how naive, is a naive child. Junior high school I know at that time were sad. A classmate, a friendship.

  The primary school graduation let me forget.


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  The years are in a hurry, and the flowers are blooming and falling. In a twinkling of an eye, the words of six years of primary school students have passed like clouds. However, my heart is still very attached to my alma mater. After six years of primary school life, I can usher in a strange school gate.

  Here, many memories are clearly reflected in my mind. From the first day of the first grade, I came to this mysterious and strange campus. Day by day in the past, the blink of an eye to the second grade. Once, my friends and I were chasing each other on the playground. We were very happy. Without waiting to be happy, a sudden pain happened to me. There was a classmate who stretched out his foot, but at that time I was still completely immersed in the game. One of them didn't pay attention and was knocked down. But because of my confusion, half of my face fell out of blood, just like the face was destroyed. At that time, the players were stunned and dull for two seconds before they realized that I was wrestling. Some of my friends wipe my face with paper towel while walking, while others hold me, showing great concern and anxiety in their eyes. At that time, my tears have been spinning in my eyes, moving tears have been flowing down.

  I still remember that when I held the sports meeting, I chose two events, both of which were running, but I was just making trouble. I ran the 100 meter race first, and I came last. I was very discouraged, but the teacher came to comfort me and encouraged me all the time. One day later, it was my 200 meter run, and I was the last runner. The teacher not only didn't say that I was useless, but also encouraged me all the time, saying that you will get good results in the next race. I also want to get good grades very much. I'm born without motor cells. No matter how I practice, I can't even get up. In sports, I may be a Dou that I can't help.

  Goodbye, dear alma mater, the past events in your arms are still fresh in my mind. They are the shining pearls in our memory warehouse; In your arms, we become sensible from ignorance; In your arms, we grow from childish to mature; In your arms, we have changed from timidity to bravery. Dear students, please remember that we are together bit by bit, day and night, let our friendship last forever.


  In the past decade alone, we’ve seen historic hurricanes devastate islands across the Caribbean. We’ve seen ‘1,000-year floods’ hit the Midwestern and Southern United States multiple times in a decade. And we’ve seen record-breaking wildfires ravage California and record-breaking typhoons kill thousands in the Philippines.

  This is a true crisis. And if we fail to rise to the occasion, your generation, your children, and grandchildren will pay a terrible price. So scientists know there can be no delay in taking action – and many government and political leaders around the world are starting to understand that.

  Yet here in the United States, our federal government is seeking to become the only country in the world to withdrawfromthe Paris Climate Agreement – the only one. Not even North Korea is doing that.

  Those in Washington who deny the science of climate change are no more based in reality than those who believe the moon landing was faked. And while the moon landing conspiracy theorists are relegated to the paranoid corners of talk radio, climate skeptics occupy the highest positions of power in the United States government.

  Now, in the administration’s defense, climate change, they say, is only a theory – yeah, like gravity is only a theory.

  People can ignore gravity at their own risk, at least until they hit the ground. But when they ignore the climate crisis, they are not only putting themselves at risk, they are putting all humanity at risk.


  Instead of challenging Americans to believe in our ability to master the universe, as President Kennedy did, the current administration is pandering to the skeptics who, in the 1960s, looked at the space program and only saw short-term costs and long-term benefits.

  President Kennedy’s era earned the nickname, ‘The Greatest Generation’ – not only because they persevered through the Great Depression and won the Second World War. They earned it because of determination to rise, to pioneer, to innovate, and to fulfill the promise of American freedom.

  They dreamed in moonshots. They reached for the stars. And they began to redeem – through the Civil Rights Movement – the failures of the past. They set the standard for leadership and service to our nation’s ideals.

  Now, your generation has the opportunity to join them in the history books. The challenge that lies before you – stopping climate change – is unlike any other ever faced by humankind. The stakes could not be higher.

  If left unchecked, the climate change crisis threatens to destroy oceanic life that feeds so many people on this planet. It threatens to breed war by spreading drought and hunger. It threatens to sink coastal communities, devastate farms and businesses, and spread disease.














  Dear leaders, teachers, parents, dear students

  hello everyone!

  Today is an unforgettable and celebratory day. After five years of hard work, the students here have successfully completed their primary school study. They are about to bid farewell to their golden childhood and enter a new journey. First of all, on behalf of all the teachers in the primary school, let me express my heartfelt congratulations to you.

  At this moment, looking at your innocent and happy smiling faces, my eyes seem to emerge every bit of your school. Five years, we walk hand in hand, the small classroom, sprinkled our laughter, wrote down the figure of our struggle, engraved our heroic oath. We get along day and night. We are teachers and students in class and friends after class. We have established a deep relationship between teachers and students. Looking back on the past five years, it seems that it happened yesterday, and every teacher will never forget: the first time you walked into the beautiful and tidy dormitory, lying on the comfortable cot, that excited look; When you first put on the red scarf under the bright national flag, you look solemn; After your own extracurricular learning, you can show your artistic talents on the stage; You use your diligence to repay the teachers fruitful results: in all kinds of competitions held throughout the country, you have achieved good results many times and won many praises for the school! In the past five years, in the fertile soil of Nanshan bilingual school primary school, with the care of school leaders and the careful cultivation of teachers, and with the active cooperation and strong support of parents, you have grown into a vigorous youth.

  School is not only the cradle of your growth, you are here to fly the ideal, sowing hope. But today, you are going to bid farewell to your alma mater. The teacher sincerely hopes that you can open up a new situation in the new semester and write your wonderful learning life with a never say die self-confidence! Bill Gates, the king of computer software, once said: "the secret of my success is not to do something, but to understand what I dont do..." so the teacher hopes that you can distinguish rightfromwrong, abide by the law, make good use of your words and deeds, and be an upright person.

  The reason why eagles fly high and fly freely in the blue sky is that they have a pair of hard wings that have been honed by storms, cold and heat. May you fly high bravely like eagles to welcome a brighter tomorrow and embrace the more dazzling sun.

  Finally, I hope you can use the green of youth to brew a rich golden autumn in the future!

  I wish you success in your studies and a bright future!





















