Resist the DINK Fad

时间:2023-05-04 21:29:01 其它英语写作 我要投稿
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Resist the DINK Fad

Nowadays, one of the greatest changes in family life is that the ‘DINK’(double income no kids) family structure is fashionable among many young couples. They decide not to have any children because they think that children bring more misery than joy. Does married couple without children have a better life really? I doubt about this point. In my opinion, these couples are not only shortsighted but also self-centered and selfish.

Undoubtedly, a married couple without children will lead a relatively free and comfortable life than those who have children, for they have been free from the trouble and responsibilities caused by children. They can put more energy in work, so they can get more opportunities in job. And because of no children to take care of off duty, they can comfort and please themselves utilizing all the money they earn and all their vacation following their own will. Surely, their life seems very romantic, arractive and pizazzy.

Though couples without children enjoy the freedom from the worries for children and can spend all the money they earn for their own, they can never experience the pleasure brought by children. The process of giving birth to children, bring them up and cultivating them is very interesting and wonderful. Through observing the growing process of babies and feeling their changes bit by bit, couples can get conception about how they themselves grow up, which is blank for all since the memory don’t begin from birth. What’s more, the children’s growing is full of magic and miracle. The experience of raising children is unique and can’t be substituted by anything else in the world.

Besides the experience and joy children bring, children can act as the most efficient lubricant for a family. After the honeymoon of the first happy year, the affection between couples will become steady and the trivial family affairs are prominent in family, so family conflicts are unavoidable. The case that marriage is broken only because of the petty trifle is habitual. With a child or children in a family, the common affection on child can promote the sentiment between couple. And for the sake of children, the two sides of the conflicts can easily reach a compromise or mutual understanding if there isn’t something really serious. The children can bring more happiness for a family and reduce the frequency of quarrel.

From the viewpoint of society, those who choose to have no children are selfish and self-centered. They are avoiding the responsibility for both children and society. The development of society needs its members to bear, bring up and educate children regarding to the requirements of society. If everybody escapes from the responsibilities out of selfish considerations for society, there will be no human beings on the planet of earth. Furthermore, couples without children will be helpless when they are too old to help themselves. Then they will become the heavy burden of society. If such couples occupy a high proportion in society and exceed the degree that society can bear, the turbulence of society will become the deniable fact. Of course they can ask others for help. But who will look after them as the kin children do? They can never enjoy the reliable and timely care from their off springs, for “blood is thicker than water”. Their old days will be very deplorable and miserable without the concern and attend of their children.

Don’t be so shortsighted and selfish, look into future, we will find that having children is an instructive thing for ourselves as well as for society. However, take the family policy of China into consideration, as a responsible member of the human society, we should also limit the number of our children.
