my winter holiday英语作文

时间:2023-01-11 16:06:33 王娟 高考英语作文 我要投稿

my winter holiday英语作文(精选47篇)

  在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是小编精心整理的my winter holiday英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。

my winter holiday英语作文(精选47篇)

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇1

  Wintr holiday is coming.I am so xcitd.

  In this wintr holiday,I am going to tak a trip with my parnts by plan.W ar going to Bijing.Thn,I am going to go ic skating thr.I am going to s th snow.I will play with th snow.I am going to mak a snowman with my sistr.Thn w ar going to visit th Grat wall.At last,w ar going to go back hom by plan.

  That will b fun in th wintr holiday!I can’t wait!

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇2

  I really had a busy and happy winter holiday.I did my homework and helped my parents with the housework every day.I sometimes went to the library to read books and borrowed some.I also surfed the internet and went to movies with my friends.Isometimes played table tennis with my friends.The most interesting thing was that I went skiing five times with my parents and it was really cool.

  During the Spring Festival,i visited my grandparents,friends and relatives.We really had a great time together.I prepared for the new lessons and read English,too.I really enjoyed my winter holiday.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇3

  During my winter vacation,I was very bored.Nothing seemed interesting,except for doing homework,watching TV or playing computer games.However,it was interesting at the last few days.I bought my lovely guitar.Whenever I felt bored,I could take it out and play it.

  My most favorite thing was this guitar.Let me sum up the vacation.More than half of a month has passed.I went to Qingyuan for Spring Festival and after coming back,I spent the few days left in my guitar world.How short this vacation was!

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇4

  We are going to have the winter holiday.During the holiday we will have the Spring Festival.So all of the families in China are having a busy time.All of the children in China like Spring Festival very much,because they can eat many delicious food and get many money.

  But children in China have to do the homework for Winter Holiday.So that the could remember what they have learn the year before.Each of the children likes Winter Holiday.I think everybody did a lot of things in the Winter Holiday.But I didn’t.Let you to listen to my story of Winter Holiday.

  I spenda lot of time on the homework..Every day in my Winter Holiday,I always got up late.Then I listened to the tape,it was nine o’clock.Then I ate breakfast and then I did my homework during the daytime!I’m not very slow but the homework was too heavy!

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇5

  My winter holiday was very colourful.I felt very.During the holiday,Ivisited my grandparents and I got a lot of red packets I played games with my friends.I also did my homework and read books.I like my winter holiday very much.Many families had their houses newly built or rebuilt

  .Previously,the tile-roofed houses could be seen everywhere,but now they have taken on an entirely newlook.Motorcycles or even private cars are not luxuries any more.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇6

  my winter holiday will be very busy,because i've made a big plan for it.

  I'll finish my homework first,then i'll learn some French,i'm very intersted in French,and i hope i could visit France one day.

  I'll also do some sports,basketballs and handballs,I'll spendmuch time on them.Besides,i'm going to take part in a training course to prepare to be a good host.I hope my plans willall come ture.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇7

  My winter holiday was very colourful.I felt very.

  During the holiday,Ivisited my grandparents and I got a lot of red packets I played games with my friends.I also did my homework and read books.

  I like my winter holiday very much.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇8

  During my two-month winter holiday,the most exhilarating momment is spring festival.spring festival is our traditional celebration for new year,during this time,our family gather together and sit around at the table for a big family dinner.

  To most children,they are fascinated with amazingly beautiful fire works.loud noise of happiness,all well decorated in red,no one would simply sleep early as usual.It displays the attraction and strong impression inprinted in my heart which are hard to forget.

  I always think winter is a monotonous and unfriendly season with no fun,but the time of spring festival is thebest comfort for me to get rid of this mind.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇9

  One day in a winter vacation,I and my grandma to the fruit stand to buy fruit.Came to a fruit stand,while grandma and selling fruit machine of bargaining,I look east,west to see see.Suddenly,I made the rim now has a basket of yellow pear,the seller is a young girl,and he was wearing cloth cotton-padded clothes,seems to be a simple peasant girl.

  Coming at this time,as the bustling crowd,a painted with the rouge lipstick,middle-aged women,also took a four or five years old girl.They come to pear stand,the middle-aged woman asked: "how much a kilo here?Sweet not sweet?" "One yuan and fifty cents a catty,very sweet." "Hum!I try." The pick and choose among the women finally picked a big,yellow pear,with a handkerchief wiped,just eat it."Mom,I also want to!" The kid lifted her childish face,chubby little hands.A child could taste what flavor?That being said,the woman still pick out a big pear gave the little girl.

  Middle-aged women finished eating pears,wipes her mouth,said: "not sweet,not to buy!" She took the little girl was walking,the little girl cried: "sweet!Sweet,pears are nice,not acid,mother love lie." All of a sudden very angry,the woman was the long face,"pa" a slap at the little girl's face,"wow..." The little girl began to cry,cry also while Shouting: "mother love deceive people,mother love for petty gains." The woman has a little girl,at this time,the rural girlhurriedly come forward to stop her,took a few pearsfrombasket to the little girl,then don't look at the woman and pushed up the car and go to another to sell the pears.The woman in people buzzed,stay there don't know what to do

  Seeing this,my mind left two,one is so tall,one is so small.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇10

  How to talk about my winter holiday,that's really enjoy them all,endless aftertaste,a big harvest!

  I learned to pack book cover.Perhaps you may laugh at me,ha,is so big,also learned to pack book cover?Ha,let you to smile,anyway I was optimistic.Is my parents only daughter,always spoil me,protect me,at ordinary times is not their bag for me is to buy ready-made,I rarely do this work in teams.Only at home this time,parents work busy,I try to remember my father used to do book cover,slowly groping,meditate,after dad guidance,I finally have resulted in findings that saw the image ofuncomfortable,I'm happy to jump three feet high.

  Common saying: "the countless tears and sweat makes call success"!Winter vacation,I special attention to mathematics,dad extract some questionsfromthe computer do for me,I do on a per,will be happy.Especially for mom and dad are a little don't understand "cows eat grass" problem,I also did the right thing.Of course,I am careless,careless,sometimes doesn't even remember the triangle area,not only in this way,because of carelessness,many entirely wrong.

  In the winter holiday,I learned to pull two songs again,father also said I bow firm than before,and tone up is muchmore comfortable.

  In the cold winter,I gained so much "fruit",I have satisfied,don't!Less than!Maybe when I go to pick fruit.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇11

  Winter vacation is short,but it is also happy,because in winter there is a our unique festival - the Spring Festival of the Chinese nation.How I met your mother took me to visit friends and relatives during the Spring Festival,set off firecrackers with good friends,New Year's money,eat all kinds of delicious farm-style...But I still love to stick couplets on the Spring Festival most.

  The day before the New Year's eve,dad bought a few Zhang Chunlian,I immediately and my dad said: "the difficult task to me!" Dad agreed,I'll have the glue stick on the Spring Festival couplets,and then posted on the door,the thought that this taskis complete to smooth sailing,who think,a Spring Festival couplets made me puzzled.It has;"Fu" and "good luck",but one of them is written backwards.If the word "fu","good luck" is backwards,picture and not cut.The painting of the designer is too careless!Alas!How to stick?I have to seek helpfromdad,dad told me that before the Spring Festival couplet is written by yourself or others,in theninety s after the reform and opening up Spring Festival couplets gradually begin to printing,printing of the couplets is both convenient and beautiful.One year New Year's day,bought Zhang Chunlian stick up a family,a neighbor came over to see,said: "ah,your home everyone!How backwards stick!" The master and smiling said: "good,that's right,popular now everyone to stick,it also has its meaning,means at home!" The neighbor red the face said: "is this!" After listening to a father's story,I gave everyone up backwards,also understand this truth.

  Blink of an eye,the winter is past,the new semester has begun,and I look forward to a happy winter vacation.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇12

  A happy and short winter vacation quietly slipfromour side,we have ushered in a new semester,in the winter holiday fun like the stars in the sky,countless,is the pieces of my heart cannot erase memories.Each star shine,every piece of the past are deep-rooted.

  A day of the winter vacation,I enjoyed looking at for selection,suddenlya composition attracted me,the book says tea can "into" ink.Some time,I decided to himself to do the experiment.To start,I found a bowl,a handful of tea and a cup of hot water,and essential rusty nails.

  Experiment began,I follow step books carefully brewed in put the tea into the bowl.Gradually,the teabecome more and more deep untilbecome yellow,I just put the extremely important rusty nails a a cautious in teabecome yellow.After finishing the experiment will have to wait for the result.I looked at the bowl of teafromtime to time.Forced by the afternoon,I was to go to the result,I couldn't help but marvel."Wow!!" It's unbelievable,bowl of tea into the ink.I smoked a few drops,with a pen in the book write a word,a word came into my eyes.Really with ink.

  I am confused?After I readthe composition just know,originally in the tea juice contains a substance called tannins,he met a rusty experience caused by chemical reaction,thus the tea into "ink"

  How interesting life,impossiblebecomes possible.






  my winter holiday英语作文 篇13

  In the hope of a semester,finally ushered in the thrilling miss winter vacation,I immersed in dressing her joy......

  Lie-in is my greatest enjoyment,every day morning call bell to kick me out;All kinds of food makes me big mouth;Crazy exciting game is more laugh;Walk close bunch of qi of the proceeds of the New Year's money also let I'm flattered...

  The beer and skittles is,of course,not all of my winter holiday life,the most important thing is that I use my money to help the poor students.Mom and dad took me to a trip to henan kaifeng tourism,make me long and raised a lot of knowledge!

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇14

  Winter vacation is like a book,I wrote in each page belongs to own happiness and wonderful.

  Had a holiday,although learning is essential.Therefore,I give myself made a studyschedule: morning,I finish my homework seriously;

  Reference books in the afternoon,I sit at my window,there are "winnie the pooh","insects to record","Robinson Crusoe",etc.As the main characters in the story with me happy,sad,touched,together with anger.Stories like mystery,implicating LIDS I uncovered it,let me in the ocean of knowledge continuously absorb nutrients,thrive.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇15

  Happy time always flies by,unconsciously,a rich and colorful happy winter vacation has been out of my sight,but give me the deepest memory is in my village banging drums that impression.

  Year of that day of,is permeated with the feast meteorological everywhere,everyone's face was beaming.After breakfast,my grandpa took me to the village on the bridge of beating drums.One to just discover,percussion is poor grandpa the captain have not arrived.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇16

  Last winter holiday,I went to Harbin with my mother.It's very cold in winter.

  There is snow and ice everywhere and you are always in a white world.You must wear warm clothes.

  The most exciting thing is playing with snow.Skating is also very interesting there.

  I will' always remember Harbin,for the snow,the ice and all the beautiful things.I love Harbin.。





  my winter holiday英语作文 篇17

  Final exam was finally over,say goodbye to the intense study life,ushered in the winter vacation life full of joy.Every one can hope to own happiness in winter vacation,didn't have any burden,I like winter vacation life without work.This year,the last winter vacation in the primary school career,I wish finallybecome a reality,we are very honored to have no winter vacation homework.

  In the winter vacation life without homework,I became "free",while mom and dad asked me to sit there and see more books,but it much easier than before.Today,the sun is shining,and dizzying array of spring breezeto come over,as if has been able to feel the breath of spring,no follow,my family relatives and friends to eat the task immediatelyinvite companions to a small park in front of my house to play.

  Never know who isto come up with a good idea,a piece of grass in the park,we play together "balloon" game: will the balloon tied tightly in everyone's legs,men and women were divided into two groups,the time for 3 minutes,time to,the balloon is not each other on Fried to win.

  We will play a good balloon firmly tied to your legs,I see all.Only heard,"hush -- -- -- -- --" a game with sound,first for boys,they happily on the balloon,others also careful to protect their own balloon,for the very intense.Girl watching,we see the boys went,you run after me,can't help laughing,some even laugh broke belly,immediately,the balloon explosion in the park and we scream.....

  After a hard struggle,I also smoothly into the men's and women's competitions.Finally had the opportunity to make,I feel so nervous,the in the mind is full of curiosity to the result of the match.Make a little preparation,followed by the start of the final.When I was so absorbed in his balloon,targetinga companion to blow a balloon on willy-nilly,but before I return to absolute being,immediatelythe companion attacks,rather late,it's fast,on your feet jump,I see immediately the balloon float high,hiding in the past;And becausemy companion too hard and trample empty,a sputtering,heavily fell on the ground,had lookedon companions of laughter.At this time,I had a look at that fellow fell,hurriedly out of the past,guard him up,but have asked his hurt yourself,when we sure there is not much in game to start again...

  Although in theendI failed to win the game,but at this moment in the game,winning or losing is already not important,the laughter and to give us happiness and friendship is the most important thing,is the most precious.

  This is my full and happy winter vacation life without work.








  my winter holiday英语作文 篇18

  We are going to have the winter holiday.During the holiday we will have the Spring Festival.So all of the families in China are having a busy time.All of the children in China like Spring Festival very much,because they can eat many delicious food and get many money.But children in China have to do the homework for Winter Holiday.So that the could remember what they have learn the year before.Each of the children likes Winter Holiday.

  I think everybody did a lot of things in the Winter Holiday.But I didn’t.Let you to listen to my story of Winter Holiday.

  I spenda lot of time on the homework..Every day in my Winter Holiday,I always got up late.Then I listened to the tape,it was nine o’clock.Then I ate breakfast and then I did my homework during the daytime!I’m not very slow but the homework was too heavy!

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇19

  Chinese New Year's day,we at home the next day to discuss where to go.Because these days the weather is clear,sunny,cloudless,and we unanimously decided to go topicnic in the mountains.So,we have informed Yidie Aunt them,ready topicnic the next day when the dumpling skin,meat,condiments and bowls,chopsticks,pots and so on.The next day,we are mighty walked to the hill.

  After a lengthy one hour,we finally boarded the summit.Then,we started the division of labor: Yidie had to base lesions,aunts dumplings,some of our kids went to the collection of firewood.A moment later,a good stove base,and great people to immediately lift the pan up,doped Sheung Shui.This is,Chai has Picking is running out,we started to light a fire.Fire is getting bigger wang,the boil was the dark.3 Yidie saw,and said humorously: "with a small double (mynickname) is the same as black." Listening to other people,have a laugh.Moment,dumplings have been wrapped,and five aunt carrying his dumplings to the pot was about to fall,the three Yidie looking dumplings,and shook his head and said: "The package was too fat,and nothing like the small pairs only skinny monkey." Once again,other people laugh,I laugh again and good gas,not help then added: "with the same glowing three-Yi Die." Other people laugh even more fiercely.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇20

  My winter holiday is very dull.I stay at home for most of time.sometimes I visit my friends and play basketball with them.sometimes we go shopping.

  One day,we go to the kfc.We have hamburgers,chicken coke and french fries.We have sore throats.We go home and have a rest.then we feel better.We go andplay computer games!how mad we are!

  This is the only thing i can talk about in the holiday.




  my winter holiday英语作文 篇21

  I like winter holiday very much,although it’s very short.The Spring Festival is interesting.I have many things to eat and I will have new clothes.Besides,I can watch TV.I like cartoons.They are so interesting that I can watch them all the day.I have anew computer,so I can play games with my father.

  He promised to teach me.I will visit my relatives during the Spring Festival and I can get lucky money.Therefore,I can buy something I like.I have many to buy.Winter holiday is wonderful.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇22

  And in the winter vacation,looking forward to,looking forward to,the pace of the Spring Festival is near,springis coming.Chinese New Year,my father took me to grandpa and grandma's New Year's day in the country.

  When I was a kid,I've also been to the countryside,but at that time is too small,in rural areas don't have much impression.Annual lunar calendar at noon,the weather is very good,dad took me to the countryside shelf-space turned a circle,standing,looking for shelf-space look,wheat seeding flies in the distance,the green one,near the footof nameless flower clusters,here,there,colorful and fantastic,now I know what is called life,what is the real spring.I was so happy,catch a difference with the hand,careful observation,the difference of spring green,two pieces of leaves and a large tender malt,dad told me that this is the tender malt grow blossom finally will form what we want to eat the wheat.Then I was caught with the hand a little flower,flower petal is hexagonal,there is a little faint scent,smell touch will also leave a little bit of pollen in hand,slippery,is notthe nameof,I asked my father said he also don't know,he told me that in the countryside like this are too many unknown flowers grass,countyou come over?Spring countryside was so beautiful!

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇23

  The winter vacation.

  We in the "prisoner" finally released.One day,the sky was neither snow middle.You look at the snow all over the sky,lookfromthe top down,the air,the roof,the ground,the ground,are pure snow in disguise into a white world.

  In winter,it is so boring,but at this point,also give us the children brought a lot of fun,I looked at the white snow.Inspiration comes immediately,play snowball fights.

  Right now,I call several elder brothers iron donkey ride to school play snowball fights.My man is also very happy,"immediately" each one like to eat the doping.

  Snowball fight is about to begin.I there will be people points first,and then.To find "ambush",can play a gun in one place.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇24

  Lots of things in the winter vacation is like pieces of colorful fireworks.Happy and like pieces of falling snow lightsome,I carefully picked up one piece,that is my most memorable a meaningful thing.

  It is a fine day in winter,my mood as the weather is good,too.I told dad "the gauntlet" - see who playing chess under high level.To begin with,I shortly after the father died,so I put the two bulbs are used to eliminate the pawn,father died when I happily to eradicate the,only heard daddy said happily: "my Lord!" I rush to see my teacher,the other side of the gun is to take our handsome,I look to the help of covered her eyes,but my photograph is not move;I have to move the location of the handsome,the right of the position occupied by car,so we have to move to the left,"see this safe!" Just at that moment,I saw my father horse jump,my handsome will live again.At this moment,I,the front-runner,into also can not,back to back also don't go,just accept to give up.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇25

  As a student,I expect the winter holiday very much,because I don’t have to go to school every day.So I can sleep and get up late.But this winter holiday,I am not very happy.I didn’t do well in the final exam.It makes my parents disappointed.I feel sorry to them.Besides,I got ill the whole winter holiday.I caught a cold at first and then had a fever.I had to see a doctor every day.My parents worried much about me.Because of the illness,I didn’t have a good time during the New Year.Now,I am a little better.I hope I could be well soon,because the new term is beginning.I don’t want to go to school with illness.


  my winter holiday英语作文 篇26

  My winter holiday life rich and colorful,traveling,watching movies,mountain climbing,a classmate birthday party...Among them,the mountain climbing is my favorite.

  On one occasion,my parents and I go to climb the east scenic mountain.That day,it seems that god to test our will,blowing wind,we against the wind,go after a flat front path was gone,turned into a stone and clay.We didn't give up,move on,walk,my legs slowly became soft,look at mom and dad,they are in high spirit.At this moment,as if to see my dad idea,encourage a way: "come on!Let's not farfromsuccess!" I have heard,nodded,and summon up courage to once again,hard to climb to the top of the summit,crawling crawling,and I was tired,looked up to the height,ah!Isn't that the summit?Weis coming,I was so happy,run out whole body energy to climb.Finally,we climbed to the summit.I stood on the summit to look down,wow!"Infinite scene in the perilous peak" ah!

  The movies I also in the winter holiday liked leisure activities.One day,I see a movie,mom and dad to CGV international studios we see is "god steal dads 2",is,used to steal the moon the bad personality of lu turn over a new leaf three little sons and daughters when dad.Crime groups,however,"coalition against the wicked" come,put a blow big task in the hands of the wicked.And he deeply in love with his partner,Lucy.Finally,when the two of them were trapped in the wrong hands,Dr Gutzon home with three small sons and daughters to rescue them,but Lucy haven't untie the rope,then,the bad guys to raise the hen pecked at the launch of Lucy be tied down the button,global and Lucy is about to fly into a crater.At this time,the global and Lucy jumped into the sea,finally,global doctor sendsmall boats to rescue them.After 147 days,global and Lucy finally married.

  My winter holiday life rich and colorful,you?

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇27

  Winter holiday coincides with the lunar New Year,20xx,on the second day that day,the sky was light rain,mingled with underground let a person not happy,also does not have what good place to go.

  Father said,"let's to" rt-mart shopping mall!"

  "Good!" My mother and I immediately to the spirit,with one voice replied.

  Take the door,I involuntarily ran towards the toy department.Look at the colorful barbie dolls,think they are lovely and beautiful,let me linger.Suddenly,I felt someone aside quietly staring at me.Looking back,it was a bright yellow,fluffy teddy bear,it is about 60 cm long,large head,the body of rolling,black nose on a pair of intense big eyes.She stared at me unblinkingly,is really very cute,I just attracted by it in the past.

  Dad standing to the side seems to see through my mind,"do you want to the cubs?"

  I looked at the little bear,then see barbie dolls,put on a pair of dispensable.In fact,I especially like the cubs,but again afraidnot come true.So,pretending that you didn't care.

  Dad asked,"do you want a barbie doll or teddy bear?"

  I like an ant replied: "I...I will bear." The voice is very light very light,almost made a mouth.

  When dad put the lovely teddy bear on my hands,like a bunch of warm sunshine on my heart.

  In this way,with the 20xx winter and spring,a lovely apple bear walked into my life,this is really a happy thing!

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇28

  The winter vacationis coming.Im going to do what I want to do.


  First,Im going to have a good rest and relax.I will read some good books.Reading books is useful because it can help me get more knowledge.It can open up my eyes to the world.Next,Im going to spendmore time talking with my parents.I will also try my best to help them do some housework.Then,Im going to take part in social activities (社会活动)so that I can know more people.


  What do you think of my vacation?I hope you will have a happy winter vacation.


  my winter holiday英语作文 篇29

  My winter vocation Winter holidaysare coming.I am going to get up very late at about half past nine because I feel litter I am on vacation.

  I don’t have to go to school.How wonderful !During this vacation I can do lots of interesting things.For example,I am going to play basketball ,computer games and some other games.But of course,I must always remember that I am still a student .

  I am going to read a lot of books and finish my homework On New Year’s Eve ,my family will gather together eating ,talking and watching TV for almost the whole night .And there is going to be some interesting programmers on TV .

  I think I am going to be very happy in this winter holiday.





  my winter holiday英语作文 篇30

  My winter holidayis coming.I like winter holiday very much.Because it’s unnecessary for me to go to school.

  I have to do my homework everyday.I can watch TV everyday,too.I want to travel to Nanjing.I can play with snow there.But it is so cold,I need wear the sweater there.I can also play games with my friend.On December31,my family can get thgether and have a big dinner.I can get the red pocket.

  I like winter holiday,I like New Year’s Day too.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇31

  Year of the night,lights,m joy.Way home decorating,jubilant YiZhanZhan neon lights more dressed up the street.A family reunion together to watch the Spring Festival get-together,eat dinner together.Is the most interesting of fireworks.When the night falls,14 locations in the city,residential areas to also put the fireworks.

  Some,such as a string of pearls;Some stone such as meteor;Some,like a blossoming chrysanthemums;Some,such as strips waterfall...Let me dazzling,too many things to see.The frequent loud firecrackers,the flame of a radiant and bright and clinking flower,flying in the sky,shining on the earth,the explosion.The sound,the colour isendless,is to make the whole lucheng is full of joy,lively atmosphere.

  Look!"Weather" long tail;"Bee" and "buzz" in: "jinlong" wuthering swam to the sky;"Flash ball;light is not your eyes...

  Look at the colorful fireworks,my heart itch.So,my sister and I,my uncle bought a variety of fireworks and firecrackers,ready to in my house downstairs.Listen to 1 of "bursts --" uncle lit a fire with lighter,my heart is stretched tightly,I covered my ears,the moment of waiting for the fireworks bloomed."Sou -" the flowers blooming in the "magic bullet"fromthe barrel,into the sky has five stories high.That is no colour profusion color!Red,green,silver,golden.Intertwined,like flowers in full bloom,the fireworks into the sky,falling down,like a fairy scattering flowers,is really beautiful!I am happy to have to clap,everyone with a smile on his face.

  The New Year,new hope,in the New Year I'm fireworks bright opening door!

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇32

  Winter comes again,this is the third since I was in primary school winter vacation.Holiday that day,the teacher the assignment is more on the blackboard.For me,the teacher assigned winter vacation homeworkto complete or need a lot of time,because it is very difficult,and a lot of.Due to the winter vacation homework more,need reasonable arrange timeto complete,so I made a plan for the winter vacation studying life.

  My plan is this: every morning in the xinhua bookstore to buy of the "Chinese winter vacation homework" and "mathematics winter vacation homework each finish one page (two sides);For more than 30 minutes every morning time of extracurricular reading;Finished winter vacation homework in the morning and after reading the rest of the time free activities,you can watch TV,play computer games,etc.Noon lunch break after an hour of sleep,we finished the afternoon arrangement: adhere to write every afternoon a piece of calligraphy,learn an hourof computer application knowledge,after the read cooked a good article to read to the parents again.Finally is in before you go to bed after supper every day to write a diary: can write of what happened in yourown comments,stories and substance,etc.;Before sleeping to delve into a really,finally under the exciting TV children's hypnotic sleep - it's not a good habit!

  The above is my winter holiday life plan?My winter vacation plan is good!I finish my winter vacation homework should not only,also want to help mom and dad to do something,so mom and dad won't be happy,and it had to be meaningful.Finally,is close to the New Year,this is our important traditional festival of the Chinese nation,I am here to wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇33

  Grade four finally over the long term,usher in the summer vacation,my long-awaited how exciting it is!In the summer vacation,the most memorable to me is to attendthis activity "Chinese summer camp".On July 12,8 o 'clock in the morning,we went to yun xiang temple gate,the students participating in the activity,respectively,with less and Su Minfromnanxiang elementary school.First of all,we had a camp opening ceremony,and three other classmates very honored to,I was selected flag-bearer are engaged.After the opening ceremony,wevisited the nanxiang galleries,understand the customs of some old nanxiang.In the afternoon,we in the yun xiang temple library,listen to the teacher's lecture.

  Lecture is divided into three points,the first is "couplet",couplet ismore common in our life,such as New Year's day when stick Spring Festival couplets.Miss cheng in others out of the exhibitionhave compiled a few words,he also said that beautiful couplet can make the article.The second point is "poetry",through the lecture we knew before the tang dynasty for the archaism,after the tang dynasty is the modern culture.The third point is the "calligraphy",miss cheng told us about three stories of wang xizhi,also tells us the pleasure of writing calligraphy...Soon to half past three in the afternoon,students are deeply attracted by the teacher's lecture,we understand the culture of our country is so extensive and profound,understand Chinese is Chinese traditional academic,is the essence of the Chinese traditional culture.The second day of the summer camp of our activities in the famous national 4 a level scenic spots guyi garden.Just guyi garden exhibition,held in lotus park put the tank with lotus everywhere.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇34

  Happy winter vacation life is over,the nervous learning life is about to start.I very much enjoy this holiday...

  Today,the springtime,and the wind is blowing.My mother and I go to the eight neighborhood sports square flying a kite.Just start to put not how to fly high,I asked my mother: "why don't fly high?" Mother said: "may be the wind is too small to be patient." After a while,windy,I took my big kite put up again,this time flies high.I ran so fast,don't feel a bit tired,kite fly very high.The first time I feel this joy!

  The winter vacation life is happy!The most important is have a mother,thank my mother.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇35

  From the sixteenth of January to the seventh of February is our Winter Holiday.I think everybody did a lot of things in the Winter Holiday.But I didn’t.Let you to listen to my story of Winter Holiday.I spenda lot of time on the homework..Every day in my Winter Holiday,I always got up late.then I listened to the tape,it was nine o’clock.then I ate breakfast and then I did my homework during the daytime!I’m not very slow but the homework was too heavy!I’m unlucky on the playing too.I played firecracker but I hurt my finger with the fire.I ‘m careless to kindle the firecracker,so I’m very unlucky.

  I still unlucky on my friend’s party.In the morning,I wanted to get up early but I woke up at 10:50.After ten minutes,the party would start!So I only eat a piece of bread then I go to my friend’s home!And I stay at his home for a long time when I came home.My mother and father were very angry and they scolded me!

  I’m worried and feel unlucky on my weigh.Last term,I was 48 kilogram but now I am 51 kilogram!I must to do banting!But most important,I have gone to Shanghai Ocean Aquarium,I want to go there very much because I want to see the horse,the monkey……in the sea.Now I’ve done it .It is a bright dot in my Winter Holiday.从1月16日到二月七日是我们的寒假。我想在冬季假期每个人都做了很多的事情。但是我没有。让你听听我的寒假的故事吧。我花了很多时间做作业..在我的寒假里的每一天,我总是很晚起床。然后我听录音,已是9点钟。然后我吃早餐,然后我做我的`家庭作业!虽然我不是非常缓慢,但作业太多了!我在玩的时候也不幸。我玩爆竹时伤了我的手指。我粗心的点爆竹,所以我很不走运。我仍然不幸的是,在我的朋友的聚会。早上,我想早起,但我醒来晚了。十分钟后,该聚会将要开始!所以我只吃一块面包,我去我朋友的家!当我回家时,已在他家呆了很长一段时间了。我的母亲和父亲非常生气,他们无缘无故地大骂我!我很担心和感到体重也不好。上学期,我48公斤,但现在我是51公斤!我必须减肥!但最重要的是,我去了上海海洋水族馆,我非常想去那里,因为我希望看到马,猴子……在大海。现在我做到了。这是在我的寒假里最好的一件事。

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇36

  Winter holidayis coming.I am so excited.

  In this winter holiday,I am going to take a trip with my parents by plane.We are going to Beijing.Then,I am going to go ice skating there.I am going to see the snow.I will play with the snow.I am going to make a snowman with my sister.Then we are going to visit the Great wall.At last,we are going to go back home by plane.

  That will be fun in the winter holiday!I can’t wait!




  my winter holiday英语作文 篇37

  It’s January.My winter holidayis coming.I am going to go to Thailand.I will go there by plane.I like the food in Thailand.It’s spicy and tasty.In the winter holiday,I am going to play basketball.I am going to paint pictures,too.I will help my mother do some housework.I will be very happy in my winter holiday.


  my winter holiday英语作文 篇38

  Hectic for a semester,the long-awaited winter has finally arrived.At the moment,our children can all distress and sorrow all unhappy things behind to go to,let the joy with us the whole holiday!

  Winter vacation,a make us yearning,looking forward to the holidays,a make us happy holiday.We could have a relaxed holiday,a holiday can enrich our lives.

  At ordinary times is very busy,rarely have a rest time,but I can't live too irregular - 11,didn't go to bed at 2 o 'clock at night,didn't get up in the morning the sun high,that not only does no good to the body,but also have no spirit,the second day after the holiday will notbecome a "panda" no?So it is important to note that regularly,vacation rest,to think of your body!And early to rise body good!An hour in the morning is worth two in the should have a good grasp.The early running and reading is the best,"how the steel was tempered" this book is my winter vacation to see the classics,the wings of the book is a treasure trove of knowledge,wisdom,the ladder of human progress,early in the morning she Lou,get some fresh air,looking at classics is one of the beauties of life.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇39

  My holiday life is rich and colorful.

  Today,my mother and I went to the Olympic sailing base together,and visit the national sailing,sailing with various shapes,conical,rectangle,oval,etc.Mother told me that each sailing above have the national flag,it means which country sailing.

  We came to the sea along the base avenue,I saw many people catch crabs.Before they have leaned over the gap,with fine wire bent into a hook;Some squat down in the sand,dig a small hole hole with your finger.My mother and I are cheerfully took a shovel and a small plastic bucket,join to catch crabs.

  I looked at the surrounding terrain,want to find a place.Then mother shouted: "flat,come on,I found the crab" shelter "!" I quickly ran over.Hey!Mother put a piece of hard rock upside down,a nest of crabs all climb out,big like a walnut,small like soy,least a dozen.The crabs,nowhere to hide,to crawling around.I hurriedly stretch out his hand to catch that only the biggest,which know this guy is really clever,fierce turn a body,with its scissors pliers,severely nipped my finger."Oh," I jumped with pain,hard left.But how also to throw away,it is more and more tight.I bite the bullet and hard to jilt,smacked the guy,"eight feet down" to finally fell to the ground.But my fingers red and swollen,desperately blowing on the fingers,tears in her eyes is spinning.Then came click a sound,I like that with camera filmed by mom.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇40

  Dear students,you must know that once in the winter holiday,we are very excited.Because,it is not only our winter vacation,the annual Spring Festival is the People's Republic of China.A jubilant in the Spring Festival,every family,children and New Year's money,and was quite happy.Get lucky money at a time,I am very happy,my mother told me to save it,then I can go to buy a lot of books.To the Spring Festival I every time want to call dad bought many fireworks.In the evening,I and the father,mother,grandpa,grandma fireworks together,this year is no exception.The eve night,every family put up the firecrackers,fireworks.That every sound of firecrackers,fireworks,like a beautiful piece of music,breathless.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇41

  In the evening,my parents and I go to the self-service hotpot restaurant to eat hot pot.

  Because it is a buffet,so have to take food to eat hot pot.I took a lot of food,have mutton,potato chips,crabs and so on.In the dish,I most like to eat crabs.Crabs in alive colors are black,burn after they became red.I don't think that when we just started to eat hot,but then I think it is very hot,so,I will go outside to cool off,but can't stay too long in the outside,so I went in.Because I have been to the outside,don't again so hot.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇42

  A semester has passed,have a happy winter holiday!In this winter vacation,every day I very happy,on the cram school,can learn a lot of knowledge,have a holiday,you can play with children,you can also learn to help adults do household chores,and I am still a little chef!I'll do a lot of food,and like to braise in soy sauce sparerib,eggs,Fried persimmon,beans and dad all kua I was their little helper,I'm really so happy!

  When mom and dad not at home,I originally is a mess of the house is very clean,wait for mom and dad always surprise them.This winter holiday I am very happy,not only learned a lot of knowledge,and help parents do a lot of depth,this is a meaningful and happy winter holiday!

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇43

  On the first day of winter vacation,I get up in the morning opened the door a look,oh.It's snowing.I hurriedly dressed out make a snowman snowball fights is a play a lunch.

  In the afternoon,my father and I go to the park to play in the park I saw the flowers withered can almost chrysanthemum is another more luxuriant scene and it always open.

  Today I also have a harvest when I know the chrysanthemum is face cream take cold open bright and beautiful scenery.

  There were so many harvest today!

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇44

  Rain with tease out a slip,it ran a dirty mud died,home 20 minutes after it first to a shower,this is my first time to give the dog a bath.Looked atfromits black mud soup,disgusting.Oneself also take a bath,pure and fresh.

  Wake up in the afternoon sleep yourself tidy up the room,table and bed.Tidy up very clean and tidy,reward yourself,go out around,my mother let me take out the trash,very smelly,I most love to do this kind of thing,mom,I can not smelly work the points some?(silence) have to pour,smelly,also is very heavy,slam the door.Come back when the mood is very good,because it's cool outside,the air is very good.Feel better.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇45

  In the winter vacation,I have been to hainan,banana plantation and other places,but my favorite is sweet gillam.

  On Wednesday afternoon,I'm lin-bo Chen and some friends to play in the banana plantation.After a while,people come together,I counted,a total of 20 people,first I said: "the rules of the game is: everybody first group,a group of 10 people,madefrombanana pistol,madefrombanana peel grenades,each group choose a team leader,base be decided by the team leader.All of which a set of 'dead' even lost." All with one voice said: "good!"

  Yeah!And Chen ling wavelength division to a group of my friends chose me as team leader,I didn't also way,just when the team leader.Our base behind a big rock,I'll look at the other group,found that their base in a banana tree next to,so I said: "the enemy base behind the banana tree,good memory,two other strikers,three centers,five defenders."

  Game started,I group 2 forward bravely rushed into the enemy base,pa,we destroy a,I worried.But the two strikers with grenades killed by the enemy "death".I am short of breath,sent three center respectivelyfromleft to right.Ha ha,the enemy head all big this time,thought that only one offense,appear on the loose,but we still have 2 people,the enemy gets,spluttered pa,enemy down for three people,they didn't tense up,this is 1 of pa,the enemy made a "death".But,the enemy began to counterattack,alas!3 people hang up,this time,all the enemy attacked,ah,the enemy attack speed so fast,blink of an eye,the enemy is only 1 meterfromthe base,"kill!" I yell 1,all guards killed out,ah!That's great!That's great!The enemy was wiped out by us.

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇46

  Happy winter vacation to,of course,happy Chinese New Year is here!Our long-expected winter break,finally coming!Winter vacation,we canplay computer games and watching TV!You can also sleep late!The most important,of course,still winter vacation homework!

  Won't see people off our classmates,so we only use Internetchat,still can video with each other with each other,the winter holiday!The most happy!I sleep every day,the evening see TV at 12 o 'clock,and the first day morning digging up his eyes toplay computer!Ah!Do your homework time again!From do eat good lunch,I do ah,to do less I'll eat east,west to eat,a waste of time!This homework is done progressively less!I can have enough time to play.The idea is wrong,of course,even if I don't do now,but always I do in a few days.More I don't have any way to escape the homework,but this kind of bad habits is very bad,soon to be mother or teacher,if the mother found that I was done,and copy 10 times!Found 2 times by the teacher ah!

  my winter holiday英语作文 篇47

  As the winter vacation is drawing near,I have a plan about my vacation.

  I"m going to do what I want to do.I"m going to study harder in order to get good grades in the following term.After finishing all my homework,I"m going to enjoy myself in the sea of knowledge.Reading must be a good idea.I"m going to keep fit at the same time.

  I"ll get up eary in the morning everyday and play sports.I really love sports.Besides that,Eating a balanced diet is also good for my health.I"m going to help my mom and dad with the housework as well in the vacation.I"ll learn to cook.As for travelling,I"m planning to go to Hainan.But whether going there or not will be decided on the weather.During the vacation,I"m going to learn more about history,as I"m really poor on it.

  So you see,I"ll have a terrific vacation!

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