My favourite animal英语作文

时间:2024-04-26 18:15:05 夏仙 高考英语作文 我要投稿

My favourite animal英语作文(精选40篇)

  在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,下面是小编为大家整理的My favourite animal英语作文,欢迎大家分享。

My favourite animal英语作文(精选40篇)

  My favourite animal英语作文 1

  My favourite animal is the monkey.It usually lives in the forest.It is very clever.The monkey is good at climbing trees.It likes to eat fruit.Bananas are its favourite fruit.Some monkeys live in the zoo.Children love to see them.They often give some bananas to the monkeys.

  Monkeys often stay in trees and jump between them.When they are happy, they will act for visitors.It’s very funny.



  My favourite animal英语作文 2

  My favourite animal is an elephant.It has got big ears and a big body.It has got big tusks.It has got a long tail and small eyes.

  It can hear very well.It looks like a mammoth.An elephant hasnt got a nose.It has got a trunk.I like elephants very much.



  My favourite animal英语作文 3

  My favourite animal is the panda China is famous for the pandas.Many people like pandas.Pandas are black and white.They are lovely and friendlyThey live in Sichuan,China.They like eating bamboo.There are about 1,600 pandas in the wild in China.

  They usually eat 15 kilos of bamboo a day, and they eat for about 12 hours a day.They are very shy.So when you go to see pandas in the zoo, you must keep quiet.Do you like pandas?



  My favourite animal英语作文 4

  I like dogs, because they are man’s good friends.

  They can do many helpful things to us.For example,a guide dog can help and lead the blind people.A rescues dog can save people’s lives when they are in danger.Sometimes dogs can help their owner do some work! When we are bored, we can take them for a walk, we can play with them.Some dogs can also act to make fun for us.

  I think dogs are cute, clever, friendly and helpful.I hope we will always remain friends.Do you think so?




  My favourite animal英语作文 5

  My favorite animal is the dog, they not only cute, and very clever, very gentle.Very attractive.My little dog - "full".It is a squirrel dogs, brown body like a cha oil, neck hair round bloom, like a flower.Watery eyes like two glass beads.A thin tail kept shaking, really liked.

  "With more than" a see me, have to jump down immediately.I walked over to it, it came to rush, have a smell of my body, its tail happily swaying, I use said touched its little head, it begin to add me by the hand, feel warm.Sometimes when I was eating, it also want to eat, but I didnt give it, it will make some strange sound to attract my attention.

  It every time after the shower, I take a towel to embrace it, it seems to be a baby, lay quietly in my hands.




  My favourite animal英语作文 6

  I like animals very much, such as horses, monkeys, cats, tigers and so on.But I like dogs best.Why? Because they are very cute and friendly.

  I have a white dog.Its name is Bobo.She is a female dog.She comes from Beijing, China.She has two big eyes and a small month.She wears white clothes.She often walks around at home.It has nothing to do.She likes eating ice-cream so much, So do I.When I eat ice-cream, she will look at the ice-cream carefully.So I will give her some to eat.

  I think Bobo is the cutest dog in the world.




  My favourite animal英语作文 7

  My favorite animal is a small white rabbit, the small white rabbit is very cute, it has a white fluffy, red eyes, a pair of long ears and a short tail.

  Speaking of which, do you know why I like the small white rabbit? That is because I like white and the small white rabbit is white, so I like the little white rabbit.I like the little white rabbit and the second factor, that is the rabbit likes to eat carrots, I also like to eat carrots, this is the second factor.

  This is my introduction of the small white rabbit, do you like it?




  My favourite animal英语作文 8

  My favorite animal is the whale.They live in the sea.And they are big.They look like huge ships.They can swim,float on the sea,catch small fish and spurt water.

  They are so friendly.My favorite animal is the dolphin.They live in the ocean.And they are cute and beautiful.They not only swim fast,but are also smart.Their color is gray.They can swim and jump in the ocean.They look like fish,but they are mammals.Dolphins can be trained by people because they can learn things very quickly.They are very friendly,so I love them very much.



  My favourite animal英语作文 9

  When I was very small, I had watched a lot of cartoons, and Mickey Mouse was always my favorite character.When I went to the zoo and watched panda, I found Mickey Mouse and giant panda had something in common.Both of them had the lovely ears.

  Since then, I was so crazy about panda.It was the loveliest animal in the world.I liked to watch it eating bamboo or hanging in the trees.As the more information I get, I realize that panda is dying out, so it is in need of protecting the environment, so as to let these lovely creature live well in the wild.



  My favourite animal英语作文 10

  I like the animals very much, but my favorite animal is my uncle picked up the puppy.

  The puppys hair is yellow, his ears pointed, his high, his eyes round and big, black and bright, his nose black and upright, its mouth is small , Its tail long swing to swing, very cute.

  Puppy eating food when very cute, I put the ribs into a small bowl inside, he far to see, all of a sudden ran over, first with a smell of the nose, it smelled the taste of ribs, immediately dangling, Big mouth to eat up.Puppy habits every time to see strange things, have to use the nose to smell, when it will eat something crisp sound.

  It is always in front of his forefoot on the front, back on the back, he sometimes when he was going to sleep barking sound, as if in a dream.

  Puppy and I often play the game is running, it ran like a river when the same action is very agile.

  I really like this puppy, should be, it has been with me a good time.







  My favourite animal英语作文 11

  My home have a little puppy.Its whole body furry, dressed in a brown fur jacket.Head round, like a small ball.It is also very like eating meat bone.Whenever I throw it a piece of meat bones, it ran quickly, exhaled to eat.

  Its very naughty.When I got home, it will constantly wags her tail, like the welcome me? Sometimes it saw a stranger wang wang called, as if to protect our home.Sometimes it can be with my toy running around in my side, as if in the game I do with joy.I gave it a good name, called gray.

  I like it very much is gray, because its cute and naughty, like a little doll.




  My favourite animal英语作文 12

  I love my little cat the most. It has a very domineering name - "Pirate", which was given by my father.

  The kitten has a long body and alternating yellow and white fur, which feels fluffy and comfortable to the touch. The kitten has a round face with two glass bead like eyes, which have magical powers like a magician. They are brown during the day and turn blue at night. The little cats tongue is like a brush, licking my hand, and I feel itchy. What is the purpose of a cats exceptionally long beard? A cats beard is like its ruler, which can measure distance and recognize and perceive objects.

  Kittens like to eat cat food and canned food. Every day, the kitten eats two meals of cat food and canned food every two days. When the cat is full, it lazily lies down, squinting its eyes to sleep and enjoying life.

  My familys "pirates" also have a characteristic of liking to watch TV. Once, a cute little cat appeared on the TV screen. My little cat saw it and meowed happily. "Pirate, are you looking for that little cat to be friends with?" I asked curiously. The pirate ignored me and shouted, running towards the TV... Unfortunately, the screen changed. The pirate returned disappointed and sat back on the sofa. "Dont be sad, pirate. Ill play with you!" I lovingly reached out and held it in my arms.

  I love our little cat!






  My favourite animal英语作文 13

  Last year, my mother and I went back to Qingdao and bought a silly and mischievous little turtle. I have been raising it until now and it is very robust.

  The little turtle has a very cute appearance, with a triangular head, larger green beans in its eyes, protruding outward. Its nostrils are as small as needles, and there are two red stripes on its neck, like wearing a red scarf. The turtle shell is green, shiny and hard, and it wants to wear green armor. Its like carrying a small house on your back. The turtle shell is divided into patterns, each piece resembling an ancient coin. Four small feet paddled back and forth like oars, with a pointed and thin tail at the back.

  The little turtle is as timid as a mouse. As soon as someone startles it, it immediately retracts its head, limbs, and tail into its shell, becoming a true "shrunken turtle". After a long while, it slowly extended its long head and cautiously looked around. If youre scaring it at this moment, its shrinking like lightning. If no one startles it, it will play freely in the water.

  The little turtle is also very interesting. When I was idle, I played with it and deliberately made it stand on all fours. At this time, it spread its four legs, stretched its long neck, and tried hard to turn over with its head or tail. It took a lot of effort but couldnt turn over. I looked at its pitiful appearance and helped it turn over.

  The little turtle has brought me a lot of fun, and I will take care of it carefully. After school, I will take a look at it.






  My favourite animal英语作文 14

  Last summer, my aunt bought me two little rabbits, which were snow-white and adorable.

  I usually give them fresh vegetable leaves to eat after school, and they are so fat that I feed them!

  As soon as it runs, it leaves a cigarette and disappears. It has two long ears, a three petal mouth, four thick and short legs, a furry tail that resembles someone kneading a long piece of cotton into a small ball, and a pair of red eyes that seem to have red eye disease.

  One afternoon, when I came home from school, I found a little rabbit with a bulging belly. I quickly hugged him and asked my mother, who smiled and told me, "Shes pregnant with a little rabbit." I was extremely happy and thought, "How many more little rabbits are we going to have at home?"! I made a mark with red ink on him so that I could recognize him as soon as I got home. I also took care of him more seriously than other rabbits. In a few days, she gave birth to two cute and silly little rabbits.

  The little rabbits grew up day by day, and I gave them a name, Ping Ping An An, which means that we and the rabbits can be peaceful, safe, and healthy. I didnt expect this name to really work. During their growth process, they were not attacked by disabilities, and the other little rabbits also grew up healthy.

  I love this little rabbit the most, and I want to continue raising them.







  My favourite animal英语作文 15

  Some people like little white rabbits, some like small dogs, but I like cute cats. Come with me and take a look!

  My little cat at home has a pair of big sapphire like eyes. There is a small and delicate nose on a pink little mouth. He likes to hide and play hide and seek with me when nobody is around. At night, his eyes become even more beautiful!

  The kitten runs very fast, and whenever Im about to catch it, it immediately runs out of sight. Once, a friend came out with a cute little dog to play with me and saw that little dog. I couldnt help but say to my friend, "Your little dog is so cute, and I also want to have one like this." The little cat next to me heard it, afraid that his status would not be guaranteed. It kept circling around my feet and meowing, as if saying, "Master, you dont want to have a little dog anymore, okay?" I deliberately ignored him and laughed with my friends. The little cat ran away angrily when I wasnt paying attention. My friends and I also searched for a long time before we found it. Oh, you little cat!

  It is not only fast but also good at hiding. One night, while watching TV intently, I suddenly realized that my little cat seemed to be missing. Did it run out to play again? I quickly looked for it, searched for a long time, and only found it hiding under the sofa when I got home. What a mischievous cat it is.

  This is my little cat, I like my cat.






  My favourite animal英语作文 16

  My friend keeps a lazy and cute little hamster at home.

  Its fur is white and orange in color, reminiscent of ice popsicles with alternating colors. It has a big head and a pair of leaf shaped small ears on it. Eyes are black and bright, like two unique black gemstones. The four legs are like four toothpicks, small and agile. Hamsters like to eat grains and grains, and they are merciless when eating. As soon as they saw the food, they rushed towards it at a rocket like speed, stuffing it directly into their mouths, no matter what kind of food it was. After dinner, it will take a walk in the cage to relax.

  Seeing it so cute, I cant help but want to play with it. At that moment, I lifted it onto the slide and slid it down. When it sat on the slide, its back fell back, its eyes wide open, and its expression was very flustered, as if saying, "Im still young, I dont want to die!" At that moment, it had already slipped to the bottom and breathed a sigh of relief. It may be thinking: Is the owner making me happy?

  It casually walked back to its own bed and fell asleep. I grabbed it onto the treadmill, but not only did it not run, it also glared at me as if saying, "Friend, can you let me sleep well for a while?" I glanced at it and thought to myself, "Im going to use my ultimate move.". So, I quickly turned the treadmill and let it run, but this trick didnt work at all. It even slipped off the treadmill, and I looked at it helplessly. Gradually, it fell asleep, and I didnt disturb it anymore.

  Do you think this little hamster is cute? Do you want to keep it?






  My favourite animal英语作文 17

  My favorite animal is a big yellow dog. Grandmas big yellow dog has yellow fur all over its body, and its ears will immediately stand up when it hears a slight sound. It has a pair of round eyes, like two black gemstones. Its nose is black and bright, as if constantly sniffing the scent. The whole head of the rhubarb dog looks like a big Zongzi.

  The rhubarb dog is very clever. Once, my sister and I went to see a big yellow dog and saw it leisurely lying on the ground sunbathing. As soon as it saw its sister, it stood up and slowly walked towards her, wagging its tail. It lifted its head and looked at its sister happily, with its mouth gently open. When it saw me, it ran into the dog house in fear. It runs while looking back to see if I can catch up. When I walked upstairs, it poked its head out and looked around until there were no strangers before boldly walking out and continuing to leisurely bask in the sun.

  The rhubarb dog is not only very clever, but also a loyal guardian. It spends the most time every day at the entrance of its grandmothers house. If a stranger comes in, it immediately stands up and stared fixedly at the stranger. Screaming at him, as if saying, "Who are you? What are you doing at the masters house?"? Not letting strangers in at all. Until Grandma came out and shouted, "Dont bark!", the yellow dog stopped barking, walked aside, and then continued to guard in front of the door.

  I really like my grandmothers big yellow dog. It is very clever and loyal, and it brings a lot of joy to my grandmothers family.





  My favourite animal英语作文 18

  This short haired dog came to our house in May last year. It has coffee colored fur all over its body, soft and soft. When I first saw it, I couldnt help but shout "coffee". This short haired dog called out, giving birth to its name - coffee.

  I am quite greedy for coffee and love to eat bones the most. This makes me the perfect partner with my meat lover. Every time I eat, the remaining bones belong to the coffee. At this moment, the coffee is always the first to rush over and quickly remove the bones from the bowl. Its movements are as fast as lightning, and I guess even the fastest person in the world cant beat the speed of the coffee rush.

  Coffee likes to go for a walk, and I always take it out for a walk. Even if I take it for a walk, it doesnt affect my coffee craving at all. Once, I took a walk by the beach with coffee, and the coffee opened the way for me. It drifted past the aroma of grilled sausages on the snack stand in the distance. Suddenly, the coffee turned around and ran back, running around me again and again. Seeing that I had not moved for a long time, Coffee expressed himself vigorously, biting into the hem of my pants and forcefully pulling me forward. I understood at a glance: this little gluttony wants to eat sausages again. Helpless, I had to pay for it to buy a grilled sausage. It held the sausage in its mouth for a moment and refused to let go, as if it were its beloved treasure.

  I havent spent much time with coffee, but it has truly entered my life and become my good companion. We take walks and play together. Although it is greedy and mischievous, I still love it.






  My favourite animal英语作文 19

  People with different personalities also like different animals. If someone asks me what animal I like, I will definitely answer - hunting dogs.

  Dad keeps a hunting dog in Guangzhou. This Spring Festival, my dad took me and my mom to Guangzhou to play, and this was the first time I saw it.

  This dog has white body, thin and long legs, a tail that often wags and sways, and straight ears. It is very cute!

  Dad said he likes to eat ham. Whenever I walked towards it with ham, it would run over and pounce on me. I threw the ham far away, and it immediately ran over and lay on the ground, holding the ham with its paws. It ate a little ham and then vomited it out, as if unwilling to eat it. So it used this way of eating to finish the ham.

  This dog has many characteristics. At night, its eyes can emit emerald like light, and like the eyes of a wolf, it can see distant movements in the darkness. As long as there is any wind or grass stirring, it barks and runs over to explore the truth. It is very enthusiastic towards its owner. If the owner comes back from outside, it will constantly pounce on the owner, extend its front paws to embrace the owner, and even lick the owners face with its tongue. If you are a stranger, it will bark at you and bite you until it drives you away!

  This is the animal I like. When you see it, you will find it very scary. After spending time with it, you will find it very cute!







  My favourite animal英语作文 20

  If you want to talk about my favorite animal, it must be Mimi.

  Mimis eyes were crystal clear, like a priceless sapphire. He has a small and delicate nose, a lively mouth, and a long neck, like an elegant ballet dancer. A round belly looks like it has a villa inside, and from a distance, Mimi looks like a round ball.

  Dont look at Mimi being chubby, theres a way to catch mice. Once, it saw a mouse with large arms and a round waist, its eyes involuntarily flickering. It first walked slowly around the mouse, and the mouse was so scared that its fur stood up. Mimi pretended to be stupid and started playing with the mouse. The mouse climbed onto it and calmly yawned, scratching its back with its sharp claws. The mouse saw that Mimi was so stupid, so it climbed onto Mimis head and hummed a tune. Seeing that the time was ripe, Mimi suddenly grabbed the mouse and happily put it into her mouth.

  Mimi is also very greedy. Unlike other kittens, Mimi doesnt like to eat cat food, but likes to eat cookies. If it finishes eating cookies and finds its not enough, it will act spoiled and ask me for cookies. If I agree, it will wag its tail happily at me, but if I dont agree, it will gently scratch me with its little paws and then walk away sullenly.

  This is my pussy, a smart, cute, and lively little cat. Although it is no longer in my house, it will always live in my heart.






  My favourite animal英语作文 21

  What is my favorite animal? Dont worry, listen to me describe it slowly.

  It has a pair of watery big eyes, resembling two black pearls; It has a bone like nose; A pair of furry little ears; A small tail that keeps wagging as if it can never stop; There is also a white and chubby body that makes you want to hold it in your hand when you see it. He is still the most loyal friend of humanity!

  You must have guessed who it is, thats right! He is my second aunts little dog - Pipi. Hes so smart! Do you know that he loves balls the most. Even if it is exhausted, as soon as it sees the ball, it immediately becomes excited.

  Once, I went to play at Aunt Ers house. As soon as I entered the door, Pippi rushed up to me and welcomed me with dance and dance. I touched her head, its so soft! I saw a ball next to me, I picked it up, and Pippi immediately became excited. I pretended to throw it, and Pippi quickly ran forward. Pippi ran ahead and found no ball, as if thinking: Huh? What about the ball? What about the ball? He quickly ran over again, waiting for me to throw the ball. I threw the ball hard, Pippi ran out like the speed of light, found the ball, and held it in my mouth. Looking at his smug expression, it seems like hes thinking: Xiao Biao, fight me! I wont give you the ball anymore!

  Look, Pippi is cute, isnt she? Are you willing to be friends with him?






  My favourite animal英语作文 22

  My favorite little animal is a puppy, lets talk about my dog! My favorite is my mother dog at home. It has yellow and white fur, two eyes like black pearls, well-developed limbs, and a short tail. It is also very fat, so I named it "Ah Pang". Its belly is particularly big because it is about to give birth to a baby soon. Last time, four babies were born and one died. At that time, it was very sad and stared at its motionless child, with watery eyes that seemed to be shedding tears of sadness.

  When it eats, it wolfs down food. When other dogs come over to share food with it, it immediately lifts its head, tails up, ears up, and has a fierce expression. It also barks "woof woof woof", as if saying, "Hurry up, dont come over. If anyone dares to come over, I will be rude to them!"

  Once, when I was playing ball picking with it, for some reason, it suddenly fell and quickly got up, as if it was fine. When it sleeps, it looks like a dead pig. It doesnt pay attention to anything it calls it, unless it is lured by food, it will wake up. Whenever you use food to lure it, it will immediately open its eyes, move its nose, follow the direction of the food, and ask for food to eat.

  Look, this is my favorite little dog. How about it, cute?





  My favourite animal英语作文 23

  Do you know what animal I like the most? Ill tell you! My favorite animal is the mouses nemesis cat.

  My cats name is Xiao Xi; Its fur is black all over its body; Its tail is long and curved; It has a pair of red eyes, like a red gemstone, symbolizing auspiciousness, happiness, and passion.

  It loves playing with my chicken feather keys the most. Whenever I go out to play, it plays with my chicken feather keys when Im not at home. I always buy new ones after finishing.

  Sometimes he is very good. He spent half a day sunbathing and sleeping on the sofa and floor. He sleeps from night until noon to eat, then finishes his meal and sleeps until night to eat. I really suspect that I have a pig instead of a cat, because it lives like a pig!

  Sometimes it is very mischievous, it will run to the lawn and flip the vase; Climb a tree and swing with its branches. No matter where it passes, it will definitely fall apart.

  Sometimes I am very playful. If it wants to go out and play, it will run away for a day and a night. No matter who uses any tricks, it doesnt appreciate it. I didnt come back until midnight.

  Sometimes, he is very filial. When he hears the sound of mice, he will quickly catch them regardless of everything.

  Sometimes it can be terrifying. Whenever my sister and I go for a walk, it suddenly pops up, making our hair stand on end.

  About what? Do you like it? I really like it because I am attracted by its lively, innocent and cute appearance, so I really like it!










  My favourite animal英语作文 24

  I like many animals, such as rabbits, puppies, monkeys, birds... And my favorite animal is a cat.

  There is a beautiful cat in our community. Although it comes in many colors, such as black, gray, white, etc., I still love the yellow and white part of it the most, which is as soft and smooth as silk. It walks quietly, like a shy little girl. Its eyes often change: when the morning light is not strong, its eyes are like two jujubes; At noon, it squinted into a line; At night, its eyes turned into two beautiful sapphires again. It has a slender tail that often swings back and forth, and sometimes it even chases its own tail in circles, very cute and playful!

  About a month ago, it gave birth to a litter of furry little flower cats. It hid the kittens well so that others couldnt find them. Whenever someone gave it food, it would run over happily, watching with its sapphire like eyes, meowing softly as if saying "thank you!", then picking up the food and running away quickly. It must have been given to its babies to eat, right!

  Now, on the lawn of the community, three lively and cute little flower cats can often be seen playing happily. The cat I like, lying next to it, lovingly watching its children, is really a happy family!





  My favourite animal英语作文 25

  Some people like canaries with pleasant and melodious songs, while others like adorable giant pandas. However, I like the persistent turtle.

  The turtle has a pair of small and black eyes that flicker like a pair of black pearls in the sunlight. There is also a heavy shell on its back. Although the shell slows down the turtles speed, the patterns on the shell add a cute touch to the turtle. It also has a short tail, and its tail sways back and forth while walking, which is extremely magical. However, our little turtle has one thing that sets it apart from other turtles - it has four legs. While other turtles have thick and large legs, our little turtle has small and thin legs.

  One important thing I like about our turtles is that they have fun eating. Usually, when I put dried fish in front of it, it would tuck its head into the turtle shell and wait for me to walk away for a while before slowly sticking its head out and having a full meal. When it was hungry, I put down the dried fish and it flipped its head, then bounced out to bite a small piece, and then repeatedly until the food was finished. One time, I even picked up a small shrimp with my chopsticks. It didnt eat enough shrimp and even bit into my chopsticks. I tried hard but couldnt pull it out. I wished my teeth were stuck in the chopsticks until I placed five or six shrimp in front of me before releasing my chopsticks.

  After listening to my introduction, have you also fallen in love with turtles? If you like turtles, hurry up and buy one to play with!





  My favourite animal英语作文 26

  My favorite animals include: loyal little dogs, lively and clever cats, and clumsy pandas... but my favorite is still the free spirited little fish.

  My familys fish is called "Emperor" because it is the largest among all fish schools. Its whole body is golden, without eyelids, and its tail is like a fan. It swims and sways like a dancer in the water.

  When the emperor is happy, he will play freely in the water. If the emperor is not happy, he will hide behind the pillars of my fish pond. No matter how much fish food you feed him, he will not pay attention to you.

  The emperor was very greedy, but also very picky about food. Every time I feed it fish food, it eats it all in less than three seconds, as if it hasnt eaten for several days. Why is it said to be picky eaters? Its because it only eats black fish food and doesnt eat red fish food. Once, there was no black fish food at home, so I had to feed it red fish food. But first it smelled it and then quickly left, as if saying, "Its really unpleasant, Im not going to eat it!" I can only wait for my mother to buy fish food and feed it back.

  When the emperor is hungry, he will expose his head to the water and spit bubbles. If he finds someone coming, he will quickly hide at the bottom of the water.

  This is my "emperor", do you like it? It has brought me a lot of fun in my life, and our whole family loves it.







  My favourite animal英语作文 27

  Among the animals I have seen, my favorite dog in my hometown is Xiaohei, who has been with me since I was born.

  It has shiny black fur and a black nose embedded in its face. The most interesting thing is its long tail. Whenever it sees me, it wags its tail as if bowing to me.

  It not only looks cute, but also has sharp ears! Whenever I hear a slight movement at the door, I will bark loudly; If someone comes in, it remains vigilant at all times. Every time my brother and I go out to play, it always follows and protects our safety.

  It is said that Xiao Hei from my family also experienced a disaster and eventually came back to life. I remember that day when my aunt took me and my brother to school, it followed suit. Suddenly, I noticed a ham sausage sprinkled with poison at the door. Little Black, who was greedy, took a quick step and swallowed it, foaming on the spot and risking his life. Fortunately, my grandmother discovered it in time and sent it to the veterinary station for gastric lavage, pulling back Little Black who was hovering on the brink of life and death.

  Xiao Hei is a skilled watcher! At night, when everyone was taking a day off from exhaustion and relaxing, it always stared at the entrance with full energy and energy. With its care, our family has never lost anything.

  This is my favorite little black, who can both take care of the house and be loved!







  My favourite animal英语作文 28

  In life, my favorite animal is a kitten. It was given to me by my dads friend, and I named it "Pipi".

  It is wearing a golden coat, a small white hat on its head, and a little white on its legs, as if wearing small white boots, emitting a star like aura. It is really cool!

  Once I was going to school and found my backpack heavy. Because I woke up late, I didnt have time to go and see. After arriving at school, I opened my backpack and found my good friend Pippi sleeping in it. I quickly took it from my backpack to the table and put it in the drawer, afraid that anyone would know and tell the teacher. Im going to raise the flag and remind Pipi not to come out. I was very worried during the flag raising process and my mind was constantly absent-minded. As soon as I finished my promotion, I ran back quickly and found that Pipi was missing. Being secretly anxious, I suddenly heard a meow behind me, which turned out to be Pippi. I picked it up and put it in my backpack. I finally waited until school was over, and when I returned, I scolded him severely. It seemed to know it was wrong, drooping its ears without saying a word.

  On Sunday, Pipi wanted to play with me and kept grabbing my pants. I said to him, "Ill go play with you after I finish my homework." I finally finished my homework and went to find Pipi, but I couldnt find anything here or there. Im going to take a nap now. Take off the blanket, Pi Pi is sleeping soundly in the bed! When I disturbed it, it stretched lazily as if saying, "Let me sleep a little longer, just a little longer!" And then it fell asleep again.

  A little cat is a little mischievous; A little mischievous is a beautiful song.






  My favourite animal英语作文 29

  My favorite animal - the leopard.

  The leopard is dressed in colorful clothes, with two watery blue eyes. Not only is its body soft, but its hands agile, and its mind extremely intelligent. It loves to eat round and rolling beavers, mischievous monkeys, agile rabbits, birds, frogs, and antelopes, among others. Although it is greedy, it loves cleanliness and always takes care of itself thoroughly. When hunting, in order to prevent prey from discovering and smelling its scent, it will use spots on its fur to hide itself in the grass, crawl cautiously against the wind and lower its body, and then jump up at lightning speed, ending a hunting activity. Interestingly, to prevent other animals from stealing its food, it will climb up trees with its prey in its mouth and slowly enjoy it. If there is a chance to live with a leopard, I will call it Mengban. It is hungry, and I will give it healthy food. Occasionally, I only let it eat some snacks and drinks; If it gets injured or sick, I will take it to the veterinarian, take good care of it, and cheer it up.

  The number of leopards living on Earth is decreasing, and they really need us to protect them well to avoid the regret of endangered species. Dont forget, it is everyones responsibility to take care of any life on Earth!




  My favourite animal英语作文 30

  The white tiger is a very rare animal, and the whole world is protecting them. Why? Because their fur is very beautiful, many people want to kill them and peel off their fur to make "tiger fur coats".

  Once, I saw them at the zoo. In the distance, their snow-white bodies were like a big snowball, and upon closer inspection, they discovered the patterns on their bodies.

  The white tiger is not only beautiful, but also very mischievous! After lunch at noon, they like to have a fight with their brothers and sisters before they go to sleep in the air-conditioned room. When fighting, the little white tiger always opens its bloody mouth first and signals, "Hey, brother, come and have a competition?" The other person says, "Okay, come and come!" Then the little white tiger jumps up again and onto a big rock on the opposite side, continuing the fight. But if you cant determine the winner, then keep fighting. They fought and bit each other, and in the end, the little white tiger won! So it swaggered and straightened its chest, entering the air-conditioned room and falling asleep soundly.

  Do you know? Little White Tiger also has a timid and delicate side. When Mom comes back and finds that Little White Tiger is covered in mud, she will be furious at Little White Tiger, looking extremely terrifying!

  Little White Tiger has a really diverse temper, just like me. But its because of the beauty, dominance, and softness of the little white tiger that I like it.






  My favourite animal英语作文 31

  When I was seven years old, I saw a cute hamster at my friends house and I really wanted to keep it. My parents really bought me two. Their small and round bodies are very likable, and with their brown fur, its not to mention how cute they are.

  The hamster has a chubby head, ears like two small sugar beans, small eyes like two black gemstones, a pink nose like a small triangular pudding, a pointed mouth, long beard, and short limbs, making it look small and cute.

  Hamsters have fun eating. My little hamster at home likes to eat melon seeds very much. They use two powdered front paws to pick up the seeds, use their sharp front teeth to quickly bite open the seed shells, break open the seeds, eat the seeds in one bite, and then throw the seed shells into the eating bowl. They actually put the melon seeds into their cheek pouches, and as they chewed on them, they became swollen.

  Hamsters like to sleep during the day and get up to move around at night. They like to hide under sawdust, only showing their pointed noses and sleeping soundly. I sleep until night, they sleep so soundly that I want to sleep too.

  They sleep together like athletes exercising on the wheels. Sometimes one is running, sometimes two are running together, sometimes running straight, sometimes running backwards, sometimes running fast, sometimes running slow, sometimes even fighting to grab the wheel.

  They also like me very much. When I go to feed, they come over and sniff around, even coquettishly crawling onto my hands, itching very comfortably.

  These are my little hamsters, I like them.








  My favourite animal英语作文 32

  In this world, there are all kinds of animals, but I prefer the cute little white rabbit.

  My family keeps 4 rabbits and 1 gray one. My name is Jiajia. Three white rabbits call each other: red, obedient, and clever.

  I like the white rabbit because its appearance is very likable. It is pure white all over, without any stray hair. Especially those two beautiful gemstone like eyes, Ya shaped three petal mouth, and bright red lips. Make it appear particularly delicate. Every time, as soon as I go home, my friends gather around me, and I start speaking with each word you say Lets take the rabbit to the yard today. Yes, yes, lets pick leaves for the rabbit to eat After speaking for a while, we took the rabbit to the yard.

  My friends were frantically picking leaves for the little rabbits to eat, but like a big shot, I led my friends to pick delicious leaves for the cute little white rabbits.

  My little rabbits are eating the leaves that my friends have worked hard to pick, with three lips moving and moving, they are extremely cute. I really love them!

  I love my little rabbits because they bring me joy. Every time I see them, I think of a nursery rhyme I learned in kindergarten:

  Little white rabbit, white and white, with two ears erect.

  I love eating carrots and vegetables, jumping and jumping is really cute.









  My favourite animal英语作文 33

  for me from the Agricultural Expo. It is fluffy and round, resembling a ball of yarn, so I named it "Little Plush Ball" and I really like it.

  The little fluffy ball is very cute, with a chubby body covered in yellow fur that feels soft to the touch; It also has two small black eyes on its head, like two black pearls inlaid on top; Its mouth is sharp and slightly yellowish, and it feels a bit soft when pinched. It tickles its hands without any pain.

  The little plush ball is very lively and runs very fast, like a rolling ball. When it gets hungry and eats Xiaomi, its head always tickles little by little, as if saying, "Its really delicious, really delicious!". When it is thirsty, it always has to tilt its head up when drinking water, looking very comfortable. When playing with "little fluffy balls" and getting tired, they will curl their bodies together, bury their heads in their bodies, and have a beautiful sleep.

  I take it out to play every day, which is the happiest thing for me. Every time I put it on the ground, it starts running happily. As I sit on the bench, it also stops and looks up at me, chirping as if saying, "Come on, come on, lets compare who runs faster!" At this moment, I stand up and compete with it. Our happy figures are left on the grass, and our joyful laughter floats in the air, lingering for a long time.

  This is my favorite little animal, a cute little chicken.






  My favourite animal英语作文 34

  In February, when the grass grows and the birds fly, and the willows brush the embankment, I am intoxicated by the spring smoke. In this beautiful season, I welcome my new friend, a little dog.

  When this dog first arrived, I didnt like it. I thought it was very noisy. Once, while I was doing my homework, it suddenly shouted "woof woof" loudly, which startled me and caused me to write several wrong words. I became angry and thought to myself, "What does it mean? Its annoying. I dont know if someone is doing homework?"? Thats true. I wish I could throw him out the door immediately. But my mother said its my friend now, so I have to accept it.

  Slowly, I began to get used to it. I found it very cute too. Once, after finishing my meal, it wagged its tail and looked up at me. I threw it a piece of meat and it happily circled around me before eating it with relish. One time, I took it to my hometown. We were taking a walk in the fields, and I was holding a piece of corn in my hand. Suddenly, a cool wind blew over me, and my hand shook. The corn fell off, and the dog rushed over and suddenly picked up the corn. I think: I havent eaten much yet, how can you do this? I was about to get angry. This dog placed corn at my feet and crouched in front of me, looking at me. I was wrong about it, he just helped me pick up the corn. How cute!

  This is my favorite animal - a puppy.





  My favourite animal英语作文 35

  My favorite animal is a puppy. Last week, my aunt gave me a little gray dog. It feels soft and fluffy to the touch, like wearing a sweater: a pair of big, black eyes are constantly spinning, like two black gemstones: a pair of small ears on top of the head, looking like a pair of elf ears: a flat nose, often wet on top, Grandpa said that is a sign of a puppys health: the pointed tail is very flexible, often swaying left and right, but if you hurt it, it will bark "woof woof woof".

  I like to watch my little dog eat food. One day, I was holding a meat bone, and the little dog saw it and circled around me. I threw the bone upwards, and the little dog leapt forward. With a bite, it opened its mouth and bit the food. Then, he pressed down on the bone with his front foot and bit by bit with his teeth, eating with relish. After finishing, he even licked his mouth with his tongue. As if savoring the delicious food just now. Sleeping a little dog is also very interesting. When the weather is warm, he likes to sleep on the ground, stretching his front legs forward, backward, or lying in the same direction. Winter is coming, and the little dog is afraid of the cold. It buries its head tightly between its legs, curls up and sleeps soundly. If it is happy, it will sleep with its four legs facing upwards, its stomach will contract and contract with this breathing, the puppy will wake up, and it will stretch its waist. It extends its legs long, takes a deep breath, and arches its tongue, its really cute!

  When I am alone, it accompanies me. When I do homework, it is also by my side. I am very happy, and it is also very happy. I really like my little dog, it is loved by everyone!




  My favourite animal英语作文 36

  My favorite animal is a kitten. There is only one kitten in my house, and it is very cute.

  It has a pair of big green eyes, like two emeralds. What I love the most is that its fur is as white as snow, making it very comfortable to touch. It also has a pair of pointed ears, and its whole body is round and rolling, like a small snowball. It walks and sways, especially cute.

  I remember one time, I was bullied by a senior classmate on my way home. The kitten saw me from a distance and accelerated all the way, running like a snowball. As soon as it came over, it immediately stood in front of me, facing my senior classmates and calling out "meow, meow" without showing weakness, as if saying, "You come over, whos afraid of who!" It scared the senior classmates away with this fierce cry.

  The kitten has not only protected me once, but also helped me again in the matter of breaking a vase at home due to playfulness. The sound of the vase shattering reached my mothers ears, and she rushed over. I stood timidly on the side, afraid to make a sound. At this moment, the kitten bravely appeared in front of its mother and signaled with its meowing that it had broken it. In anger, the mother patted its body. It was beaten for me, and after being beaten by my mom, it ran over and rubbed my pants with its chubby paws.

  In this way, not only did I become best friends with the kitten, but I also regarded it as my protector.






  My favourite animal英语作文 37

  The animal world is colorful, and each small animal is clever, cute, and mischievous. So guess what animal I like? Haha! I dont know, do I!

  There is a very cute little animal in my house, which is a gift from my mother.

  It looks like a gentleman wearing a black and white outfit. It has two big eyes that always turn around, like a funny fox. But at night, its eyes are like emerald, very sensitive, and there are four meat pads on the soles of its feet. Once I was sitting in bed reading a book when suddenly it jumped onto me, and I was startled by it.

  It still doesnt like cleanliness very much. Once, I found out that it was defecating everywhere. I was extremely angry and thought to myself: I cant let it do this anymore, I need to educate it well. Just bring it over and place a fresh little fish in front of it. It became interested and reached out its paw to eat. It meowed as if saying, "Master, I wont do this again." I looked at its cute big eyes and couldnt help but give it the little fish.

  It is also very naughty when eating. Once I was swaying a fish in front of it, but it remained indifferent. I seemed to know its true nature, so I deliberately turned my head. Unexpectedly, I saw it fly away and devour the fish with relish.

  Do you know who it is now? Its just a kitten. She is still my good friend, and I share my joys and sorrows with her, so I feel happy to have this companion.







  My favourite animal英语作文 38

  My favorite animal, the little rabbit, is not only innocent and pure, but sometimes very likable.

  Before, my grandmother had a little rabbit that seemed to have been away from her mother for a while. Although it was a bit mischievous, it was evident that they were innocent. It has a pair of small, bright red long ears; A small nose; A pair of round red eyes, like two red glass beads; Has a short tail; Its fur is as white as winter snow; Form a cute and clever, very likable little white rabbit.

  The little white rabbit likes to eat carrots and vegetables, and cant get tired of them no matter how they eat. Like my good friend, the little white rabbit is almost inseparable from me all day long. His way of wolfing down food during meals is really hilarious. Anyway, I can see it. When we play, we play together and it accompanies me, but one day we will part ways.

  Because I have to go to school, almost every winter or summer vacation, I can go to my grandmothers house and see the lovely little white rabbit again.

  Not only that, but the little white rabbit also has many characteristics, and I really like its pure white feathers, like white clouds in the sky. Where do you like it? Please tell me as soon as possible. Not only is the little white rabbit very cute, but every person and every animal has their own cuteness, with a naive and indifferent side. Do you think so?


  以前,我外婆有一只小兔子,似乎离娘不久,虽然有些调皮,也看的出它们得天真来。 它有一对小小的通红的长耳朵;小小的鼻子;一双圆溜溜的红眼睛,想两颗红色玻璃珠一样;有一个短尾巴;它的毛像冬天的`雪一样洁白;形成一只可爱又机灵,非常讨人喜欢的小白兔。

  小白兔喜欢吃胡萝卜和青菜,怎么吃都吃不厌, 小白兔就像我的好朋友一样,整天几乎对我寸步不离似的。吃饭的时候,他那狼吞虎咽的样子真令人发笑。反正,我能看见它就是了,玩的时候,我们一起玩,它在我左右伴随我,不过总有一天我们会分开的。



  My favourite animal英语作文 39

  Some people like loyal little dogs; Some people like cute little white rabbits; Some people like well behaved kittens; Some people like the clumsy koala, while I like our national treasure - the giant panda.

  Giant pandas are very distinctive in their growth. It has six fingers, one more than humans, and a chubby body with black and white stripes. A round face with a pair of sunglasses on her eyes. Giant pandas were very mischievous when they were young. They used to crawl and eat, but as they grew up, they became different. They became lazy and not only didnt know how to crawl, but also spent most of their time sleeping and eating, rarely walking, climbing trees, and jumping.

  What does a giant panda eat? Lets go take a look. It eats bamboo, bamboo shoots, cold arrow bamboo, tender bamboo, and so on. Of course, he also eats an animal called bamboo rats. They eat bamboo shoots and roots in bamboo. Why do giant pandas eat meat and bamboo? This starts with their ancestors. Their ancestors were called big cats and bears. They ate fish, but when they adapted to low nutrition, they rarely ate meat.

  There are very few giant pandas on Earth, only a few thousand. They have been around for thousands of years. Please take care of giant pandas and reduce hunting.

  I really like the cute national treasure giant panda. Do you like it?






  My favourite animal英语作文 40

  My family has a little flower cat with pointed ears, like a triangular gemstone. My eyes are extremely bright, like a transparent glass ball. There is a small mouth in the shape of a "person" under the small nose, which looks extremely cute!

  This little flower cat knows how to eat all day long. Every day when I come home from school, it immediately circles around me and meows incessantly, as if saying to me, "Little master, Im hungry and want to eat." If I dont pay attention to it, it will crawl into my backpack and smash the book. I have no choice but to take out the small salted fish and feed it. As soon as it is full, it immediately sleeps leisurely. Look at it, its body has shrunk back into a ball, turning into a yellow plush ball.

  My little flower cat is very timid. I remember one time I took it for a walk when suddenly two dogs came running from somewhere. The little flower cat was so scared that it turned its head and ran away. Two dogs chased after it and chased it to the wall. When I caught up, I found the little flower cat trembling and meowing. At this moment, the cat looked at me with pleading eyes, as if saying, "Little master, Im so scared. Come and save me!" I couldnt bear to see it hurt, so I rushed up, picked up a stone, and threw it at the two dogs. The two dogs were frightened and ran away quickly. The little flower cat immediately ran to my leg and looked at me with bright eyes as if saying, "Little master, thank you."

  This is my little flower cat, do you like it?





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