
时间:2022-12-06 15:41:34 求职英语 我要投稿





  In February 20xx, Barack Obama officially announced his candidacy for president. In his election campaign, he focused on the theme of "change", emphasizing ending the war in Iraq, achieving self-sufficiency in energy, stopping tax cuts and universalizing medical insurance, and promised to achieve party unity and rebuild alliance relationships internationally and restore America's leading position. On August 27, 20xx, he was nominated for the presidential nomination at the Democratic National Convention. November 4, 20xx, he won the US presidential election, was elected the 56th president, and became the first African-American president in American history, January 20, 20xx, Barack Obama was officially sworn in.

  Obama in the US economic turmoil, the financial crisis took office, it can be said that Obama took office to the American people has brought great expectations. Indeed, Obama took office in a lot of aspects, such as the financial crisis rescue plan, export strategy, health care reform, the employment of the New Deal and foreign policy and so on. After two and a half years of office, the support of the political star has fallen to 51% or so, the domestic problems facing the growing number of commitments failed to honor, "Super Hero" aura gradually fade, which is the economic recoveryThe weight. Although the economy has clearly recovered, the unemployment rate in the United States has been rising and the unemployment rate in the United States has reached 10%. This has aroused strong dissatisfaction from the society and will still have a long way to go before the economy can recover fully. In health care reform, President Barack Obama has also met with many obstacles. Senator Democrat leaders defied the president's will and insisted on setting up public health insurance options, regardless of Republican support. In fact, many of Obama's actions have proved to be a pretty promise that can not be honored. In the war, Obama also not convincing. Obama campaign declared that the war in Afghanistan is a "necessary war", but in the past time, he has been delayed NATO's military activities in Afghanistan, hesitant. On the diplomatic front, Obama has extended an olive branch to the world's Muslims, and the Israeli-Palestinian peace process is still stagnant. Obama's diplomatic relations with Iran and Russia have not made new progress either. The preacher of the Messiah was not what they expected. Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize is to become the media mockery of the material. At the same time, Obama is a noble and conscientious compromise, but in Washington this insidious environment and did not bring any help. It can be said that the reform of the Obama administration has been difficult.


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  1. 主要主要负责欧美客人,接受客人询价-报价-接单-打样-安排大货生产-出货-回款等整个业务流程事宜;

  2. 安排及跟踪监督产品质量、客人信息反馈与工厂的交流问题;

  3. 安排制版打样,与客户联系,解决相关订单生产进程与生产过程中出现的质量及交货时间问题;

  4. 翻译 客户的'询价资料、要求,分发给各个部门,将按照客户要求来进行打样和大货生产;

  5. 安排质检、物流、催款等事项。



  Can withstand a certain amount of work pressure, to obey the work of the boss, and has its own way of working. I have a strong theoretical knowledge of the professional, honest and cheerful, diligent and pragmatic, serious and responsible, have a strong ability to adapt and coordination, willing to obey the needs of the collective interests, with dedication. Aims to practice more knowledge, improve their ability. Good at communication, coordination and strong organizational skills and team spirit; lively and cheerful, optimistic, motivated, caring and good at teaching and learning; self-motivated, diligent in learning to continuously improve their ability and overall quality. In the undergraduate course, minor road and bridge engineering, through the College English forty-six examinations, access to information technology industry, the Ministry of Electronics Industry qualification certificate, through the national aerobics public three test.

  strong sense of logic and judgment, strong sense of responsibility and sense of teamwork; strong ability of organization and coordination, honest, confident, optimistic, calm, good interpersonal relationship with certainInnovative consciousness and creative ability, strong self-learning ability, organizational management and interpersonal skills.

  Good at communication, coordination and strong organizational skills and team spirit; lively and cheerful, optimistic, motivated, caring and good at teaching and learning; self-motivated, diligent in learning to continuously improve their ability and overall quality. In the future work, I will be full of energy, assiduously study the spirit to work hard and steadily improve their ability to work with the company at the same time.


  strong sense of humor, diligent and resolute; broad interest in music, sports, a healthy body; focus on teamwork, a sense of responsibility; attention to detail, serious and responsible; with rapid adaptability and strong learningAbility; all things sense, dedication, good beginnings and ends

  Can be hard-working. Work conscientiously, responsible, good at innovation, dare to accept challenges, take responsibility. Can continue to learn and work in the growth and progress. Cheerful, warm and kind, have a strong sense of collective honor and good communication and quickly adapt to, into the surrounding work environment. Correctly handle the relationship between people.

  Have a certain management capacity, good communication skills, ability to comprehend, you can fully understand the design intent;

  Have a sense of responsibility, a team spirit, can withstand a certain pressure

  Diligent, studious, there is a strong ambition, with the spirit of hard - working;

  Honest, optimistic, work seriously at ease, a strong sense of responsibility, good at independent thinking, willing to try a variety of challenges.


  I am cheerful, dynamic, warm, sincere, serious and responsible work, proactive, hard-working. The courage to bear the pressure, to be creative. Have a strong organizational skills to drink team spirit. Has strong adaptability, discipline, and actively cooperate with the strong ough I am a fresh graduate, but I am young, energetic, able to complete the work. Although I still lack some experience, but I will use time and sweat to make up. Please rest assured that the leadership, I will guarantee the quality of the completion of the work tasks.

  I am a warm and cheerful personality, treat people friendly, honest and humble. Work hard, serious and responsible, can be hard-working, due diligence, patience. With affinity, approachable, good at y hard, outstanding achievements, excellent academic character, love the collective, has been "outstanding student cadre" title. And actively participate in extracurricular sports activities, a variety of social practice and part-time work, improve eloquence and interpersonal two consecutive years of college "summer social practice activists" and "outstanding individual" honorary title.









  Have a keen insight into things; be able to communicate well with people, with team spirit; responsible for the work will pay all the energy and enthusiasm to develop well-planned, and strive to achieve in the shortest possible time; like challenges, A shorter time to adapt to high-pressure work.

  Good teamwork spirit and excellent data analysis ability;

  2. Good logical thinking, analysis, judgment and self-learning ability;

  3. Have a certain management experience, work independently;

  4. Dare to accept the challenges of new things, hard-working and practical, with a strong sense of responsibility.

  I am cheerful, good communication and communication with people, work seriously and responsible, proactive, strong sense of responsibility, be able to bear hardships and stand hard work, team spirit, can withstand a certain pressure.



























