
时间:2023-05-04 18:35:44 求职英语 我要投稿
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With increasing numbers of job seekers competing for the most desirable technical jobs, your resume needs to be better than the rest to get noticed. 



Technical Summary (技术能力概括)

Effective technical resumes clearly show the candidate's technical skills -- a hiring manager shouldn't have to go fishing for this information. An excellent way to include technical knowledge is to add a Technical Summary or Technical Expertise section to your resume. Break the section into subcategories so the reader can quickly scan through your knowledge of programs and applications. Possible categories include technical certifications, hardware, operating systems, networking/protocols, office productivity, programming/languages, Web applications and database applications. Only list programs/applications that you could confidently discuss in an interview.

Career Summary (工作经验概括)

Many hiring managers say they are searching for candidates who offer more than technical credentials. Soft skills such as interpersonal communications, ability to work collaboratively and commitment to achieving corporate goals are just as desirable. In other words, your resume needs a personality. The reader shouldn't only be impressed by your technical qualifications, but should find you to be likeable and well suited for the team. You can highlight some of these skills in a Career Summary section.

Focus on Technological Results (侧重技术结果)

Technical candidates usually make one of two critical errors on their resumes -- either the document is excessively long with excruciating detail on every assignment ever completed, or too short with hardly any deions at all. There needs to be some middle ground -- the resume should be succinct yet effectively showcase your achievements.

What to Include (内容范围)

For each position held, give a brief synopsis of the sc



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