
时间:2023-05-04 20:01:39 专业词汇 我要投稿
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海地新总理热拉尔·拉托尔蒂13日表示,他已经将正式指令送到司法部,下令逮捕目前流亡海外的前总统阿里斯蒂德,并希望能尽快发出国际通缉令。外电报道如下:Haitian Prime Minister Gerard Latortue said on Friday he ordered his justice minister to obtain an arrest warrant on corruption charges against ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

Latortue, installed as the head of an interim government after the bloody rebellion that forced Aristide into exile in February, made the announcement as he formed a committee to investigate possible misappropriation of public funds and other acts of corruption by the Aristide government.

Misappropriation表示“盗用(资金),挪用(别人的钱)”。例如:The lawyer was sent to prison for misappropriating money placed in his care.(这个律师由于挪用由他保管的钱财而进了监狱。)


