Do you have a car?你有自个的车吗

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Do you have a car?你有自个的车吗

  Do you have a car?


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  A: We could go out to the Summer Palace on the weekend if it's nice weather. And maybe the Ming Tombs too.

  A: 如果天气好的话,这个周末我们可以去颐和园。也许还去明十三陵。

  B: That would be nice. Do you have a car?

  B: 那好啊。你有车吗?

  A: Yes, I do. I’ve got a car. I could pick you up on Saturday early morning and we could drive before it gets busy.

  A: 是的,我有。我有一辆小汽车。我可以在周六早晨早早接你,然后我们在交通变得繁忙之前驾车出行。

  B: That would be fine if it's OK for you on Saturday early morning.

  B: 如果周六清早对你合适的话就太好了。

  A: I prefer it earlier. It's nicer driving. The roads are quieter, not so busy.

  A: 我喜欢早一点。那时开车比较好。道路比较安静,车辆不多。

  B: That's true. And it’s usually quieter on Saturday anyway.

  B: 是这样。而且周六通常要安静一些。



  1. Remember how to use could / could when you talk about possibilities, e.g. We could go to the Summer Palace this weekend / We could go to the Summer Palace this weekend; I could pick you up on Saturday morning / I could pick you up on Saturday morning.

  记住当你谈论可能性时怎样用could /可能。例如:We could go to the Summer Palace this weekend /我们这个周末可能去颐和园;I could pick you up on Saturday morning /我可以在周六早晨去接你。

  2. Notice the use of comparative forms of adjectives, e.g. I prefer it earlier / I prefer it earlier; It's nicer driving / It’s nicer driving; The roads are quieter / The roads are quieter.

  注意形容词比较级的用法。例如I prefer it earlier / 我喜欢早一点;It's nicer driving /那时开车比较好;The roads are quieter /道路比较安静。


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