You need a password你需要一个密码

时间:2023-05-04 20:29:40 体育口语 我要投稿
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You need a password你需要一个密码

  You need a password.


  A: I've connected the cable from my laptop to the telephone point, but I still can't get on the internet. Can you help me?

  A: 我已经用线把我的笔记本电脑和电话接口连接上了,但是我还是上不了网。你能帮我吗?

  B: Yes, just a moment. What does it say on your computer screen?

  B: 当然,请稍等。你的电脑屏幕上显示什么?

  A: It says I need a password.

  A: 显示我需要一个密码。

  B: Yes, you need a password. Just key in your room number. That's your individual password.

  B: 是的,你需要密码。只需键入你的房间号码。那就是你的个人密码。

  A: OK. I'll try that. Yes, that works. I'm connected. Thanks very much.

  A: 好的,我试一下。是的,行了。我连接上了。非常感谢。

  B: You're welcome.

  B 不客气。



  1. Remember the use of still / still, when something continues, e.g. I still can’t connect / I still can’t connect; He moved to Beijing in 2005 and still lives there / He moved to Beijing in 2005 and still lives there.

  记住当某事处于持续状态时用still /仍然,还是。例如I still can’t connect / 我还是连接不上; He moved to Beijing in 2005 and still lives there /2005年他搬去了北京,现在仍然住在那里。

  2. You can use It / It when you are talking about something like a computer screen, or a sign, e.g. It says . . . / It says . . . e.g.: (a computer) It says you need a password / It says you need a password; or a sign – It says turn left / It says turn left.

  当你在谈论像电脑显示屏或者标牌之类的东西时可以用It /它。例如It says . . . / 它显示. . .例如(一台电脑)It says you need a password / 它显示你需要密码;或者一个标志牌 – It says turn left /它说向左转。

  3. Key in / key in or type in / type in: You key in your password or type in your password.

  Key in / 键入或者type in /敲入:键入你的密码或者敲入你的密码。


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