Do you have any silk scarves?你们有丝巾吗

时间:2023-05-04 20:29:11 体育口语 我要投稿
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Do you have any silk scarves?你们有丝巾吗

  Do you have any silk scarves?


  A: I'm looking for a present for my friend.

  A: 我在给我的朋友挑礼物。

  B: What kind of things?

  B: 什么样的礼物?

  A: Something simple and nice. Perhaps a bag or a scarf.

  A: 又简单又好的。也许一个包或者一条围巾。

  B: We have bags and scarves over here.

  B: 那边有包和围巾。

  A: Do you have any silk scarves?

  A: 你们有丝巾吗?

  B: Yes, we have lots. Here they are.

  B: 是的,我们有很多。在这。



  1. Remember Perhaps or Maybe to express a possibility, e.g.:Perhaps a bag or a scarf /Maybe it will rain tomorrow.

  记住Perhaps / 也许或者, Maybe /可能是用来表示可能性,例如:Perhaps a bag or a scarf /也许一只包或者一条围巾。Maybe it will rain tomorrow /可能明天要下雨。


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