
中国报告甲型流感疑似病例 中英文对照

时间:2021-11-07 12:32:15 生活口语 我要投稿

中国报告甲型流感疑似病例 中英文对照

China reports suspected swine flu case

       BEIJING (AP) — A Chinese man returning from studying at a U.S. university has become the first suspected case of swine flu in mainland China, the Health Ministry said Sunday.据卫生部上周日通报,一名从美国归国的赴美留学生被确认为中国大陆第一位甲性流感疑似患者。

中国报告甲型流感疑似病例 中英文对照

  The ministry identified the patient as a 30-year-old student surnamed Bao studying at an unspecified U.S. school.卫生部介绍,此包姓疑似患者年龄大约30左右,此前正在美国某所大学学习。

  If confirmed, Bao's case would be the first in the mainland and China's second in the global outbreak. The Chinese territory of Hong Kong earlier reported a case of swine flu diagnosed in a 25-year-old Mexican who flew to the city via Shanghai.此患者极有可能成为疫情全球爆发后中国第二位,中国内地第一位甲性流感病毒感染者。此前,中国香港曾确认一名经上海赴港的25岁墨籍公民患者。

  The Health Ministry said in a statement on its Web site that Bao left St. Louis, Mo., Thursday, transited St. Paul, Minn., on a flight that went to Tokyo.卫生部在其官方网站上发表声明,包某上周四乘机从密苏里州圣路易斯离开经明尼苏达州圣保罗市飞赴日本东京。

  In Tokyo he took a Northwest Airlines flight to Beijing on Saturday and then got on a different plane to Chengdu, the capital of southwestern Sichuan province, the ministry said.周六其乘坐西北航空公司班机前往北京并乘坐另一航班飞抵四川成都市。


  On the last flight, Bao started experiencing symptoms that included a fever, sore throat, cough and a runny nose, the statement said.

  Bao immediately sought treatment at the Sichuan People's Hospital and was diagnosed as a suspected case of Type A H1N1 influenza based on his symptoms and laboratory tests, the statement said.

  Bao was transferred to the Chengdu Infectious Disease Hospital and people who came into close contact with the man during his medical examination have also been put under medical surveillance, the ministry said.包某随即前往成都市第二人民医院就诊,根据症状和实验室检验结果,被确认为典型H1N1型流感疑似患者。卫生部称已要求当地政府查找包某的密切接处者,并敦促与包某同乘两班飞机的人员迅速联系当地卫生部门。

  The ministry said it has asked local authorities to locate anyone who was in close contact with Bao and urged other passengers of the last two flights Bao was on to contact health authorities as soon as possible.这些措施包括禁止从墨西哥,美国部分地区,加拿大亚伯达进口猪肉。北京也已经取消了唯一直飞墨西哥每周两班的航班。官方要求把伴有感冒症状的抵达旅客向他们汇报,并对部分旅客实习了为期一周的医学隔离。

  China has been accused in the past of not acting quickly enough to combat the spread of diseases, especially the 2003 global outbreak of SARS. Chastened by that experience and subsequent threats from avian flu, the government this time has acted quickly and decisively to block an outbreak, but some of its measures have been criticized as excessive.中国曾被指责在过去没有迅速有力的防治疾病传播,尤其是在2003年爆发的全球SARS疫病。经那次疫情磨励和随后的禽流感防治所获得经验,中国政府这次反应相当迅速并显示有相当信心防治当前疫情。但同时,又被指责采取了过分的措施。

  The swine flu-prevention measures include bans on imports of pork from Mexico, some U.S. states and Alberta in Canada. Beijing has also canceled the only direct flights between China and Mexico, a twice-weekly service by Aeromexico. Authorities require arriving travelers with flu-like symptoms to report themselves and have placed some travelers under weeklong quarantines.

  China's tough measures have drawn complaints from Mexico, the country hardest hit by the virus, that their citizens were being quarantined based merely on their nationality. China has defended the steps as necessary to block swine flu from entering the world's most populous nation.中国严格的防控措施招致遭受流感严重打击的墨的谴责。墨方认为墨籍公民只能在他们本国接受医学隔离。中国则坚持要求实施必要的措施以免流感进入世界人口最多的国家。

  The virus has killed at least 53 people and sickened more than 4,370 in 29 countries, mostly in the U.S. and Mexico, but has so far largely spared Asia. 这病毒已经导致至少53人死亡,29个国家4370 多人感染。但死亡和感染病例主要发生在美国和墨西哥,疫情在亚洲尚未大规模爆发。