
时间:2023-05-04 22:43:45 中学英语 我要投稿
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    70. The old lady devoted her lifetime _______ the homeless children.

  A. to help B. to helping C. helping D. for help


  71. Tom: Would you like me to water your plants while you're on your holiday?

  Joe: ________

  A. No problem. I was more than glad to do it.

  B. I appreciate it, but I'm already finished watering them.

  C. Thanks for offering your help, but my brother's going to do it.

  D. Certainly watering plants is my favorite pastime.

  72. --Don't you think it's going to rain over the weekend?


  A. I don't believe

  B. I don't believe it

  C. I believe not so

  D. I believe not

  73. I knew I should not accept anything from such a person but I found it difficult to turn down his ___.

  A. plan B. offer C. suggestion D. request

  74. --Do you mind my taking this seat? --________.

  A. Yes, sit down please B. No, of course not

  C. Yes, take it please D. No, you can't take it

  75. How I envy you _______ your good luck!

  A. in B. of C. to D. /

  76. This event was rather unusual, ________?

  A. is it B. isn't it C. was it D. wasn't it

  77. We have _______ books in our library.

  A. plenty of B. great many C. a great deal of D. great number of

  78. The police saw the woman _______ a bus and _______ a taxi.

  A. get off…get on B. get on…get off

  C. get off…get into D. get on…get into

  79. Do you mind ______ how you succeed?

  A. if I go and see B. if I go seeing

  C. my going and see D. my go to see

  80. The boy would have died, _______ on him without delay.

  A. if the doctor didn't operate B. if the doctor wouldn't operate

  C. would the doctor not operate D. had the doctor not operated

  81. Only when ______ in 1918, ______ happily back to work.

  A. the war was over…he went B. was the war over…did he go

  C. the war was over…did he go D. was the war over…he went

  82. --Who telephoned just now?

  --Sorry. I couldn't ______ the voice.

  A. recognize B. realize C. know D. understand

  83. He had ______ in finding Mr. Green's house.

  A. many difficulties B. many difficulty

  C. much difficulties D. much difficulty

  84. I don't want to _______ money on such books.

  A. cost B. pay C. spend D. take

  85. --Thank you for your help. --________.

  A. All right B. That's right C. You're right D. That's OK

  86. The man is standing _______ his back _______ the fire.

  A. with…to B. with…against C. on…for D. at…of

  87. I looked everywhere in the house ______ a key that had been lost.

  A. in searching for B. in search of

  C. to search D. searching of

  88. I insisted that he_______ at once.

  A. leave B. left C. leaves D. leaving

  89. When will you _______ me the money that was borrowed?

  A. pay B. repay C. pay for D. repay for

  90. "Do you have any clothes to ______, Tom?" mother asked.

  A. wash B. washing C. be washed D. washed

  91. You may use the book as you like, _______ you keep it clean.

  A. unless B. so long C. as long D. so long as

  92. He ________ the world record.

  A. failed to break B. failed to breaking C. failed breaking D. failed broken

  93. No ________ what you say, _______exists in three states.

  A. matter…matters B. matter…matter

  C. matters…matter D. matters…matters

  94. I wonder what time lunch is_______ in your school.

  A. given B. taken C. served D. eaten

  95. The people in some countries ________ freedom.

  A. longed B. long for C. longing D. longing for

  96. I ______ all the bookshops in our town for the book I needed but I couldn't get one.

  A. hunted B. found C. looked for D. searched for

  97. A piece of ______ music will make you happy.

  A. fond B. pleased C. merry D. glad

  98. --You seem to get lost. Need help?

  -- _______

  A. Yes, would you please help me with the bag?

  B. Help me find my key, please.

  C. Yes, give me a hand, please.

  D. I'm looking for Zhongshan Road.

  99. --I must apologize for _______ ahead of time.

  --That's all right.

  A. letting you not know B. not letting you know.

  C. letting you know not D. letting not you know

  100. The students are well _______ the exam. They are sure to  get good marks.

  A. prepared for B. ready for C. prepared D. preparing

  101. Yesterday the president spoke on TV to the _______.

  A. country B. nation C. land D. state

  102. The nurse gave ________ the sweets to the children.

  A. up B. off C. out D. in

  103. Remember to______ a stamp on the envelope before you post it.

  A. put B. place C. strike D. stick

  104 John: Do you happen to have twenty dollars with you?

  Jack: _______

  John: I want to buy a notebook.

  A. How do you want it? B. How much?

  C. What for? D. When can you pay me back?

  105. After school was over the boys ________ their books and went home.

  A. put in B. put aside C. put away D. put up

  106. _______ went to see the film yesterday.

  A. Every of them B. Both they

  C. Nobody of them D. Not all of them

  107. The higher the birds flew, _______ we could see them.

  A. less clearly B. the less clearly

  C. more clear D. more clearly

  108. With her long beautiful hair gone _______ would be no use for the combs.

  A. she B. they C. there D. it.

  109. Joe: Why don't you tell me a few things about your country?

  Ken: __________

  A. Because I can't tell you many things at a time

  B. I'm afraid I can't.

  C. Sure. What in general are you interested in?

  D. I don't know anything about that.

  110. --You look so worn-out!

  --i lay ________ all the night.

  A. woke B. awake C. slept D. asleep

  111. When you ______ the book please return it to the library on time.

  A. get through B. get along C. look through D. look up

  112. Both the man and his horse ________ after the long ride.

  A. gave out B. worn out C. tired out D. run out

  113. You _______ last night, but you went to the concert.

  A. must have studied B. might study

  C. should have studied D. would study

  114. Teacher: You can't finish the book in less than an hour, I suppose?

  Student: __________.

  A. Yes, I'm sure I can B. No, hardly

  C. Sorry, I can't D. I don't think I can

  115. Tom: My brother will be surprised when he opens this package I'm sending.

  Jack: Why are you sending him a package?

  Tom: __________.

  A. It's a new radio B. It's his birthday

  C. It's very expensive D. It's too late

  116. "Have a nice weekend!"

  " _________."

  A. The same to you B. You do too

  C. The same as you D. You have it too

  117. Joe: Are you taking some gifts with you when you return to America?

  Dan: I'm planning to do so. Have you any suggestions?

  Joe: __________.

  A. I'm leaving tomorrow B. I'm taking a plane

  C. Why don't you buy some bamboo works? D. I posted them to  America yesterday

  118.―What happened to the old mail carrier?










