
时间:2021-03-12 16:41:55 大学英语 我要投稿




大学英语作文 篇1

  t it was a matter of life and death with the chances against him。 this threw him into a panic, and he turned and ran up the creek-bed along the old, dim trail。 the dog joined in behind and kept up with him。 he ran blindly, without intention, in fear such as he had never known in his life。 slowly, as he plowed and floundered through the snow, he began to see things again, the banks of the creek, the old timber-jams, the leafless aspens, and the sky。 the running made him feel better。 he did not shiver。 maybe, if he ran on, his feet would thaw out; and, anyway, if he ran far enough, he would reach camp and the boys。 without doubt he would lose some fingers and toes and some of his face; but the boys would take care of him, and save the rest of him when he got there。 and at the same time there was another thought in his mind that said he would never get to the camp and the boys; that it was too many miles away, that the freezing had too great a start on him, and that he would soon be stiff and dead。 this thought he kept in the background and refused to consider。 sometimes it pushed itself forward and demanded to be heard, but he thrust it back and strove to think of other things。

  it struck him as curious that he could run at all on feet so frozen that he could not feel them when they struck the earth and took the weigh。 of his body。 he seemed to himself to skim along above the surface, and to have no connection with the earth。 somewhere he had once seen a winged mercury, and he wondered if mercury felt as he felt when skimming over the earth。

  his theory of running until he reached camp and the boys had one flaw in it: he lacked the endurance。 several times he stumbled, and finally he tottered, crumpled up, and fell。 when he tried to rise, he failed。 he must sit and rest, he decided, and net time he would merely walk and keep on going。 as he sat and regained his breath, he noted that he was feeling quite warm and comfortable he was not shivering, and it even seemed that a warm glow had come to his chest and trunk。 and yet, when he touched his nose or cheeks, there was no sensation。 running would not thaw them out。 nor would it thaw out his hands and feet。 then the thought came to him that the frozen portions of his body must be etending。 he tried to keep this thought down, to forget it, to think of something else; he was aware of the panicky feeling that it caused, and he was afraid of the panic。 but the thought asserted itself, and persisted, until it produced a vision of his body totally frozen。 this was too much, and he made another wild run along the trail。 once he slowed down to a walk, but the thought of the freezing etending itself made him run again。

  and all the time the dog ran with him, at his heels。 when he fell down a second time, it curled its tad! over its forefeet and sat in front of him, facing him, curiously eager and intent the warmth and security of the animal angered him, and he cursed it till it flattened down its ears appealingly。 this time the shivering came more quickly upon the man。 he was losing in his battle with the frost。 it was creeping into his body from all sides。 the thought of it drove him on, but he ran no more than a hundred feet, when he staggered and pitched headlong。 it was his last panic。 when he had recovered his breath and control, he sat up and entertained in his mind the conception of meeting death with dignity。 however, the conception did not come to him in such terms。 his idea of it was that he had been making a fool of himself, running around like a chicken with its head cut off--such was the simile that occurred to him。 well, he was bound to freeze anyway, and he might as well take it decently。 with this new-found peace of mind came the first glimmerings of drowsiness。 a good idea, he thought, to sleep off to death。 it was like salting an anaesthetic。 freezing was not so bad as people thought。 there were lots worse ways to die。

  he pictured the boys finding his body net day。 suddenly he found himself with them, coming along the trail and looking for himself。 and, still with them, he came around a turn in the trail and found himself lying in the snow。 he did not belong with himself any more, for even then he was out of himself, standing with the boys and looking at himself in the snow。 it certainly was cold, was his thought。 when he got back to the states he could tell the folks what real cold was he drifted on from this to a vision of the old-timer on sulphur creek he could see him quite clearly, warm and comfortable, and smoking a pipe。

  you were right, old hoss; you were right, the man mumbled to the old-timer of sulphur creek。

  then the man drowsed off into what seemed to him the most comfortable and satisfying sleep he had ever known。 the dog sat facing him and waiting。 the brief day drew to a close in a long, slow twilight。 there were no signs of a fire to be made, and, besides, never in the dogs eperience had it known a man to sit like that in the snow and make no fire。 as the twilight drew on, its eager yearning for the fire mastered it, and with a great lifting and shifting of forefeet, it whined softly, then flattened its ears down in anticipation of being chidden by the man。 but the man remained silent。 later, the dog whined loudly。 and still later it crept close to the man and caught the scent of death。 this made the animal bristle and back away。 a little longer it delayed, howling under the stars that leaped and danced and shone brightly in the cold sky。 then it turned and trotted up the trail in the direction of the camp it knew, where were the other food-providers and fire-providers。

大学英语作文 篇2

  n allegiant follower of women' s rights?

  since the time god created adam and eve, women and men,with different body structure and distinct characteristics, are regarded as two totally different groups in the world.from that time, our ancestors have never felt suspicious of this established fact. modern women, however, with highly developed intellect,tend to distrust the truth held for thousands of years. believe it or not, a friend of mine is such a girl who always pretends to be an allegiant follower of women's rights.

  such things happen that she always goes into raptures at the mere mention of women's rights. she has a big heap of theories of her own to teach those naive girls in the dorm. though she often etols the virtue of being independent, having no marriage,having no children, or even never trusting men's words, she has never put it into practice up to now.what's more ridiculous,she was propagating her forever-correct ideas last minute, while she is meeting her beloved boyfriend this minute and never tired of meeting those new handsome guys. when we laughed at her for her unworkable theories, she always laughed like a drain, "i love guys, but i don't trust them.what i am doing is to earn the same opportunity of having fun of love as men always do,"she added every time, "eperience is the best way to protect yourself from those bad guys!" this doesn't surprise me any more for the real equality with men is not like this.

  in my opinion, real advocators of women rights never deliberately set out to draw attention to themselves.they disregard those old social rules of women and men without being aware that they've really done something to bridge the inequality with men. compared with those women like who has been mentioned above, they have a strong inner desire to pursue the same opportunity as men have. unlike girls who lay great emphasis on taking advantage of cosmetics and fashionable dressing, they spent much more time in learning, reading and perfecting themselves.they've been conscious that without a perfect performance capability and advanced skills in the field of what they are working,the equal opportunities won't fall down from the heaven. besides this, they also involve themselves in such activities as discussions, seminars, forums and mass media to make the society and men know them well. this, with no doubt, is an effective way to better women's social status and narrow the gap between men and women.

  nowadays, "women's rights" becomes a fashionable term for women. while all women are talking about their ideas loudly hoping to stand themselves out from others, only a few of them have really donesomethingtopavetheway tothe"equal world". in my opinion, they are actually the pioneers of our world and are worth being respected.

大学英语作文 篇3

  with the development of economy and the improvement of living standards, more and more nutritious foods containing high levels of protein, fat and calories have been introduced to people's diet. many people are now enjoying a much better life, which is regarded as luury by their grandparents. children are always pestering their parents to take them to the fast food restaurants such as mcdonlds and kfc. adults, on the other hand, like to have lots of meat and seafood. as a result, fat people can be seen everywhere.

  some people think that being fat means good health. but this is not really the case according to research and eperiments done in this field. in fact being too fat may cause such fat related diseases as heart attack, hypertension, etc. seeing that they are getting too fat, some people go on a diet that's too stringent or too lean in order to lose weight. consequently, they suffer from other diseases such as anemia and malnutrition.

  obviously, the foods we eat have profound effects on our health. having too much rich food all the time is no good, nor is it much good to have too simple adiet. we shouldn't go to either etremes. if we want to keep fit, we should have a balanced diet. remember a well balanced diet plus proper eercises can keep us healthy and energized all the time.

大学英语作文 篇4

  Update Required To play the media you will need to either your browser to a recent version or your .

  Topic 28 Social Practice for College Students

  Nowadays, college students are required to take part in some social practice, such as being an assistant in companies, or doing surveys, especially during the holidays. Social practice is gradually becoming more essential for China s higher education.

  However, social practice has both advantages and disadvantages for college students. On the one hand, it provides students more opportunities to contact with the real world off-campus. Besides, it helps students to grasp some practical skills, especially communication skills, which is an essential supplement to on-campus study. Moreover, social practice can widen students vision. On the other hand, the negative effects cannot be neglected: students major task is learning knowledge, while curiosity about off-campus world may distract them; sometimes social practice is even treated usuriously and becomes a waste of time. Furthermore, the students may be faced with dangers unexpectedly.

  Despite the potential negative effects of social practice, I strongly support social practice for college students, since as a whole; the benefits overwhelm the likely harm. Two heads are better than one, if students, schools, and the society join hands together, social practice can be carried out more effectively and better armed students for the society can be expected.

大学英语作文 篇5

  When students go to college, of course they feel honored and excited to be part of the wisdom. They expect the wonderful life in college because they have been implanted the idea that campus life is free. But the fact turns out that study occupies the important role. Besides, learning to deal with all kinds of relationships is the necessary course.


  As a student, study comes before everything. Many students turn lazy and do not put much attention on study, because they need amusement and their goal is to pass the exam. They set the low standard and don’t have much passion on their majors. It is a pity for them to waste time on playing and miss the chance to arm themselves with advanced knowledge at the best age.


  Besides study, the ability to deal with relationships is the key to be successful. Campus is a small society, which sets the stage for students to get accustomed to future life. If they learn to get along with roommates and classmates, there is no doubt that they are equipped with high EQ.


  So during the campus life, we should make use of all kinds of resources and make us stronger.


大学英语作文 篇6

  The tape recorder is one of the most welcome and popular electronic devices ever invented.Nowadays,almost every family has a tape recorder. because it can record and replay people's voice or popular songs that people would like to listen to more than once,it has been warmly welcome since the day it was invented.

  This device is useful in many ways. for eample,if a journalist has a recorder, he may record what the spokesman says, saving a lot of his energy.If a student has a recorder,he can use it to improve his listening comprehension.Moreover,he can also record his own voice to practice his spoken language.Above all,the tape recorder can be used widely in our work,study and everyday life.

  However,it can also become a nuisance.If it is played in too loud a voice,a recorder will not only cause damage to the listeners hearing but also disturb the work and study of others.Surely, everything has its advantages and disadvantages.Only when used properly,will it make our life happier and more meaningful.

大学英语作文 篇7

  From 20xx to 20xx, I spent my college life in Hunan First Normal College. Reminding my college life, I think it was of great significance.

  When I was in college, I studied very hard. As a major of English, I often practiced my oral English. Every time, I could think in English. After thinking and expressed my thoughts to others in English. Although sometimes I couldn't speak English so freely, other people still appreciated me, because of my confidence.

  In English class, I was always the first one to open my mouth, so my teachers always praised me for my good pronunciation, and my classmates also admired me for my courage. It seemed as if I were on top of the world.

  However, I have few chances to speak English now, because my job has nothing to do with English. What a great pity! How I wish to work with foreigners, so that I can use my great English.

大学英语作文 篇8

  "Little master, 7, get up soon!" - Oh, who's calling me? It doesn't seem to be a mother's voice. I got out of bed and sat up, rubbing his eyes, oh, the original is on the desk in the computer to remind me. I got dressed quickly and a fish jumped out of bed. At that time, the computer said, "are you hungry?" Please enter the breakfast you want to eat. And then wait a minute. " I entered "1 bread, 1 cups of milk, 1 eggs" and then pressed the "confirm" key. The computer sent the instructions to the microwave oven and the oven. In a few moments, the steaming breakfast appeared in front of me.

  After breakfast, the computer has sent the signal to an unmanned electric student feeder nearest to my home through the Internet. So, I picked up the computer and ran to the shuttle bus that had been waiting at the door, and went to the school.

  It's Tuesday, the first section of math class. The bell rang in the class. Why didn't teacher come? Oh, what about teacher fan in the computer on the desk! In the computer video, Miss Fan stood on the podium and began to talk about "real scores and fake scores", and we also sent a virtual man who was exactly the same as himself, sitting at the podium. At this point, teacher fan put forward a question: "what are the two types of false fractions?" Huang Baer sent instructions to her fictitious person, so the virtual man raised his hand like Abel and shouted "I, I". Mr. Fan asked her to answer, and he said, "false marks can be divided into integers and scores." Everybody commanded their own fictitious people to applaud to him...

  Soon, the new and interesting day passed. Back home, I received the homework from the teacher on the computer. After the completion of the work, I sent the homework to the teacher.

  Nine, the computer gave a warm hint: the little master, it's time to sleep! Then the computer began to play the soothing hypnotic. In a few moments, I went into a sweet dream...

  "Get up!" My mother woke me up: "all seven, are you still dreaming?" Oh, it turned out, it was a dream I did, a wonderful dream!

  Will my dreams come true? It's sure! In the era of the omnipotent Internet, our future will be better!






On Sleep大学英语作文06-19




