

时间:2021-09-06 18:33:33 大学英语 我要投稿


Unit 4

 1. He is a(n) ____ and well-behaved child, but his parents worry about him for he talks too little.

   [A] obedient      [B] transient

   [C] conscious     [D] passionate

 2. He becomes more and more arrogant and his imperative accent ____ me completely.

   [A] confuses      [B] dispels

   [C] compels      [D] repels

 3. These days I was always dreaming a(n) ____ dream in which I was chased by a horrible demon.

   [A] enthusiastic    [B] fancy

   [C] optimistic     [D] fantastic

 4. The villagers all signed a ____ asking for a hospital to be built.

   [A] bill        [B] vote

   [C] petition      [D] treaty

 5. Many traditional Chinese believe that high forehead is ____ of great mental power.

   [A] objective     [B] indicative

   [C] directive     [D] decisive

 6. For years Blair family ____ the hope of a trip abroad, and it was not realized until recently when they came to China.

   [A] nourished     [B] nurtured

   [C] prospered     [D] maintained

 7. Their marriage came to an end because they were simply not ____ with each other.

   [A] comparable     [B] identical

   [C] compatible     [D] conspicuous

 8. There are many outstanding musicians at that time, but he is no doubt the ____ one of his day.

   [A] notorious     [B] former

   [C] fundamental    [D] foremost

 9. Large price increases could ____ demands for even larger wage increases.

   [A] triple       [B] trigger

   [C] attribute to    [D] inject

 10. Though you are not well-paid now, it is a job and will bring you great profit in the long run.

   [A] promising     [B] predictable

   [C] encouraging    [D] inspiring

 11. In this factory the machines are not regulated ____ but are jointly controlled by a central computer system.

   [A] independently   [B] individually

   [C] irrespectively   [D] irregularly

 12. Every chemical change either results from energy being used to produce the change, or causes energy to be ____ in some form.

   [A] given off     [B] put out

   [C] set off      [D] used up

 13. If businessmen are taxed too much, they will no longer be motivated to work hard, with the result that incomes from taxation might actually ____.

   [A] shrink       [B] delay

   [C] disperse      [D] sink

 14. American companies are evolving from mass-production manufacturing to ____ enterprises.

   [A] moveable      [B] changing

   [C] flexible      [D] varying

 15. If you know what the trouble is, why don't you help them to ____ the situation?

   [A] simplify      [B] modify

   [C] verify       [D] rectify

 16. I cannot believe she is leaving the company--I thought she was a permanent ____.

   [A] fitting      [B] fixt