

时间:2021-09-07 09:18:04 大学英语 我要投稿



Every week hundreds of CVs(简历) land on our desks.

We’ve seen it all: CVs printed on pink paper, CVs that are 10

pages long and CVs with silly mistakes in first paragraph. A S1 _____________

good CV is your passport to an interview and ,ultimate , to S2______________

the job you want

Initial impressions are vital, and a badly presented CV

could mean acceptance, regardless of what’s in it. S3______________

Here are a few ways to avoid end up on the reject pile. S4______________

Print your CV on good-quality white paper.

CVs with flowery backgrounds or pink paper will

stand out upon all the wrong reasons S5_______________

Get someone to check for spelling and grammatical

errors, because a spell-checker will pick up every S6_______________

mistake. CVs with errors will be rejected-it shows

that you don’t pay attention to detail.

Restrict your self to one or two pages, and

listing any publications or referees on a separate sheet. S7__________

If you are sending your CV electronically, check the

formatting by sending it to yourself first. keep up S8____________

the format simple.

Do not send a photo unless specifically requested. If

you have to send on ,make sure it is one taking in a S9___________