
时间:2021-10-26 12:33:55 中小学英语 我要投稿



  Who is it up _____ decide whether to go or not?

  A. to to B. for for

  C. to for D. for to

  许多同学一看选项排除了A和B,因为像两个介词连在一起用一般是不可能的。至于C和D,该选哪个呢?有的同学是这样分析的:decide 是动词,所以它前面应是不定式符号to,而不能是介词 for,所以此题应选D。此分析尽管有些道理,但所选答案还是错了,正确的选项应是A。同学们应该熟悉 up to 的用法,它的意思很多,其中一个用法是表示“该由……负责”、“在于……”、“取决于……”。如:

  “Shall we go out?” “It’s up to you.” “我们出去吗?”“这由你决定。”

  When we start is up to you. 我们什么时候出发由你来定。

  It’s up to you to decide whether to go or not. 去还是不去由你来决定。

  若对上面最后一句中的you 提问便可得到下面一句:

  Who is it up to to decide whether to go or not?


  1. I asked him what he hoped _____ his birthday.

  A. on on B. at at

  C. to to D. for for

  【解析】答案选D。比较:He hoped for a bike for his birthday. 若对其中的 a bike 提问即得到:What did he hope for for his birthday?

  2. Would you tell me what subject you were good _____ school?

  A. at at B. in in

  C. for for D. with with

  【解析】答案选A。be good at 意为“擅长于”,at school 意为“在校,在学校读书”。

  3. The books we _____ nothing to do with this subject.

  A. have have B. do do

  C. read read D. need need

  【解析】答案选A。we have 是修饰 the books 的定语从句,have nothing to do with 是短语,意为“与……无关”。

  4. Whoever has a strong _____ not leave his work half way done.

  A. shall shall B. will will

  C. can can D. may may

  【解析】答案选B。第一个will 是名词,意为“意志”,have a strong will 意为“有坚强的意志”;第二个 will 是助动词,意为“将”。

  5. His lecture was difficult and I didn’t know _____ he said meant in his lecture.

  A. which which B. how how

  C. that that D. what what

  【解析】答案选D。第一个what 用作动词 meant 的.宾语,第二个what 用作动词 said 的宾语,即在 I didn’t know what what he said meant in his lecture 中,I didn’t know 为主句,what what he said meant in his lecture 为宾语从句,而在此宾语从句中又包括有 what he said 这样一个主语从句。

  6. He was honest and told us ______ he knew.

  A. that that B. what what

  C. all all D. which which

  【解析】答案选C。第一个 all 用作 us 的同位语,意为“我们大家”或“我们所有的人”;第二个all 实为 all that 之省略,其中的 all 为动词 told 的直接宾语,被省略的关系代词 that 为定语从句中谓语动词 knew 的宾语。当然此句也可说成 He was honest and told us all what he knew. 全句意为“他很诚实,告诉了我们大家他所知道的所有情况”。

  7. Never ______ till trouble troubles you.

  A. trouble trouble B. troubles troubles

  C. trouble troubles D. troubles trouble

  【解析】答案选A。这是一句谚语,其意为“不要无事惹事”。现对句中的四个trouble 分析如下:第一个 trouble 为动词(意为“烦扰”),第二个trouble 为名词(意为“麻烦”),第三个trouble 为名词(意为“麻烦”),第四个trouble为动词(意为“烦扰”),本句的字面意思是“麻烦不来找你,你就别去自找麻烦”。









