
时间:2023-05-04 22:01:28 英语方法 我要投稿
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一 听力理解

1 试题介绍

听力理解是高等学校英语应用能力考试测试的第一部分,其目的是测试考生获取口头信息的能力。共15题,考试时间15分钟。这一部分包括三节:A节(Section A)是Dialogue(对话)部分,有5题,每题含一组对话,共两句,对话后有一个问句。B节(section B)为两个Conversations(会话),每个部分均含一组会话,会话后有2至3个问句,共5题。C节(Section C) 有5题,其题型是一篇约200词的短文,随后附有5个问句,要求考生在所给的5个未完整的答题里填入单词或词语,一般朗读两遍。

2 解题技巧指导?



1) 对谈话内容、情节、情感、观点等问题,常用what 提问:

What does the man (woman) mean?

What do we learn from this conversation?

What will the man do?

2) 对事情发生的地点提问,常用 where:

Where does this conversation most probably take place?

3) 对时间提问,常有 when、 what 、time 、how long等:

What time is it now?

When did the man (do) …?

How long does the man have to (do) …?

4) 对数量,价格提问,常用 how much, how many:

How much does the man have to pay?

How many people took part in the competition?

5) 对篇章内容提问,也常用这类疑问词:

What is the main idea (topic) of the passage?

Which of the following is (not) true?

What do you learn from this passage?

According to the speaker, what is the …?

What does the speaker think of …?





W:How is your stomach?

M:It’s gone,thanks.I’v just been to the doctor and he took care of it.

Q:How is the man now?


A) He has a stomachache.

B) A doctor is treating his illness.

C) He needs to see a doctor.

D) He is all right. (湖北三级样题)

观察试题,考生会意识到本题是与身体状况有关的对话。在听的过程中,我们若只听到stomach...,gone...,thanks...,the doctor...and he took care of it 猜起来就不太准确。只有大致听清楚这些谈话之间的关系,抓住了“It’s gone .”,摆脱题目设计者的“障眼法”,to the doctor...took care of it才可以得出正确的答案D)。


M:I’m James Jackson. I called you yesterday to reserve a room for two days.

W:Yes, Mr.Jackson. Here is your key to Room 202.

Q:What is the relationship between these two speakers?


A) Husband and wife.

B) Guest and receptionist.

C) Teacher and student.

D) Doctor and patient. (湖北三级样题)

观察试题,考生就会意识到本题可能是有关谈话双方的职业或关系。有了这个底,在听的过程中,我们可捕捉到这样的信息:reserve a room for two days,Here is your key to Room 202.我们可猜想这可能是在某旅馆服务台前进行的对话,对话者之间的关系应是Guest and receptionist.

2. 数据计算题



M:It’s a already 8:45,but our train hasn’t arrived yet.

W:Don’t worry,it’ll come in twenty minutes.

Q:When will the train arrive?


A) 8:15. B) 8:45. C) 8:20. D) 9:05.(上海交大三级样题)

从观察试题,考生就会意识到本题是关于时间的,在听的过程中,对有关时间的信息分外注意,会从对话中捕捉这样的信息:It’s already 8:45.The train will come in twenty minutes.那么经过简单的计算后,就会发现D) 是正确答案。


W: Bob, are you going straight home after school today?

M: No, I have a class until one o’clock, and after that I’m going to spend a couple of hours at the library before going home.

Q: When is Bob going home this afternoon? (CET4-90.1.6.)

A) Around 5:00 B) Around 3:00C) At 2:00 D) At 1:00




常用形式:What does the word (phrase) mean (imply, indicate) …?

What do you understand from …?


W: How often did you write home?

M: I used to write home once a week.

Q: What do you understand from the man’s answer? (CET4-90.12.)

A) He enjoys writing home every week.

B) He never fails to write a weekly letter home.

C) He doesn’t write home once a week now.

D) He has been asked to write home every week.

答案: C。

注: 本题重点测试短语 used to write的含义。

M: Nancy, why were you late today?

W: I overslept and missed the bus.

Q: Why was Nancy late? (CET—4 90.10.)

A) She got up later than usual.B) The bus was late.

C) She forgot she had classes.D) Her clock was slow.

答案: A。

注:本题重点测试动词 overslept 的含义。

W: John, do you want to go swimming with me today?

M: Sure. But I can’t leave now. I have an appointment with my professor at three o’clock.

Q: Why can’t John go swimming now? (CET4-95.6.4)

A) He must meet his teacher.

B) He must attend a class.

C) He must go out with his girlfriend.

D) He must stay at school to finish his homework.


注:本题重点测试短语 have an appointment with 的含义。




W: If the traffic wasn’t so bad I would have been home by 6 o’clock.

M: What a pity! John was here to see you.

Q: What happened to the man? (CET4-90.1.7)

A) He had to work overtime.B) He was held up in traffic.

C) His car ran out of gas.D) He had a traffic accident.

答案: B。





W:We’re going to have a party tomorrow.Would you like to come?

M:Thanks for your inviting me, but I’m afraid not.I have an appointment with my teacher.

Q:What does the man mean?


A) He has to see his teacher. B) He has some teaching to do.

C) He doesn’t want to go to the party. D) He is afraid of being invited.(湖北三级样题)

观察题目,我们可以得到的信息不多,猜想是要弄清楚“he”要干什么或有什么感受。若我们大致弄清楚那妇女是向男士发出邀请,那么男士是怎样回答这邀请呢。“but”后面的内容就很重要。只有听清楚了but。后面的内容,才能作出正确的选择A) 。在我们听力考试中,对话中若出现but...这样的句式,一定要努力听清楚。其往往是该题的信息要点。


W:I need a car this weekend,but mine has broken down.

M:I’m sorry to hear it,but you can always rent one if you have a license.

Q:What does the man mean?


A) She can use his car. B) She can borrow someone else’s car.

C) She must get her car fixed. D) She can’t borrow his car.

观察题目,我们可以知道是有关车方面的事,可能是女的用男的车,女的借别人的车,自己把车修好或不能借男的车,那么通过听对话,我们知道女士需要用车,但她自己的车又坏了。而男士回答说“听到这很抱歉,但只要你有执照,随时都可以租一辆”。通过这样的对话,女士想向男士借车的试探及男士不能或不愿借车的言外之意,考生可借助语调、语速、语句推断D) 为正确答案。



M: Please buy two packs of cigarettes for me while you are at the store.

W: I am not going to any store. I’m going to see Aunt Mary, but I will get them for you at the gas station.

Q: Where will the woman stop on her way? (CET4-93.6.8)

A) At a cigarette store.B) At a bus station.

C) At a gas station.D) At Aunt Mary’s.


[解析]由于考生不知道国外的gas station不仅出售汽油,也出售香烟等日用品这一民情,故把C项正确答案错为A项。











大学英语六级考试有听力吗 如何提高听力成绩11-09



