
时间:2021-02-27 15:01:48 大学英语 我要投稿




大学英语作文 篇1

  The bright and dark sides of my university life

  Every coin has two sides. On the one hand, I am quite satisfied with my university life. On the other hand, life in my university is not as satisfactory as what we had expected.

  Here is the bright side of my university life: Firstly, Equipment of my university is advanced and teacher team is powerful. There is an advanced library that owns all kinds of books. So we can acquire a lot of knowledge from my university. Secondly, all sorts of lectures are given on campus. We can learn much knowledge that is interesting. Thirdly, my

  campus activities are rich and colorful. Such as sports meets, speech contests, different social gatherings and dancing parties provide opportunities to make friends. What’s more, my dormitory life is very harmonious. Dormitory life is an important part of my university life. On the one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. On the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together.

  This is the dark side of my university life: Firstly, there is only one dining room in my university. So we often need to wait in a long line, which waste much time. Everyday is always fixed cuisine types, which make our appetites depressed. Secondly, self-study room is not enough. Now we will soon take final exam. So it is difficult to find a self-study room. What’s more, network of my university is very unstable. It is difficult to search

  literature in my dormitory, which waste too much time.In short, I am quite satisfied with my university life, but there is still some room for improvement. I am convinced that my university life will become better and better.




  In my understanding, if we refer to an ideal college life as a formal western dinner, then a high GPA, that is, Grade Point Average, should be the main course, while an active part in

  activities, together with associations, means the appetizer. Some romances, of course, play the role as desserts. They are the 3 key elements for an ideal college life.

  Those, however, are not what college life is all about. As we all know, college is wildly different from middle school. It connects not only adolescence to adulthood, but also the ivory tower to the real society. Therefore, the ideal college life is that I become matured both physically and mentally, and that I obtain qualified academic knowledge and get well prepared for society at the same time.

  Under this circumstance, I never expect my college life to be too ideal, or you can call it too perfect. It is not realistic to make all things on my own way, with everyone liking me, winning the first prize all the time, and so on. Of course, I’d like to lead a carefree life. However, this does little good to my future. What really helps is hardships like failure, betrayal, and unjust treatment. Only after experiencing those can I know what society is like, and what life is like.

  To conclude my speech, I wanna say, some positive experiences are surely part of the ideal college life. But, I should not forget about the negative sides. They are not less necessary.



  在这种情况下,我从不期望我的大学生活过于理想,或者你也可以称之为完美。这是不现实的,使所有的事情我自己的方式,大家喜欢我,赢得首奖的时间,等。当然,我希望过无忧无虑的生活。然而,这并没有好到我的未来。什么是真正帮助困难想失败,背叛,和不公正的待遇。只有经历这些我可以知道什么是社会,和生活是什么样子。 在结束我的讲话,我想说,一些积极的经验是肯定的一部分,理想的大学生活。但是,我不应该忘记的消极面。他们是不必要的。

  My college life of college life may use pain and happiness apperance. It is painful, I often read some books besides special field, treat professional book interest is not large, so when having caused examination, it is very vexed. Happiness is because being the college student of new times I am than the happiness of person of the same age, I have the opportunity , university reading is to come from family , society is with teacher classmates support and help. I love college life , love library and the building of school , love my teachers to treat the spirit of knowledge. Treat a scientific attitude before going to have no. Here though, I feel that study is very hard matter, but at the same time I have also studied a lot of behave , work , do research beautiful quality. My special thanks life has given me beautiful university time, this will is my life the most important most beautiful stage. After

  decade, it is that I will tell my my child university time so beautiful.My my college life of college life may use pain and happiness apperance. It is painful, I often read some books besides special field, treat professional book interest is not large, so when having caused examination, it is very vexed. Happiness is because being the college student of new times I am than the happiness of person of the same age, I have the opportunity , university reading is to come from family , society is with teacher classmates support and help. I love college life , love library and the building of school , love my teachers to treat the spirit of knowledge. Treat a scientific attitude before going to have no. Here though, I feel that study is very hard matter, but at the same time I have also studied a lot of behave , work , do research beautiful quality. My special thanks life has given me beautiful university time, this will is my life the most important most beautiful stage.

大学英语作文 篇2

  Someone once said that morality is not really the doctrine of how to make ourselves happy but of how we are to be worthy of happiness.Morality is a discussion point in society,and there are some examples about morality.

  Respecting the old and caring for the young is a general knowledge.But,we often hear the news about many young people don't respect the old,some parents abuse their children,some businessman indeed chase for the possible profit at the cost of being lack of ethics and so on.Why there are so many examples about morality?Is the tempt of interest or lowest permissible level of virtue?

  To my way of thinking,in order to make a country strong, moral education is be of prime importance.We should be aware of the importance of moral building.

大学英语作文 篇3

  When we read the amusement news, we may be shocked by the exposing income of the pop singers, the highest incomes of a pop singer in a year could be more than 1 billion dollar, and even the average income could be more than a normal person’s lifetime fortune. Some people think the pop singers should not deserve so much incomes, my view is on the opposite.


  One reason of the pop singers deserve high incomes is that their music brings people great joy and happiness. We couldn’t live without music. When we go to the street, we can find that music is everywhere, the shop; the market and the restaurant are playing music. Music can relieve people’s mood, when they go out of the office, they need to relax themselves, and music is the helpful medicine. As music is so important to our life, the one who creates them deserves owning a lot of money.


  Another reason of the pop singers deserve high income is that they make a contribution to the social economy. It is said that Britney Spears promotes American economy, because she is so popular around the world. What the pop singers gets is less than they do to the society, so they worth owning the high pay.


  The pop singers are getting high incomes, but we have to see the cruel fact that only small part of them can do this, the leftover are struggling for survive. So the successful part deserves high incomes.


大学英语作文 篇4

  The Young Want to Be Leaders

  An online survey conducted by the China Youth Daily shows that most young people (66.6%) want to be a leader, whether they serve in private companies or public sections* Only 4.8% say they are not interested in being a leader. This is especially comnionplace among people bom ia the 70s and 80s.

  Some people say it is a good phenomenon that the young want to be leaders. After all, it shows that the young have great ambitions which will inspire them to work hard. Others, however, think otherwise. They argue that it only reveals so many young people are chasing fame 如d fortune, a sign that is bad for the healthy development of the young and the whole society.

  Peisonallyj I believe the saying ICHe who doesn’t want to be a general isn’t a good soldier' And, it’s encouraging that we still have many young people who seek power from a mere view of the good of the people. So, I dcm^t think it anything wrong for the young desiring to have a position in the lead as long as they don’t eye it as a shortcut to fame and fortune.

大学英语作文 篇5

  4月15日, 晴


大学英语作文 篇6

  Cars and Air Pollution

  Too many cars have created a lot of serious problems in our world. Besides congestion, accidents and fast consumption, cars are responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities. All the time, they are pumping huge amounts of waste gases into the atmosphere. These gases are very harmful, causing disease and even death.

  One possible solution is to design and develop clean cars and clean fuels. In Shanghai, some of the public buses begin to run on petrol. But it may take decades for the new models of clean cars to completely replace the traditional ones.

  Another solution is to develop modern public transportation systems and restrict the use of private cars. If the price of petrol rises constantly and the public vehicles are efficient and convenient enough, most people will not buy private cars. And the total number of cars in big cities will reduce greatly.

  On the whole, the elimination of air pollution needs the collective efforts from the government, the public and the environmentalists.

大学英语作文 篇7

  n my understanding, if we refer to an ideal college life as a formal western dinner, then a high GPA, that is, Grade Point Average, should be the main course, while an active part in activities, together with associations, means the appetizer. Some romances, of course, play the role as desserts. They are the 3 key elements for an ideal college life.

  Those, however, are not what college life is all about. As we all know, college is wildly different from middle school. It connects not only adolescence to adulthood, but also the ivory tower to the real society. Therefore, the ideal college life is that I become matured both physically and mentally, and that I obtain qualified academic knowledge and get well prepared for society at the same time.

  Under this circumstance, I never expect my college life to be too ideal, or you can call it too perfect. It is not realistic to make all things on my own way, with everyone liking me, winning the first prize all the time, and so on. Of course, I’d like to lead a carefree life. However, this does little good to my future. What really helps is hardships like failure, betrayal, and unjust treatment. Only after experiencing those can I know what society is like, and what life is like.

  To conclude my speech, I wanna say, some positive experiences are surely part of the ideal college life. But, I should not forget about the negative sides. They are not less necessary.

大学英语作文 篇8

  They are having a rich life and indulging their last few years in school. They can be easily spotted as they are hurrying on their way to library with books in their arms, organizing an arts festival with other Students’ Union members, or even goggling in their dormitories. As they will be bread-winners in a few years, what do they think of their career?

  With no doubt,, they have made some preparations for their career. Concerning about future career plan, they can be divided into 2 groups. The first group decides to work immediately after graduation. In this case, they do not expect high payment at first, 20xx to 3000 is appropriate. They tend to accumulate as much experience as they can, while the other group prefers to go on further education. They believe “Knowledge is power” and further education is a good way to enrich their knowledge. Certainly they expect higher salary than the former group, maybe around 4000 at first. But there is uncertainty that there maybe fiercer competition as they hunt for jobs later.

  There shows combined opinions on the importance of quality and experience. Some think experience can only be amounted on the basis of quality, but rich experiences can never parallel with strong ability. However, the opposition against this says rich experiences can give one a hand in quickly adapting to new environment. Meanwhile, experiences can also enhance one’s ability. Still another side considers both of equal importance.

  Despite the differences, they still have a lot in common. Both groups realize the extreme imbalance between job supply and demand. With many people fighting tooth and nail to get just a few posts, the job market is already tough. The situation becomes worse with more and more college graduates nowadays. One must has certain advantage over others to win the competition. They have more or less the same ideas when choosing a job as well. Most say they will jump at the chance of working in a post with great prospects, with interest and salary rank second and third. But even if they are recruited, they know there are various difficulties ahead. Economically speaking, at the beginning the work is not stable and receive low payment. Psychologically, it takes some time to adjust to a new environment, especially if the jobs are irrelevant to their majors. Moreover, it will be a great challenge for them to handle complicated interpersonal relationships properly. Conflicts of different values between colleagues, the right attitude towards future bosses are the most concerned hurdles. Personal problems also come into play. Lack of experience and creativity are considered huge shortcomings. Meanwhile, they are also worried their abilities can’t meet their high expectations.

  Although job-hunting will be a harsh lesson for the college students to learn, they still keep a positive attitude: work hard, play hard and study hard. The harsh reality is in some way a blessing in disguise. It gives these young people motivation to learn as much as they can, for eventually the best of best will win a bright future.

大学英语作文 篇9

  With the quick development of technology, people are surrounded by all kinds of electronic devices. And more people aretending to read books by computers or phones rather than go to library to read books. Hence, there is a hot debate on whether e-books will replace paper-books. Some people think that e-books will prevail since e-book is so convenient that we can take it to anywhere to read. Some argue that paper-book would notbe replaced for paper-book takes the responsibility to pass down knowledge. Formy perspective, I think e-book will replace paper-book eventually. Reasons arelisted below.

  Firstly, e-book is more convenient than paper-book. Nowadays, almost all people have cell-phones or computers, so they can just download e-books immediately. Wherever they go, they don’t have to take a heavy paper-book but just take their device out and enjoy the fun of reading.

  Secondly, e-book is much cheaper than paper-book. If we need to buy paper- books, then we have to pay a lot of money on them. However on the contrary, we can search e-books on the Internet and just need to pay little or even get e-books we want for free.

  All in all, e-book will replace paper-book in the near future because it is more convenience and much cheaper than the paper-book.





大学英语作文 篇10

  Currently, we could hardly live a single day without seeing a celebrity spokesperson promoting a product or a social campaign on TV, net or other media. This is an intensely popular trend that we cannot fail to notice.


  There is no doubt that the celebrity spokespeople could boost the sale of a prduct. A host of celebrity spokespersons, however, have emerged as the marketing tool of some companies, even companies producing and selling fake and inferior items. This kind of behavior has produced negative impacts on consumers and whole society, which should be severely criticized and penalized. Of course, as is known to all, everything has both bright and dark sides. Some stars's endorsement of social activities and public campaigns raises public awareness, giving rise to changes in public behavior. In this case, they serve as positive role models of the general public. To name only one case: Pu CX, a household figure, acting as the celebrity spokesman of the China AIDS Foundation, contributes greatly to the cause of AIDS prevention and cure in China.






On Sleep大学英语作文06-19





