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套话 empty conventional talk
套换 fraudulently purchase or exchange
逃汇 evade the state control of foreign exchange
套汇 illegally obtain foreign exchange
讨价还价 wheel and deal
套近乎 cotton up to someone; curry favor with someone
套利 arbitrage
逃票 to sneak through without a ticket
逃票者 ticket evader
套期保值 hedge
逃生装置 secape system
套书 serial books
逃税 tax evasion
陶冶情操 cultivate one's taste (temperament)
讨债公司 debt-collection company
逃逸塔 escape tower
特别提款权 special drawing rights (SDR; SDRs); paper gold
特别行政区 special administrative region
特技演员 stunt man; stand-in
特快专递 express mail service
特困 exceptional poverty; special difficulty
特困地区 destitute areas
特困行业和企业 industries and enterprises in dire straits
特洛伊木马 Trojan horse
特聘 specially invite( or engage)
特色电话机 feature phone
特事特办 handle special cases with special methods
特写镜头 close-up(shot)
特型演员 typecast actor
特许税 franchise tax
特制的 purpose-made
特种兵 special forces
特种债券 special bonds
ST股;特别处理股 Special Treatment
PT股;特别转让股 Particular Transfer
替补队员 (in sports ) replacement team members; second-string members; reserves; spare player; potential replacement
提成 deduct
提调 promote or transfer( a cadre)
梯队 echelon
体改委 commission for economic restructuring
提干 promote cadre
提高城乡居民生活水平 upgrade the living standards of both urban and rural residents
提高农产品收购价格 the government's increase in its procurement prices (for farm products)
提高社会参与度 to enhance (encourage) mass participation
提价 price hike
踢皮球 kick the ball
提请 submit something to
替身演员 stunt man/woman; stand-in; double body
题外话 digression; mention in passing
体育彩票 sports
马术:Equestrian 英语词汇07-04