
时间:2023-04-30 04:30:42 中学英语 我要投稿
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The amount of usable water has always been of great interest in the world. __1__ springs and streams sometimes means control, particularly in the __2__ areas like the desert. The control is possible even without possession of large areas of __3__ land. In the early days of the American West, gun fights were not __4__ for the water resources (资源). And laws had to be __5__ to protect the water rights of the __6__ and the use of the water resources accordingly.

   __7__ is known to us all, there is not __8__ water in all places for everyone to use as much as he likes. Deciding on the __9__ of water that will be used in any particular period __10__ careful planning, so that people can manage and use water more __11__. Farmers have to change their use of or demand for water __12__ the water supply forecast (预报).


      The __13__ water supply forecast is based more on the water from the __14__ than from the below. Interest is __15__ in the ways to increase rainfall by man-made methods, and to get water from the winter snow on mountain __16__. With special equipment, some scientists are studying the ways in which the mountain snow can be __17__, and with the help of a repeater station, they send the __18__ data (数据) to the base station. The operator at the base station can get the data at any time by __19__ a button. In the near future, the forecast and use of water __20__ probably depend on the advance knowledge of snow on mountains, not of water underground.

  1.A.Using  B.Holding  C.Owning  D.Finding

  2.A.dry  B.distant  C.deserted  D.wild

  3.A.fine  B.beautiful  C.rich  D.farming

  4.A.unlawful  B.unacceptable  C.unpopular  D.uncommon

  5.A.made  B.designed  C.signed  D.written

  6.A.winners  B.settlers  C.fighters  D.supporters

  7.A.That  B.It  C.What  D.As

  8.A.plentiful  B.enough  C.any  D.much

  9.A.type  B.quality  C.amount  D.level

  10.A.requests  B.requires  C.means  D.suggests

  11.A.effectively  B.easily  C.conveniently  D.actively

  12.A.leading to  B.due to  C.owing to  D.according to

  13.A.correct  B.further  C.average  D.early

  14.A.clouds  B.sky  C.air  D.above

  15.A.raising  B.rising  C.building  D.lasting

  16.A.rocks  B.tips  C.tops  D.trees

  17.A.taken care of  B.made use of  C.piled up  D.saved up

  18.A.picked  B.produced  C.used  D.gathered

  19.A.touching  B.knocking  C.pressing  D.turning

  20.A.might  B.can  C.will  D.should

  1-5CACDA  6-10 BDBCB  11-15ADADB  16-20 CBDCC


  题号 答案 考查内容解题依据 解题分析

  1 C 逻辑推理词义辨析常识运用 世界上可用水的量到底有大,这是人们一直关注的事情。即便是拥有(own)泉水和河流也需要控制使用。use用,利用,动态动词;find找到, 发现,动态动词;hold把握, 支持,表示对某物的占有在手,也许还没有成为自己的;own拥有,持有,指某物已成为自己的,状态动词。

  2 A 常识运用逻辑推理 尤其是在象沙漠一样的干燥的(dry)地区,更要控制而珍惜水,这与沙漠的遥远(distant),荒芜(deserted)和野性(wild)无关。 

  3 D 逻辑推理常识运用 即使在没有大面积的耕(farming)地农田需要灌溉的地方,也需要控制珍惜水。耕地农田需要水,水的需要量与农田的优(fine)劣和美(beautiful)丑,肥沃(rich)与否无关。(注:网上下载此题原答案为C,笔者觉得似有不妥)。

  4 D 词义比较,常识运用 在美国人开发西部的那个时候,为争夺水资源而进行枪战的情况不是很常见的(uncommon)。unlawful非法的, 私生的;unacceptable无法接受的, 不受欢迎的;unpopular不流行的, 不受欢迎的;uncommon不凡的, 罕有的, 难得的。

  5 A 词义比较逻辑推理 因此人们不是撰写(write),设计(uncommon),签署(sign)法律,而是不得不制定(make)法律来保护用水的权力。make指定,制造;design设计,构思;sign签署;write撰写。

  6 B 词义比较常识运用 自然是保护定居者,移民,开拓者(settlers)的权力,而非获胜者(winners),战士(fighters)或支持人(supporters)的权力。

  7 D 句法结构 As is known to us all…就象我们都知道的一样,as引导方式状语从句;如用what则应为What is known to us all is that…,what引导名词性从句;如用that和it,则应为It is known to us all that…,it作形式主语,that引导从句作实际主语。

  8 B 常识运用词义辨析 事实上,在所有的地方,都没有水多到足(enough)以让每个人为所欲为地使用的程度。plentiful和much均可以表示"许多的, 大量的"的意思,但没有限定标准;enough足够的, 充足的, 只够做...的;any不符合常识。

  9 C 前后照应词义比较逻辑推理 人们的每个特定时期都使用一定量(amount)的水。句首的The amount of usable water 有所暗示。type类型,种类;样式;quality质量,品质,性质;amount数额,数量;level水准, 标准。

  10 B 词义比较逻辑推理 要决定某一特定时期水的使用量就需要(require)细致的计划request 请求,邀请;require需要, 要求;means意味着,想要;suggest建议,暗示。

  11 A 逻辑推理词义比较 以便于人们不仅仅可以更加容易地(easily),便利地(conveniently),积极地(actively)使用,而且能够更加有效地(effectively)使用水。

  12 D 词义比较逻辑推理 农民必须根据(according to)水供应预报来改变他们对水的使用方式和对水的需求。leading to通向, 导致;due to由于, 应归于;owing to因为,由于;according to依照,根据。

  13 A 逻辑推理词义比较 水供应预报不应该是早期的(early),一般的(average)的情况,也无所谓更进一步(further),而应该是准确无误的(correct)。

  14 D 常识运用

  逻辑推理 准确的水供应预报的依据不是来自于地下的水的情况,而更多的是来自于由空气(air),云朵(clouds),天空(sky)等造成的地面上(above)的情况。

  15 B 词义辨析逻辑推理 人们对利用人造方法增加降雨的方式的表现出越来越多、日益高涨(rise)的兴趣。raise提高,使上升,及物动词,后需跟宾语;build建筑, 营造(物);last持久, 永久,不及物动词;rise上升, 上涨, 增加,不及物动词。

  16 C 常识运用词义辨析 冬天的积雪应该主要是在山顶(top)上,而不仅仅在岩石(rock),树木(tree)和山尖(tip)上。rock岩石;tree 树木;tip顶, 尖端,末端;top顶部,上部。

  17 B 词义比较逻辑推理 科学家正在研究如何利用(make use of)在山顶上累积(pile up)起来而贮存(save up)在那的积雪的方法。pile up堆积, 积累;save up储蓄, 贮存;make use of使用,利用;take care of照顾与文意不符。

  18 D 词义比较常识运用固定搭配 他们利用转发站,把搜集到的(produced)数据转发到基地本部。数据不应该是生产出来的(produced),精选出来的(picked),用过了的(used)数据便没有了意义。pick精选, 摘下;produce生产,制造;use使用;gather收集,搜集,整理。

  19 C 固定搭配常识运用 本部的工作人员只需按一下按钮就可以得到数据。press a button按按钮,固定词组。其它三词通常不与button连用。

  20 C 词汇用法语法规则 在不远的将来,水供应的预报和水的使用将(will)很可能依赖的是人们对高山积雪的认识,而不是对地下水的了解。in the near future已有所暗示。









2012考研英语 历年真题长难句解析04-28

